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tight throat and Choking?


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Did anyone experience a tight throat and choking/gagging during WD?  My tight chest has losened up, but it has moved to my throat. 
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yeah I have noticed on my last taper from diazepam going from 3mg to 2.5mg I have had the tight throat, choking feeling. I have had it several times where I was laying in bed and then it felt like someone was chocking me or like I was under water and ran out of air.. It scared the shit out of me, I had to sit up in a panic and then I could suddenly breath again. It came on suddenly and then it went. It was only when I was in bed laying down. Never had it before that, on any other withdrawals.



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Hi,  THanks for your reply.  I was on the pills for 2 months during an illness to help me sleep.  .25/.5  I stopped CT.  I'm in week three,  My biggest symptom was a tight chest...which has now moved to my throat.  burning off and on, insomnia, pains and aches all over body.  Slightly swollen front of head.  Stiff muscles,  Inner vibrations.  I've been wondering if I should call my dr to reinstate and do a taper.  I'm three weeks in WD.  I've been in bed most of the time. 
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Hi,  THanks for your reply.  I was on the pills for 2 months during an illness to help me sleep.  .25/.5  I stopped CT.  I'm in week three,  My biggest symptom was a tight chest...which has now moved to my throat.  burning off and on, insomnia, pains and aches all over body.  Slightly swollen front of head.  Stiff muscles,  Inner vibrations.  I've been wondering if I should call my dr to reinstate and do a taper.  I'm three weeks in WD.  I've been in bed most of the time.


no worries  :)


Not had the tight chest but yeah I had the other withdrawals you mentioned. So sorry you are having a really rough time with it  :(


Try and stay with it and see if it will improve, hopefully it will.


Sorry I am not up on the tablets you are taking as I have only had experience with diazepam/valium.


Maybe you tapered to quick and you need to do a slower taper 


Hope you feel better soon  :)


