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Need help with math


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Since my crash in the fall, I can no longer do liquid. I’m trying to wrap my head around the math of a daily dry cut taper  I have a total of 4 mg. I want to taper a 2 mg pill. I need to go super slow at 160 days Per mg or 320 days for 2 mg. The pill weight average is .172. What is the equation for daily cut rate? What is equation for % per month reduction at this rate?
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I think these are right.  A smart person would double-check.


First Order taper equation:  =0.344*EXP(DAY*-0.002166085)


0.344 is your starting dose (weight of two pills).

DAY is the day number of your taper (0, 1, 2, 3, ...)

-0.002166085 is a constant (for the first-order taper) based on your desire to cut half of your dose in 320 days.



Linear taper equation:  =0.344-(0.0005375*DAY)


0.344 is your starting dose (weight of two pills).

DAY is the day number of your taper

0.0005375 is a constant (for the linear taper) based on your desire to cut half of your dose in 320 days.

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