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4 years off benzo


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I made it to 4 years and I’m very grateful being still a life.


I’m off benzo 4 years and 18 months everything including projesterone cream.


I tried everything what you can think off to heal or even just to get a little better.. Nothing helped.

Tried remeron...made it worse

Tried CBD oil for 4 months...dit not help at all

Tried projesterone cream 1.5 years...made it worse...many people say is a natural benzo acting on a same receptors like benzo, what I did not know.

Tried many many supplements....nothing was working


I’m still very sick with bad burning head-pain, anxiety, depression, tinnitus, and body pain. But some day I’m more positive and thinking maybe I will survive this hell.

Those days give me some hope to push forward


So today I’m celebrating I’m still a life and I have some positive thoughts here and there...those days I feel 50% better. (Only 2 days/ month)) have more  energy and less pain.


Sleep some days getting better too. For 4 years I was able to sleep only 2-3 broken hrs / night now some nights I can sleep 5 broken hrs.


I just read the success story from fake it until you make it....we have no other choice to stay a life to try to fake it and stay positive, believe all those people who made it it will come for us too.


Love you all :smitten:



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I am celebrating with you, and I am celebrating YOU.


And every little success and progress!


My dear friend, you can read in my latest topic that one tinitus I had for years just was switched off when I took that hormone. It can be so simple but we need to find the solution. I dont know if we can find one for each symptom or problem, I wish it was like that, all I want to say with that is: Maybe out there is a solution for you, Vica. And dont you dare to give up. You have come soo far and you still have your family and your life - this is A LOT, if one can maintain that while suffering so hard, -we often forget about this fact, but it IS a fact.


So, dearest: Happy birthday! May the best year be the one which starts tomorrow, with a lot of hope and good feelings :smitten:


Marigold :smitten:

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Thank you Marigold, you always so kind to me.

I do hope one day I will find something what will ease my suffering. Even if is medication...just a fear what I have from now even from supplements is huge. So far everything made my symptoms worse


Sending my hugs and ❤️

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Thank you Marigold, you always so kind to me.

I do hope one day I will find something what will ease my suffering. Even if is medication...just a fear what I have from now even from supplements is huge. So far everything made my symptoms worse


Sending my hugs and ❤️


This does not mean you will not find something which will help you. The past is the past. Maybe your body has a reason not to let you take anything at this moment. Before I knew so much about minerals, vitamins and the other micro and macro-s, I worked my ass of to get a higher iron level.

Did not work. Could not tolerate any iron. Felt weak all the time. Every doctor said you need to take iron.


And in the end, after I had studied and learned - I knew why my body needed to maintain a low iron level, fixed the original problem and without any intake of iron, the levels are excellent now. If I had had that knowledge 15 years ago!!


Just as an example. We blame ourself for not delivering the normal to us, but there might be a reason and a wisdom the body has. I would trust it and do what you do: Try to find out more and lean. This means feeling helpless, I know. But this is the feeling we start with reaching out for a solution.

You are doing a great Job vica and one day, it will be better!!

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Thank you Marigold, I hope and pray you are right and I will get better one day along all this BB here who are still struggling.

Sendings my hugs and love :smitten:



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