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Help.with a titration off 1 mg k builder plz


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I hope I am.posting in the right place. I am trying to get help with a titration plan. I was told builder  could help. If you get this builder could you help me? I am on 1 mg k. I need help with a 3 percent plan a month with 100 percent milk. I am starting very slow. I would really appreciate  your help. Thank u so much.  :smitten:


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Suzanne could use some help here. Could someone please answer this question as I’m leaving my house right now.


She needs this help ASAP.

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Her first dose will be 0.97 mg if the pill weighs 1 mg.


Your statement is true but...


a 1mg pill won't weigh 1 mg; it will probably weigh somewhere around 150mg.


Tablet dose specification ("1mg") is only a measure of the amount of active ingredient in the tablet.  It's really independent of tablet weight.

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I hope I am.posting in the right place. I am trying to get help with a titration plan. I was told builder  could help. If you get this builder could you help me? I am on 1 mg k. I need help with a 3 percent plan a month with 100 percent milk. I am starting very slow. I would really appreciate  your help. Thank u so much.  :smitten:



If you dissolve 5mgs K in 50mls milk you have 50ml liquid K, .1mg=1ml.


1mg K X 3% = .03mg


.03mg/30 days = .001mg.  This is your daily reduction in milligrams.  But your liquid is .1mg=1ml so the reduction in milliters is .01ml/day.


Your daily schedule would be:


1mg                      10ml

.999mg                  9.99ml

.998mg                  9.98ml

.997mg                  9.97ml



As noted above, just lower your dose by .01ml (.001mg) each day.

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Omg thank you so.much. i really appreciate your help! Thank u too intend  :smitten:


Your welcome Suzanne. And thank you too, builder!


You’re a magician who appears out of the blue to help everyone. You always come to the rescue!

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So at the end of the five days of using this solution, am I right in saying that the OP would have an extra .15ml at the bottom of the vessel to be thrown away? (or done something else with?)


If that is true, is that why you advocate this method rather than the throw away each day technique?

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So at the end of the five days of using this solution, am I right in saying that the OP would have an extra .15ml at the bottom of the vessel to be thrown away? (or done something else with?)


If that is true, is that why you advocate this method rather than the throw away each day technique?


Well, maybe there would be a little remaining.  I don't know, I didn't do a dose-by-dose analysis.  And if that's true, you can 1) add it to next batch, or 2) throw it away.  That's not like throwing away part of your med every day.


Not only is "pull and discard" a wasteful, labor-intensive concept, (why make a fresh batch every day, just to throw some away?) it just not logical. You would not take any other liquid med that way.

If your doc gave you a scrip for a liquid med, and the  dosing instructions were: "Take 10 tsp on the first day, them reduce dosage by 1 tsp each day."


Would you throw some away each day?  I think you would measure out and take 10 tsp the first day, 9 tsp the second day, 8 tsp the third day, etc.

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