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New member - looking for advice on Klonopin taper


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Hi everyone, I'm hoping I can get some advice on how to proceed with a Klonopin taper.  I was prescribed Klonopin 6 weeks ago to help with acute anxiety that started a few months ago.  The anxiety began when I was started to worry about problems with my heart, which I have since been checked out by a cardiologist and told that the problem is not life threatening. I didn't have a history of anxiety prior to this and have never been on anti-anxiety medication before.  The Klonopin has helped with the anxiety, and the insomnia and appetite loss that went along with it.  However, now I'm finding that knowing that Klonopin can be addicting is adding to my anxiety.  I have not been on it for very long and will be talking with my doctor about discontinuing it.  I'm concerned that the original anxiety may come back, but I've been working hard at exercising, eating right, doing breathing exercises, and I will be starting to see a psychologist soon for talk therapy.  I have been taking 1 mg/day for the last six weeks.  My schedule is .25 at 9:30am, .25 at 3:30pm and .5 at bedtime (generally 10 pm).  I was getting very drowsy during the day, so the doctor said to split my daily dose.  My doctor also said that I should be able to do a direct taper from the Klonopin, with a dose reduction of .125 mg every two weeks, and if problems arise, the dose may be tapered every four weeks by .125 mg instead.  Does this sound like a reasonable taper schedule, given the amount of time I've been taking it?  I am also taking Atenolol 50 mg (for blood pressure and heart palpitations), a multivitamin with calcium, and Omega 3 fish oil capsules 1000mg twice a day.  Do you see any complications with taking a beta blocker while discontinuing the Klonopin?  I can't really come off the beta blocker so I'm hoping it won't be a problem.  This is such a great site and I really appreciate any insight or advice you can provide.  Thanks so much!
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Hi Grace,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


I'm not aware of any problems with beta blockers and (tapering) benzos, but you should talk to your doctor about this. Your doctor seems to take a far more responsible attitude to benzo tapering than most of our members experience - 0.125mg cut every two weeks is very likely to manageable, especially as you have not been on Klonopin for very long. In fact, you may find you can go even quicker because of the short-term use.


You are right to be concerned about protracted use of Klonopin. It will not be en effective treatment for insomnia for very long, and becomes ineffective in the treatment of anxiety after some months of use. Research suggests that people are better able, in the long-term, to manage their anxiety without benzos. It is our experience that those who taper off benzos tend to be able to mange their anxiety far better than they did in the past. I think this is probably the result of them overcoming benzo dependence - they are tougher for the experience, if you like. OK, you are getting off before before the benzos turn into a problem, but that can only be a positive.

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Colin, thanks for the quick reply.  The insomnia is one of my main concerns, because the Atenolol also causes insomnia.  I've been told by some that Melatonin is an effective sleep aid.  Do you know of folks that have had success using it while withdrawing from benzos?  Are there any other natural supplements that have been shown to be effective with anxiety?  I've read about passion flower and valerian, and certain amino acids.  I have read the Ashton Manual and I know that they don't advocate using any multivitamins or supplements while withdrawing, and claim that they can actually cause more harm than good.  There's so much information out there, it can get quite confusing!  Thanks for your advice, it's greatly appreciated.
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hi grace - welcome to the forum.


it is best to use sleep aids when you have gone too long w/o sleep - dependency builds quickly with sleep aids.


i tried to avoid them till the end of my taper and for awhile into my taper - but this is what i and many others have found - when used on a regular basis they lose their effectiveness - then if you are in a pickle what are you going to do.


i saw where some med you are taking interferes with sleep?  if so - try to take it early morning or if possible maybe a lower dose - but this should be discussed with your doctor.

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Hi Grace and welcome to BBo.  :)


I think the taper plan you have in mind is very, very reasonable. You really should have no problems, considering the short time you've been on it. If some discomfort does ocur, just keep in mind it is temporary. And if you need to, get on path of dealing with anxiety the "natural" way (i.e. breathe deeply, in and out, etc.).


Insomnia is an issue for lots of us here. As silver said, leave the sleep aids for the worst times, so they don't lose their effectiveness.


Take care Grace.



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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi. I just wanted to add that I read that it's strongly not recommended to add a calcium supplement when trying to withdraw from an anti anxiety medicine. I'm not sure why though all they say is that it is counter-indicated. I got this info from the Point of No Return guide book for people trying to withdraw from anti anxiety and anti depression meds. Has anyone heard of this before?
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