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do people heal from a one rescue time dose with kindling?


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Teeth chattering anxiety. can't barely hold a conversation. i am shaking like a junkie.


i had a good day yesterday, i hope that it will come back.

sorry to be so whiny. i am usually not that way.


the adrenaline should burn off at some point, right?

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Sucks, doesn't it?


I know it's really hard and that a few hours of relief sounds (more than great)


But after those few hours (after a relief dose) are done, you'll be behind where you were and probably regretting the extra dose.


As lousy as it is, I'd encourage you to find something to help you get past where you are.  Anxiety is a terrible feeling, but try to use that weird energy to accomplish something positive.  The anxious mind is usually crazy all over the place, but if you can reign in that terrible energy without resorting to a pill, you'll be so much better off.

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The adrenaline feels like a manic energy...hated it. Like badsocref says put it into something productive - but also don't overdo it. It will lessen. Don't reinstate - it will just set you back and inevitably you'll just have to do this again anyway bc these meds are so bad long term, and you def don't want to risk kindling.


Hang in there dear woman...you can do this.

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No, I won't re-instate.

I almost died this time around.

The teeth chatteeing anxiety seemed to have calmed down. But I am not ready to celebrate yet.

My bad days are not as bad anymore and my good days are really good. I still deal with morning surge, ghat make me feel that I am damaged beyond repair but I have been getting more windows in the afternoon. My sleep has been better. 6 hours of continuous sleep last night.

It is like all the symptoms are cycling very quickly. Now I have head pressure, and double visions, fatigue and inner vibration in the morning that clears up in the afternoon. I am so grateful that I seem to get windows in the afternoons now. I am 8.5 weeks after rescue dose. I will never take a pill again.

I am still trying to walk 2 to 3 miles a day. Take care of my kids and do a bit of work from home.

I just wish that the morning surges goes away soon.

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As you heal the morning surges will go away with time. Mine has gotten much better at 9 months.  It's not gone entirely but it isn't brutal the way it was earlier.


Badsocref's advice is so good - try to put that anxious energy into activity "to accomplish something positive".  it truly helps.


Brighterday  :)

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I had a 100 per cent window yesterday afternoon, and today has been really hard again. A lot of heart palpitations, electric feeling in my spine, jerking need, and the old friend Heart palpitations. The anxiety was pretty bad and I had to call my husband to talk me through it.


Current symptoms:

Heart palpitations

Electric feeling

Hypnic jerk


Morning cortisol surge

Urgency to urinate

Overall malaise


I hAve read that the hypnic jerks are usually part of the early widthrawal and should calm down after the acute. I keep my finger crossed. That maybe in 3 months, I will feel better.

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Hang on and ride it out. You can do it!


I had eye surgery Monday. The pain was brutal (and still is bad) and anxiety over the top. Both my GP and eye doc suggested I go ahead and take a Xanax, but I didn't. It's been 10 months. Things are better. I just couldn't chance it.


I seriously considered a Xanax rescue, and I sure know where you're coming from. There are times when it is next to impossible to say no. But, I did and you can. We had the strength to quit, and we have the strength to not take it again. I firmly believe that.


Sending continued healing and strength vibes to you.

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Thanks badcroft.

After that awful day. I slept 9 hours straight. Then had a day of full window again. No heart palps,  no anxiety, went to bed and slept 7 hours. Woke up at 1.30 am but had cortisol surge and body jerk at around 3am. At that point,  I just got up

Did you have cortisol surge and full body jerk?

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Thanks badcroft.

After that awful day. I slept 9 hours straight. Then had a day of full window again. No heart palps,  no anxiety, went to bed and slept 7 hours. Woke up at 1.30 am but had cortisol surge and body jerk at around 3am. At that point,  I just got up

Did you have cortisol surge and full body jerk?


Oh yeah.  It sucked.  Usually at around 4 am.  I still often wake up in the middle of the night, but no more bad dream and jerk when I awake.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i am having a hard day... please help


Yes. I had a rescue dose 2 month’s after my CT. I’m 19 month’s out & am basically fully recovered. Minus some small symptoms here & there I don’t ever think about how I’m feeling in relation to “benzo withdrawal”. Still get some anxiety but totally manageable & I’m continuing to heal.

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