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Someone please , K question


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Guys ,

Recently I have got my Pills from different country as not aviable in my .  I had some good advices here before to stick to same thing , becouse they can be manufactured differently .

Okey , I changed and it was good , now I opened up a new bottle I expected it to be same , as even the batch were same same expiration date .

And bumm it worse again , cant breath to belly as before , being more anxious and little confusion and some bowel issues .


Its like a cant digest the pill that well . With the older ones which I had more problem , I have checked and the pill are more solid hard to break them , these are a little more soft . Same ingredients same brand .


Maybe Can I crush the tablet and put it to some gel capsule or so , anybody done something like this ?


Or is there a thing that I may became lactose intolerant , as the bottle states it does contain lactose monohydrate , seems irrational as I can drink milk .


Also for a backup plan I have Klonopin original liquid drops , 0,1 mg per drop . This does not contain any lactose . This is only aviable in the EU i think , only concerns here I think this one would get absorbed much faster or this doesnt matter ?

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I dont get this , everything was fine , now my smell is degraded much , its harder to breathe , belly discomfort , bleeding gums sever .
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11:04 now , my next dose should be at around 12:00-13:00 .


The belly pain is starting to dissapear  breathing getting more relaxed , I have checked my Blood presure 2 hours ago it was calm 128/85  80 pulse .

So I will give it a try once again after lunch . If i am going to have the same discomfort  I will swap to liquid I think .

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12:10 , Ended up with a diarrhea and shaking from fear , almost started to cry , everything physical , 2 days ago I was the chillest person in earth with nice slow taper . 

I grab a little bit of food and took my lunch dose from liquid form . Hope this helps , or I dont know what to do .

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Bumping this post so a moderator will see it. I wish I could help. I'm on xanax not Klonopin. The only thing I can say is that I lived overseas for a year and when I got my xanax, it didn't work as well and caused anxiety. I spoke to a pharmacy and they said the potency of the drug can vary. Can you talk to a doctor about all of this? Good luck!
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Will try the tablet for the evening dose again . Let se if it will be the same .

I thought I was on the good way , I even ordered a scale to precisily make some cuts .


Dunno , I compared the two bottles , they were picked up by me last time from one place , everything is matching . Same expiration date , so even if  I tell this to my doc she will say I am insane most likely . But for now I dont feel like I can visit my doc at all .  Last time she said 2 mg is not that of a big dose i could taper this quickly . Sure ... I think she wants to get into a bigger hell so she can prescribe more meds ...

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At 17.30 took my evening dose tablet 0.5mg.. same symptons hard to breathe all muscles are tense, especially throat and stomach area... I just dont get it.. I was fine with the liquid so I think i will continou to use it.. Not sure how will itt work in the long run... now its going to mess up my taper.

Jeez whyyy... Klonopin experts anyone experienced something like this?

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I'm not quite sure where you're at right now, but you asked about putting your medication into a capsule so I thought I'd give you this link explaining how to do it.  Bob7 Benzo Dry Taper Method 


I don't have experience with tapering, but I know many members have been affected by different manufacturers and brands, is your plan to use liquid now?

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Hey Pamster thanks for the input.

Yes I will try liquid now, its 0.1mg per drop so dont need to bother with it too much. As I for some reason getting paradox reactions with tablets, like all my muscles tense instead of relaxing. And its quite random as i mentioned before one bottle was working fine and progressed some really slow taper.  Now i take a pill from second bottle and im  tensed up extremly, its like 3 hours after when i am able to breathe normally.  I might get allergic to something in the pill. I know you've seen a lot here maybe you know some had  a thing like this?. The liquid doesnt have the fillers. Hope this will help. then I can figure out the taper.  Becouse its impossible to taper, if your next dose actually gets you worse.  Its that bad that your mind is completly shut down and I can only breathe then after like 3 hours my body starts to get relaxed. If I would not have this before I would panick as hell. But atleast I can see the pattern now. Now almost 4 hours later i feel much better I can breathe easily. So lets see the liquid for the night, if i wont get tensed up probably I will get a good sleep, and will test it for some days hope i will get stable on it. I dont plan to swap to anything else, bocouse I can see now that, these manufacturing processes are far from perfect even if the label says exactly the same. Still cant believe how can i have such paradoxial reaction. And its not such a feeling that updose would help.

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Wow, I'm so glad you discerned the pattern and have the experience to know something unusual was happening to you, it sounds really scary!  I'm grateful you have the liquid, do you have enough to last you through the rest of your taper?
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Ahh well not sure if this will be good either . Just got up in the morning and had a diarrhea like crazy I had to run to the toilet .

The sleep was good . I am just thirsty all the time . I take the liquid again in the morning , lets see till lunch .

gona visit my doc I think .

