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Return of severe anxiety issues


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Hi, I used to be on benzos got cold Turkeyed was messed up. Was on a group they had me switch to valium and taper. I did took long time finally was ok. Was 2 yrs off felt good mentally. My 17 yr sweetheart dumped me during this . Wouldnt speak just left. Well 8 yrs later I was kinda lonely in this pandemic alone so I e mailed her. Couldnt beleive she replied. I only asked if she was ok in this virus. She said hi then only talked bout herself a while then ended. I replied and mentioned my mom passed since she left and my dad and said I missed her. She never replied back. I thought at least a I'm sorry bout your mom was in order since I did tell her sorry her grandma passed on my email. But nothing. I cried thinking she never missed me or nothin I guess. All of a sudden I had extreme anxiety out of nowhere. Almost like the cold Turkey. Shaking as I write you. I have been sitting too much alone with this pandemic in my truck alone so I wasnt getting to do much to burn any energy but I really was fine till I e mailed her. I'm in truck cause lost home during withdrawal so homeless 9 yrs. I get to go to my moms old house at times where stepdad and sister live but mostly alone in truck. Now I'm really bad all day.  Last nite late I got a little break maybe hour or so maybe from being exhausted or cause I took maybe a 2 mg chip off a valium which didnt help much. My dilemma is should I try to go on low dose as possible for a while then taper when virus is over and I can be active again to burn off anxiety. I thought I was going crazy till last night I calmed for a bit and my thoughts and all were normal thinking. I need to vent with people who understand all this and talk to people with same problems. I asked a friend he said take a walk and you will feel better. So nobody gets it so I found you. I never got stable on valium either but partial relief. Cold turkeyed off Vatican. Do I just have maybe a sensitive system from all this and any 1 incident can give me relapse. I can see some anxiety coming but this is like the cold Turkey bad. I also have sensitivititys to odors macs from cold turkey that never left. Thanks god bless
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Hi Cashout,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies!  Congratulations on your decision to get off of benzos.  It sounds like you've been through a rough time and could use some support to get through this.  You've come to the right place for information and support as you plan your taper.

Take your time to explore the site.  When you're ready feel free to start your own thread with your questions on Planning Your Withdrawal (Taper Plans) and Withdrawal Support (during your taper)


The Ashton Manual  is a great resource written by a leading expert on benzo withdrawal.


We're so glad you've found us!


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Hi cash,


It’s a good plan to taper off benzos.  The plan needs to include a slow and steady timeline.  No rush.  No cold turkey.  Your brain needs time between dose reductions to heal. 


When you begin is up to you.  Be sure you have some support.  You’ll get that here.  Realize that others In general don’t really understand the experience.  How can they?  Unless you’ve been through this it seems hard to believe.  But these meds are a challenge.


Good news is that you can get off this, your brain will heal. 


These are difficult times with the pandemic.  Many people feel lonely.  I’m sorry you have to go through so much. 


Please check out the site, post where it makes sense for you. 


Hang in there, because life can definitely improve.

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Welcome to BenzoBuddies Cashout!

You are asking if one stressful event like you had lately with your ex could bring on withdrawal symptoms  "Do I just have maybe a sensitive system from all this and any 1 incident can give me relapse. I can see some anxiety coming but this is like the cold Turkey bad. I also have sensitivititys to odors macs from cold turkey that never left." It definitely can. Not only that but if you are sensitive anyways due to Covid 19 worries and due to other serious life stressors your body tolerance level to stress goes down. So of course you cannot sleep well, shaking, worrying, crying is very normal reaction even if you are not withdrawing from benzodiazepines. You are asking if you should take valium, maybe a little to comfort you while all this is happening and taper later when things get better. Many people go on benzodiazepines for similar reasons as you might be planning on and end up staying on them because it is difficult to cut back when you feel better or they just need to take more. So if possible to find other natural ways to deal with your pain it would be the best for the long run for sure. You are having a lots of different life issues what benzodiazepine cannot solve but you can.

Perhaps you can look at BenzoBuddes Anxiety forum to find people dealing with similar problems or look into Alternative Therapies & Supplements . Glad you decided to join BenzoBuddies, hope you get the help to feel better.

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