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Taper plan help


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I may have posted twice. New to group and where to post what. I take 1.5 mg K a day in the morning. Looking for a slowwww taper plan to prevent bad withdrawal. Any advise from someone on this or higher dose for years.
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No problem. I removed the other post because it was posted in Progress Logs, which cannot be responded to.  You’re in exactly the right place here.


So you take 1.5 mg of K once a day and have been taking the same amount for a few years?





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Yes four 4 years now of the 1.5 in the morning. I have been on an off for almost 20 years with long stretches in between but this is the longest highest amount I have been on. I have 4 children and hear of people becoming bed ridden and terrible stories...I have to remain function able  and just hoping there is a taper plan that would Caus minimal symptoms. Also I am kind of freaked out that once I start if it goes bad is that it...is there anything that can bring you back. Some posts make it seem like once I start this plan I should just pack my bags for the hospital ward. Sorry for ranting but any suggestions greatly appreciated!!!
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