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Hi all,


Been ages since I was on here but I was looking for some help with a couple of things. I'm working on a project for my uni course. I was wandering if there is a couple of things my hunches could be backed up by some kind of evidence.


1) Am I right in saying that Benzos are more widely prescribed and accessible in N America than they are in Europe/UK. I was put on Benzos with very little investigation when I was living in Canada but when I got back to the UK the doctors I spoke to were surprised that they resorted to them quite quickly.


2) I was never on Benzos in the UK so I'm not sure how it works. Do you have to pay for the prescription if you are advised to take them in the UK? Does that mean the Benzos are bought by the NHS? I'm guess that makes them less profitable than in the States.


Please correct me if I'm wrong on this.



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Hey, gooner! I followed your thread while you were still posting. I hope you are doing well!


As for your question - North America is definitely worse than Europe in that regard. However, even Europe can be split into very different mindsets. Scandinavia is probably high in prescriptions while more religious countries might be lower. Also, the ex-Soviet countries are probably on the trajectory that Scandinavia has taken because mental health issues are becoming less stigmatized which always brings on an influx of pills.

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