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Re: The daily micro taper Worked [Split Topic]


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Hi pooky75,

Good to learn you are done tapering and feeling well.  I was just reading over my messages and I was remembering how you were in such a bad place and so I mentioned getting help from Jana Hill.  Jana has been such a goddess-send to me and so many others.  I like to give her a shout out whenever I can for the work she has done for you and for me and so many others.  Also thank goodness for Jana's Benzo Micro Taper (BMT) she developed and documented and patented.  It has impacted so many lives over the years by make tapering a Benzo not only manageable but a healing process...IF (and a BIG IF)  done correctly.


Anyway glad you are back to life and the benzo ordeal is in the past.


All my best,



edit: name change request



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Yes Jana helped me a great deal.  I never mentioned her because she told me not to post anything about her on here so I honored her wishes.  Her method was KEY to getting off undamaged.


It feels like a lifetime ago you helped get me in contact with her and told me your own healing story.  Thank you



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Sorry for the name!  I was re-reading my emails to you and was in that zone!  I want to set the record straight (again) and clarify your comment of Jana not wanting to be mentioned.  I think Jana wants people to acknowledge the benefits of Benzo Micro Taper (BMT)  and give credit without sharing the details BECAUSE.....


Jana's does not want people using the BMT method to post specifics about their own particular tapering schedule.  This is because every person has a unique biology and history!  History includes the specific benzo, other medications, gender, what we eat and many other details.


People reading someone else's tapering details (using the term micro) will give it a try and because they are not you they end up failing.  And we all know how horrible it feels to fail when tapering.  And the truly tragic ending is that people think the BMT does not work and lose an opportunity to use a method that seems to promote healing and avoid post taper symptoms.  I have personally witnessed dozens of people turn their tapers around once they identify their particular situation and move forward prudently. 


Water titration is not technically a Micro Taper. You can take huge cuts with titration.  And a micro taper is not a Benzo Micro Taper (BMT) in the same regard (and other specifics as well).  I always refer the BMT technique as the Ferrari of tapers.  Alot of focus on the details, a few bells and whistles but a smooth ride!!  haha


Jana has a book is the works and hopefully a site for people to learn the process in detail.


We all know there are many ways to taper and some seem to work for some people.  There is no competition but people should be aware of their choices and move forward with confidence and knowledge.


All my best,




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Right I but never called it The Benzo Microtaper.  I simply shared what I DID and what worked FOR ME.  I’m just trying to give hope to those who are still stuck.  I explained how I made my cuts in my taper to show how slow I needed to go. 


The main goal of my post is to show people there is a way off.  I’m a little confused if I said something wrong. There is an actual thread on here called the daily micro taper that has thousands of posts that I refer people to go to and do their own research. 

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I would like to add Jana's taper plan worked.  I followed all her advice.  I was able to find her patent through google but its hard for someone in withdrawal to read and understand it.  I was also taught by someone who followed her taper and got off well.  She helped guide me and was there for me on the nights I thought I wasn't going to make it.  I also followed Diaz-pam's (her old posts)dilution method using 99mls of water per 1ml of liquid valium.  It was just easier for my brain to taper with whole even numbers :)

If you would like make a post below letting people know where they can get more information, find her book, or get in touch with her that would be great.  and that way people who are suffering right now can find relief.  I would be more than happy to help spread the word on where to direct people to find more information.


I don't think Im going to come back on and post anymore but I will check my private messages every now and then.  If you are in the midst of this hell please don't lose hope.

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Hi there,

You can reach out to Jana via the Benzo Micro Taper (BMT) via their Facebook page.  Just do a search on Facebook and it will up. Make sure you see (BMT) This is the official patented protocol.  Ask to join!  Book is coming soon as well!


Jana is the OG of the Micro Taper.  There are "versions" out there and some might be dangerous due to the unknown history of someone beginning or trying to correct a taper.  As we all know benzos due to seizures and other complications must be tapered prudently.


All my best,



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That’s silly, it’s just math.


You are quite correct. Not only is this method not new, it was not 'invented' by Jana.  The term micro-taper was termed by a Benzo Buddie member years before Jana ever decided to take ownership of this method.


We on the admin team have been reading the patent, we haven't had a chance to read through the entire document but there are definitely some very glaring misconceptions, one being that those who follow her 'plan' do not suffer with the usual withdrawl symptoms. This is simply not true. We've had people join BB who followed Jana's 'method' did indeed have some difficult withdrawal effects.  There is simply no way anyone can guarantee such a claim.


Additionally, here are BB, members are welcome to speak about what works and more importantly when something does not work.



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Sorry for the name!  I was re-reading my emails to you and was in that zone!  I want to set the record straight (again) and clarify your comment of Jana not wanting to be mentioned.  I think Jana wants people to acknowledge the benefits of Benzo Micro Taper (BMT)  and give credit without sharing the details BECAUSE.....


Jana's does not want people using the BMT method to post specifics about their own particular tapering schedule.  This is because every person has a unique biology and history!  History includes the specific benzo, other medications, gender, what we eat and many other details.


