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Decrease Lorazepam - Ativan . Can panic attacks come back?


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I am reducing lorazepam. After many experiments, I found my method.Everything happens very quietly and calmly, there are almost no symptoms of withdrawal.I started with 1 mg. Now I am taking 0.8 mg.

I took lorazepam from panic attacks.Lorazepam blocked panic attacks and I could have a comfortable life for 15 years.Now, I strongly want to get rid of lorazepam.


But I am constantly worried because I am waiting for a return of panic attacks.


Tell me please, is there a chance of a return of panic attacks during the withdrawal from Lorazepam?




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Yes, I believe there is a chance for panic to come back with any benzo withdrawal. 


They did for me and it wasn't pleasant, had to updose, but they too pass.  Will I get them again?  Maybe, but I know they won't kill me and I'll get through them without drugs.  That's the plan anyway.  :thumbsup:


All the best.

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A slow, careful symptoms based taper will minimize withdrawal symptoms.  This doesn't necessarily mean you won't experience symptoms at all.  You may have panic attacks during withdrawal - I did a fast taper under the guidance of my doctor unfortunately and I had panic attacks in withdrawal that eventually subsided.  One of the strengths I discovered in myself, and I know others have too, is that I could get through panic attacks without benzos, that as scary and anxiety escalating as they were I would get to the other side once the attack passed. 


It helps to understand that panic attacks in withdrawal come from your brain trying to reestablish equilibrium and your fear center misfires in this process until it calms down.  If you can continually remind yourself of this you can learn to sit through a panic attack and wait for it to pass, telling yourself you are okay. 


Please don't let fear of panic attacks divert you from your goal.  You can do this.  In fact, if you are determined to get off benzos, you will find the strength to cope with many things you thought you couldn't handle.  But you can.


Brighterday  :)

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Many people have found that even though initially anxiety may increase in wd, they find in the end their initial anxiety is far less or non-existent anymore after getting off the benzos.


Soooo...don't be afraid of the "what ifs".

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I agree with boss Trina here


Panic attacks can strike anybody at anytime.. Being scared of getting them is the wrong approach.


Try meditation and learn to welcome a panic attack - then you will end up not having any more.

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