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Do you think something else might be causing these symptoms, might there be another health issue going on?
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Hi Pamster ,


I  have no idea , It seems like the klonopin does something with my stomach / GI tracts . Very unpleasent feeling , it does get better after 1-2 hour , and I have to take big breaths to it , I dont know if this can be WD symton , I did a really small reduction only , but anyways I was not good on my normal dose also , My belly always was my week point even before this , but its defenetly happening after I take the klonopin .


The diarrhea so far only in the morning , I think thats becouse of the cortisol spike .

Looks like the slow and steady method doesnt really work for me , If I would listen to my body like its trying to say it to me dont take this stuff anymore , so im confused .

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I've seen many members talk about feeling paradoxical effects from taking their benzo but this didn't start happening to you until you took the pills from a different country so I don't think this applies to you.


Is there anyway to get the old supply back?


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I was checking my psychiatrist today , she told me my body got used to this and I should swap to something else , if I dont want to suffer . I told her I dont want to experiment with anything else I think im already hyper sensitive becouse of this ,also i was before before .

So she offered me 3 options :

- check in to a clinic for 2 months

- swap to something else

- continou suffer like this .

She told me its up to me what I would like .

For now I selected to suffer some more , atleast I know what is making me suffer , if fear if they give me somthing else I will be more confused . Still if things will get worse I might to go for any of the above 2 options .


Will start psychoterapy next week .

Atleast she was not pushing me .


Pamster its completly random , the last 2 bottles which I picked up the same time 1 was ok , 1 was not .


I need to do something with my stomach , as all the stress is centered .. I think I am running low on energy , I know diarrhea 1 times a day every morning is nothing extreme , also I have frequnt urination . Might try some probiotics and bump up C vitamin to reduce cortisol and stress levels . Jezz , If i get over this one day I will be some dietary and lifestyle expert :D .

Yeah you got me in a better moment right now , this was the last pill i had left over from the good bottle. I dont think I have that much willpower to unconciusly make my body suffer more , but they say it all the time same ingredients , must be same . Shh ...



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Many Dr's feel their patients will feel better on another benzo but a benzo is a benzo and your body will react accordingly with tolerance and dependence when the switch is complete, you made the right decision not to swap.


Please do NOT choose option number 1, going to a clinic is not a good idea!  Most taper their patients too quickly, then discharge them to suffer at home, most people will reinstate at that point and do a slow taper after wasting time and money.


You sound good right now, you're suffering but you seem determined to do what you know you need to do, I have confidence in you, you can do this.

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Well tonight was a insane, i havent slept for an hour together, we have or sick grandma here, she was crying all night i thought I will go insane, i was suffering to breathe literally, I was so panicky i havent slept after. Every little noise and things makes me crazy, I had to urinate like 5 times the night. My stomch is heavy, zero apetite. Zero support from family they want me to go that clinic. I am dancing on the edges.. nobody is supporting me, even my gf cant handle this anymore. I could go to another place but literally i fear to be alone.. please tell me something what should i do.
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Pamster how on earth you managed to survive a CT on that much of K.  I am struggling with theese meds so much, and now as my anxiety spiked, I literally extra sensitive to sounds, I even got opportunity to work from Home for a longer time, but this is so insane. My friend just went to pick up my pills at the pharmacy, .. hope they will be good, but if this stays the same I dont know what to do. I cant believe its so hard to quit theese meds at 25 years old.  I still dont believe  this is normal reaction at 0.125 cut or if there is a problem with the pills. And my daily anxiety level are extreme high.  And even if i got lucky with pills that work well then again unlucky with the next. I might be some hyper sensitive person , but at this rate i can throw away all my achievments in life that i accuired. Do you know people who were unable to do the slow and steady method?.. I dont know where will I end up at this rate
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Something good to add atlest, Today i took 1 probiotic since i had diarrhea for a longer time, it made me extra  hyper almost like a panic attack, but i instantly had a pretty solid stool, and somehow this bad pill is not that bad, atleast I dont have a knot in my stomach also im able to breathe a bit better.  Can GI issues prevent the klonopin to be absorbed by the body properly?  It sounds a bit too nice but will see, i will countinou to get some yoghurt instead, as probiotics was a bit strange, yeah my stomach was always hyper sensitive to stress, I need to calm down somehow becouse they still want me to get to a clinic,  I cant blame them, here is really uncommon that peopele are aware of benzos, they think its like alcohol addiction. 
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It sounds like you've got a lot going on, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother, and sorry to know your family and girlfriend don't understand.  I'm a recovering alcoholic and I can tell you that benzo's and alcohol are two different animals.  The same rules DO NOT apply, benzo's are a nightmare you can't wake up from.


I'm glad you got a little relief from your stomach issue, and I hope your new pills treat you better.  You need to try to eat, I know you don't feel like it but it's important to keep getting good nutrition. 


Keep reading on the forum about what is happening to you, when you educate yourself you'll fear less and as you know, fear is a huge component of this process.  We're here for you, remember you're not alone.

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