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How long have you had DP/DR for?


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I'm still tapering and I'm down to 4.5mg diazepam (daily).. I've had intense 24/7 DP/DR for around 1 1/2 years now (since around May 2018)



How long have you been experiencing this for? Does it come and go for you or is it constant?

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I'm still tapering and I'm down to 4.5mg diazepam (daily).. I've had intense 24/7 DP/DR for around 1 1/2 years now (since around May 2018)



How long have you been experiencing this for? Does it come and go for you or is it constant?


I have intense dp/dr for two years now, and it is got a lot worse now tapering Ativan 9th time, like I can’t see all colors just a part of them and I have it in my dreams too, all colors are pale and grainy, I don’t know who I was anymore, can’t remember last time feeling normal.

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How long have you been experiencing this for? Does it come and go for you or is it constant?


10 months 24/7 serious Derealisation, with some depersonalisation symptoms. I had this before tapering due to being poly drugged and what I experienced as a seizure.


Wish us all out of this state, as it adds another layer on top of the tapering SX's. Wouldn't wish DP/DR on my worst enemy, its a tough one.

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I'm still tapering and I'm down to 4.5mg diazepam (daily).. I've had intense 24/7 DP/DR for around 1 1/2 years now (since around May 2018)



How long have you been experiencing this for? Does it come and go for you or is it constant?


I have this symptom but it comes on in the late morning to afternoon and disappears in the evening. If I taper too much it is worse. The further down I get it seems to lesson up for me. Maybe this will happen for you. Do you have any moments where it seems to go away? I find distraction helps this uncomfortable feeling IF my brain is stimulated by the distraction. Remember it won’t hurt you and just float through and try not to let it stop your progress forward. It will resolve eventually. It’s just a awful symptom of withdrawal and your brain is healing. :tickedoff:

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