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Liquid RX Valium Issues


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Hi - after reading posts about the pros and cons of using liquid Valium, I noticed several comments about negative experience using the liquid Valium. Can anyone elaborate on why the liquid would be less tolerable than the tablets? Thanks.
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Hi - after reading posts about the pros and cons of using liquid Valium, I noticed several comments about negative experience using the liquid Valium. Can anyone elaborate on why the liquid would be less tolerable than the tablets? Thanks.

Its true there have been reports of problems transferring to any liquid, I have seen them back as far as 2011 here, but I have never seen a valid reason presented (myself)...


What I often see is that a bit of time and caution usually fixes the problems, often a second attempt goes well it seems...

Other options; Hold, then a couple of weeks to cross over, or part tablet, part liquid to start with..


But pls dont expect trouble, chances are high it will go well... Nothing wrong with being aware though..




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There is absolutely no medical, pharmaceutical, or logical reason it should make any difference.


I learned about liquid tapering on the old BDR board, where everyone was doing some form of liquid taper.  No one on that board ever mentioned any issues switching to liquid.


It seems to be BB problem ::)

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Hi Belle,

I switched from pills to liquid with no troubles.  It will be less fidgety than doing dry cuts that you have to shave and weigh for every dose. With a liquid taper you just measure and ingest.  I was supposed to do a dry taper, cutting 10% then holding for 2 weeks.  I thought that would be a total shock to my body.  With the daily liquid taper I go down .01mg a day.  Am I feeling withdrawal symptoms, yes. But was I having most of these symptoms, although milder,  before I started to taper, yes.  I was stable enough to taper and so that's why I began.  But I think the gradual, minuscule decrease each day sort of tricks your body over a big cut down right away.  The daily liquid taper is like a ramp or escalator, to me the other way is a full step, when most of us already have shaky legs from dependence/tolerance.  Wishing you the best! ❤

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