People reading someone else's tapering details (using the term micro) will give it a try and because they are not you they end up failing.  And we all know how horrible it feels to fail when tapering.  And the truly tragic ending is that people think the BMT does not work and lose an opportunity to use a method that seems to promote healing and avoid post taper symptoms.  I have personally witnessed dozens of people turn their tapers around once they identify their particular situation and move forward prudently. 


Water titration is not technically a Micro Taper. You can take huge cuts with titration.  And a micro taper is not a Benzo Micro Taper (BMT) in the same regard (and other specifics as well).  I always refer the BMT technique as the Ferrari of tapers.  Alot of focus on the details, a few bells and whistles but a smooth ride!!  haha


Jana has a book is the works and hopefully a site for people to learn the process in detail.


We all know there are many ways to taper and some seem to work for some people.  There is no competition but people should be aware of their choices and move forward with confidence and knowledge.


All my best,



Sorry, this is complete nonsense. I am not meaning to single you out, mtmimi - there are many here who have been bamboozled by Jana's Method. Have any of you actually read the patent? Have you read the through the patent's process? There is some serious nonsense and errors contained within. Some of it dangerous and some completely at odds with reality. Did you know, for example, that Jana (or, rather Julian - presumably, her husband) claimed that most people following Ashton's protocols (or any other non-Jana protocol) end up suffering from protracted withdrawal symptoms? And that, conversely, non on one suffers protracted withdrawal symptoms follow her method. Please see the following two linked attachment downloads. The first concerns the claim about protracted symptoms; the second is of (now defunct) webpage from more than 20 years ago, describing the Winslow Protocols.






By the way, if Jana's method includes things not included in the patent, they are automatically offered no protection. And just because something appears in the patent, it does not actually mean that it is defensible.


So, a couple of other things. The first use of 'Micro taper' (of which I am aware) in relation to benzodiazepine withdrawal was by BB member, Keith64:




I have addressed the matter of Jana's method before. It might be worth a skim:


http://www.benzobuddies.org/forum/index.php?topic=72390.msg973423#msg973423 (and it goes on from there).


It is late here, but I will becoming back to this. But in short, there is nothing new in the patent, and there is a great deal of nonsense.

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So many of us have trust issues, and so many were fooled or abused by people who acted like they knew EXACTLY what they were talking about. And here we are. Does this clown show about Jana's secret patent just have to keep reappearing because of the inclusivity of this forum? It's such a weird distraction, such an unnecessary source of tension, and so bizarrely parochial in its arguments that it makes my head spin.


This isn't my space. If it's the will of those in charge that this weirdness should go on, so be it. I just sad that the bullshit tornado has to roll in every few days, and that Colin and the mods have to keep addressing such nonsense. If a method worked then sweet, but all the other pageantry associated with announcing it is at best unnecessary, but in reality seems like advertisement. And we don't get to advertise here. 


Also, if someone has a secret method to make sure everyone tapers off from these dangerous drugs, and they aren't posting that method immediately everywhere they can to save generations of people from immense pain then they are horrible, horrible people.

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Got it, Challiss. Makes sense. Ignore my burst of anger-clearly a projection back on my own pdoc. The OPs success story is def something to celebrate. Congratulations.



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Why on earth are my private messages suspended?? I didn’t do anything!  Just a polite message telling me I can’t promote a specific taper would have worked.  I never even mentioned Jana until Mimi had to get all over it like I was doing something wrong.  I wouldn’t even post this publicly but I can’t even pm a moderator to ask why.  I was communicating with someone offering hope and encouragement and now I can’t even write her back.  And for the record I AGREE with you guys.  This whole “secret micro taper” thing is so ridiculous.  Jana DID help me but I think it’s nuts I can’t say I “micro tapered” without someone saying that’s her method.

I can’t believe my success story post got turned into this. 

Bottom line... I made daily small cuts and it worked for me.  Benzo buddies played a HUGE role in helping me learn how to get off this nightmare med.  I would really like my pm restored please.

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Hi pooky,

The post that was removed asked other members to PM you for contact details. Pianogirl sent a PM explaining why PMs were no longer allowed. We'd ask you to start a Helpdesk ticket if you'd like to discuss it further.



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Also I said in one paragraph that if Jana had information to help people that MIMI should post information about it.

In a separate paragraph I said I wasn't going to answer on this thread anymore and to PM me if they wanted to talk to me.  I NEVER said to pm me for information about Jana.


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So I will never be able to pm again on here??


That's probably not the case, but it largely depends upon how you react and what assurances you provide us. We have prominent warnings in the PM area about the solicitation of contact details; we have zero tolerance to the the advertising of commercial products*; and we have tackled head-on the problems with how Jana's method has been pushed here at BB before. So, when we see posts clearly in violation of all this, we take a precautionary response. As has been suggested, contact the team via the Contact/Help Desk.


* We do have a procedure to allow for limited promotion of some products or commercial websites. But this requires an OK from the forum Admins.

