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For those who have had head symptoms

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For those who had head symptoms, how long did it last for you? I've got so much internal vibrations especially in my head today. Give me some hope.
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Mine have been going on for all of my recovery. BUT the intensity has much reduced and my mentally I am better able to deal with it.


Live healthily, stay strong mentally and believe it will improve.


Best of luck.



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Thank you for your reply G. Sorry you've been suffering from this for so long. Can you describe what you feel?? I can't fully describe how I feel. I know a day like yesterday it was like a vibrating feeling but not sure. All day long it was brutal with lots of anxiety and just feeling overall sick. I usually have head symptoms like head pressure and feel like my brain is moving but I think yesterday was the worst for me.
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Thank you for your reply G. Sorry you've been suffering from this for so long. Can you describe what you feel?? I can't fully describe how I feel. I know a day like yesterday it was like a vibrating feeling but not sure. All day long it was brutal with lots of anxiety and just feeling overall sick. I usually have head symptoms like head pressure and feel like my brain is moving but I think yesterday was the worst for me.




My head issues revolve around my whole head or just the lhs or just the rhs suddenly starting to fizz. Then I feel as if my head has been encased in an astronauts helmet and I am removed from the reality around me. Additionally. I feel dizzy. It scared me no end. It still does when it hits but I can now manage it because I know it will stop after 4-6 hours.


From M4-7 I got a slew of other symptoms and it was when it got that bad that I found BB and Sofakingdone helped me through.


I know that you just have to hang on in there and recovery is coming your way. I fear that it may not be instant and that it will only improve bit-by-bit. However, you will be able to tolerate it and move your life forward.


Keep the faith.



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Can I ask about fizzing?


Is it like electrical storm in brain. Like wind blowing in head, also sloshing and whooshing feeling and feels like head goes hollow and you don’t exist?

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Now it may be that you have a far better grasp of the English language than me or it may be that your symptoms are more extreme than mine. Yes, I identify with a lot of your description but on a reduced scale I would say.



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My head symptoms..lol  Well I think my brain is perculating.  It sometimes feels like it's moving.  I swear so creepy! Right now the fear is lifted, I still have all other sx but is manageable when head is clearer.


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