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Yup.  After I jumped I started having almost all day long waves of severe muscle rigidity/clenching.  The most severe concentration was surrounding my neck.  The muscles were just permanently flexed and excruciatingly painful. The neck, shoulders, upper back, upper arms, chest and neck muscles were really bad and 2 weeks after my jump I gave in a took .003 Klonopin to avoid going to the ER.  It was alleviated and that was my last benzo.  It wasn’t healed by any means but I was able to just barely tolerate the sensation of my muscles tearing/bursting.  That all peaked again at 2 weeks, but it was manageable because I knew that I was just quitting to fast and if I couldn’t push through this time= I would make it on the next 2 week detox cycle.  Maybe Serotonin Syndrome?  I ended up with broken teeth from my jaw being locked down with such extreme force and my tongue is serrated with my teeth imprints around the periphery of it.  In the weeks since then the duration and intensity of the extreme tension has slowly but consistently decreased.  After 3 weeks it was very much like a giant pair of hands was slowly choking me, but as of now the waves are extremely faint.  I don’t even notice the evening tightness if I am sufficiently distracted by something now.  Lukewarm showers with the water hitting the back of neck + shoulders is what helped me a bit. 
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Thank you for your reply. It's good to know that it will come in and out and won't be a permanent thing.  I've also noticed that it is moving up.  It was my entire chest.  Now its the top of my chest and throat.  This is how I know it's WD.  THis is probably my worst symptom.  I"m also noticing it gets worse at night.  This is when I took my pill for 2 and 1/2 months.  I think my body is saying, "Where's my pill???" 
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I was prescribed twice a day benzos and yup I have a morning wave + a more significant wave when I used to take my larger nightly dose.  Ten years of training the receptors makes for receptor tantrums when they don’t get their expected fix.
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Pretty bad, but a million times better than the peak of withdrawals and a thousand times better than where I was in tolerance withdrawals after 9 1/2 years.  Knowing what is happening and finding out that being diagnosed with fibromyalgia + chronic fatigue + agoraphobia + GAD + social phobia + etcetera by a bunch of Dr.s + psychiatrist who never once checked my longterm benzo prescriptions against my symptoms was 9 1/2 years of utter crap medical education = deeply disturbing.  While all my other symptoms are all greatly improving + disappearing = I have definitely built up a ptsd-like phobia of doctors after all the years of horrible unnecessary benzo hell.
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I totally get it.  I'm never taking any medication again.  I also have grown a phobia of Doctors.  I'm in my first month of CT WD from 2 months of pills. I have not suffered any cognitive, vision, or anxiety symptoms.  I have mostly debilitating physical symptoms.  The tight chest and the high heart rate make it hard to stand, walk, get things done. My physical symptoms have kept me in bed most of this month. 
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I was in a wreck(benzo WD caused) and broke my back after I was cut .25 Clonazepam by Dr. and not told that there even was withdrawals.  I was out of my mind with fear/anger/pain/withdrawals  and refused to take any pain drugs.  I have been in bed for most of a year and stayed very far away from Dr.’s “help”.  Finally getting windows that cut through all the years of increasingly severe symptoms and diagnosed crap makes me fear Doctors even more.  The longer I go without seeing a Dr. is directly proportional to my drastic physical/mental health improvement.  It’s as if I have stumbled upon some sort of miracle cure for all my years of pain and They cannot see it as one.  Not taking drugs is a pretty awesome cure(outside of withdrawal he’ll horror) in a way and the only way to prove that my health was being destroyed by longterm Benzo Rx is to finish this journey so I can inform them that they need to stop treating a freakin panic attack with drugs that destroy the mind and body.  I have burned through massive amounts of insurance + government money as a burden on the healthcare system.  Money talks and I plan on contacting the various entities to relay that I was a completely unnecessary waste of money/resources and to suggest that my Doctors be checked for how many other unnecessary burdens that they have placed on the healthcare system.  I would strongly support any and all hits that can be made to a Dr.s malpractice insurance company because they aren’t going to stop until the money expenditure of a private industry dictates forced medical education before an insurance contract can be purchased.
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I would like to support this cause.  We need to get the word out there.  I had a life that may be destroyed because of this.  I'm supposed to go back to work in August and I'm hoping that some of my physical pain goes lessens by then...but I might not be able to work an 8-4 job on my feet with this pain.  So frustrating. 
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Given how many people I have seen state that their Dr./psychiatrist stopped prescribing benzos(that’s what my Psychiatrist did) and left them hanging out to dry with crazy fast tapers and or C/T’s..., it’s obvious they are not suddenly benzo-wise, but are being forced to drop a whole class of highly prescribed drugs for a reason.  I am guessing that they may have too high of a benzo prescription ratio and with BWS recently being given a medical billing number = Maybe their insurance went way up to match projected possible costs incurred by the medical insurers.  That means that the malpractice law firms will be hunting benzo cases to make money and play their role in our convoluted system.  Eventually in many years a class action suit will be successful, but for now the best thing would be to at least file an official complaint with insurers.  Dr.’s do not pay malpractice case costs.  It is not about blaming the Dr. for being uneducated as much as it is about creating a monetary rift in the system so industries are incentivized to avoid it with change and education.
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Hello. I get the feeling that i have a tight rope across the front of my throat/neck.  I don’t have trouble with the chocking, although I had a good friend who could not swallow (called “globus  hystericus” so look that up for more help).  She had to , or thought she had to, liquify her meals for a year.  At the time she was not on Xanax. Her doctor put her on it and the feeling went away completely.  It’s very strange how benzos can cause the same things they treat.  And withdrawal can cause same symptoms as when on this junk.  So it’s completely normal with anxiety or tapering and the best thing I have heard to do is use coping skillls.  Tell yourself 1) it’s uncomfortable but not dangerous 2) Our body can deceive us into feeling and thinking all kinds of strange things and 3) bearing it with as much acceptance is what will make it eventually disappear. 


I hope this helps.



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Hello. I get the feeling that i have a tight rope across the front of my throat/neck.  I don’t have trouble with the chocking, although I had a good friend who could not swallow (called “globus  hystericus” so look that up for more help).  She had to , or thought she had to, liquify her meals for a year.  At the time she was not on Xanax. Her doctor put her on it and the feeling went away completely.  It’s very strange how benzos can cause the same things they treat.  And withdrawal can cause same symptoms as when on this junk.  So it’s completely normal with anxiety or tapering and the best thing I have heard to do is use coping skillls.  Tell yourself 1) it’s uncomfortable but not dangerous 2) Our body can deceive us into feeling and thinking all kinds of strange things and 3) bearing it with as much acceptance is what will make it eventually disappear. 


I hope this helps.



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