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I’m just putting this up here.  If you are trying to reach me through pm I can not respond to you because the admins have suspended my ability to respond over a misunderstanding.  SO please don’t think I’m ignoring you I just can’t respond.  I’ve had 2 people reach out to me and I feel bad.  I’m not ignoring you.
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Re: Jana Hill and the Benzo Micro Taper Protocol (BMT).

First of all we have already gone over all of this in the past. It's getting old. I replied to your post about Jana in length back in 2014. I know you can go back in my profile and read all of my posts; it’s all in there.


I can take a guess at Jana’s thoughts about protracted withdrawal and the standard tapering methods. Most tapering strategies are focused on getting the benzo out of the body. People are instructed to follow a tapering schedule without regard to each person’s body’s (UNIQUE) ability to up regulate the GABA receptors as well as begin to produce GABA. It seems pretty clear to me that the best practice would be to look to reduce the benzo dose AND to keep in step with ones bodies’ production of GABA in order to avoid protracted withdrawal. I don’t understand why this is such a controversial subject. Seems pretty simple and wise to me. I believe that decades from now people will look back on the detox centers and their methods of tapering medications to be inhuman and barbaric.


Third of all I find your reply to my post unacceptable. Your use of the word, nonsense and the phrase “Bamboozled by Jana methods” to describe Jana’s patent and work is defaming and petty. Since you are not a doctor or a lawyer I find it pretentious that you feel you can speak legally and medically to the ramifications of a patent and how it can or cannot be used. I’m sure Jana’s attorney would speak with you if you are really concerned or would like to have a real legal opinion.


And if you keep up this defamation, you may end up meeting her attorneys in a court room. She may not take you seriously, but this can happen. Living across the pond doesn’t protect you from the consequences of your behavior. You’d do well to behave yourself and think before you speak. 


Jana is not a moderator on a forum. She is a brilliant medical technical writer who can speak and write about benzodiazepines on a level that most doctors find compelling and knowledgeable. I know this first hand because I took many of her own papers and the research she refers to to educate my own doctor so he would understand how and why I was tapering. When I asked my doctor if he would work with Jana and the people whose doctors were not “benzo savvy” he agreed. A week later he called me and said “What did you do?” Overnight his practice blew up. He was booked up for months. People came from all across the country to meet with him. One person had to travel in the back of a van. They were so damaged by previous tapers, they could not even get on an airplane.


Jana has been spent the last years not posting or replying on the various benzo forums. She has been working in the trenches informing people and their doctors on the best practices of how to taper successively. She chose to work directly with doctors. She travels to do this. She has no time or energy to continually defend her work from internet trolls


Jana has asked that people working with her do not give out the details of their taper. This is not be because she’s being mysterious or proprietary. Her concern is that if one person tries to mimic another person’s taper they could end up getting hurt. The BMT protocol has many key components that must be addressed, evaluated and customized for each individual’s unique history and biology. Seizures and high pressure are real consequences of benzodiazepines withdrawal. (My own doctor required me to visit him every few weeks to be monitored.) Jana suggests home based monitoring and printing results for the doctor.


Hopefully Jana will finally publish her book. I personally hope it will become a medical guide so that doctors can offer their patients a method of tapering that promotes healing while tapering and less suffering. I would hope we could agree that would be a gift to future victims of benzodiazepines.


In closing I want to add that I don’t come do this forum unless somebody reaches out to me. Usually it’s somebody who has tried all the other methods and is miserably failing and read my blog and wants to contact Jana. I remember firsthand the horror of being in withdrawal. I am so grateful for Jana and all her work. I just want to inform others of what helped me. I am far from being bamboozled by Jana‘s Method. Jana saved me and so so many others. I feel blessed and grateful. 







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Not taking sides here - I'm all for people finding what works for them. A daily micro-taper makes sense for those of us who found the Ashton taper too fast.


A caveat, however. I don't think a micro-taper should be made out to be a withdrawal panacea. I did an extremely slow micro-taper for more than a year and did everything 'right'. (Holding did not help, either.) Although I credit the daily micro-taper for getting me off the benzo, I still suffered tremendously all the way down. Once I stepped off at 0, my withdrawal symptoms worsened even more and I remained in an acute phase for at least 8 months. I'm 16 months off now, and still suffering worse than some folks who ct'd.


Not knocking anyone's method (we need all the tools we can find - although a patent seems a bit ridiculous, frankly). But there seems to be much more at play in w/d than just taper type: biochemical differences, poly-drugging history, past trauma, perhaps.... We're all unique. And we just don't know enough yet.


The fact that a daily micro-taper is promoted in some quarters as a virtual cure-all has made my recovery more challenging. I was not prepared for the possibility of a prolonged struggle, and was shocked and very discouraged when my healing didn't follow the 'typical' micro-taper trajectory. And yes, I've been closely monitored throughout my taper and recovery by benzo-wise practitioners.


Warmest congratulations to everyone who has come through this. And sincere gratitude for those helping others, in whatever capacity.

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