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Springday needs help with titration


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I am starting a titration from 2mg Xanax.  I take it for insomnia.  I have also taken it from time-to-time during the day (1mg., 1.5 or 2mg) when bad anti-depressants (AD) go hay-wire and cause panic and anxiety.  I have severe tinnitus (ringing/ears) since 2000 from taking Trazadone (for insomnia).



I think its been about 18 months total being on xanax consistently.  I used to interchange with ambien, then ambienc cr, then they pooped out.  Tried restoril, klonopin, lunesta, rozeram and seroquel.  Many times would add xanax to these indiv. drugs since I simply could not sleep.  Taken Vicodin for pain, but no longer at nite (up until recently, would add  Vicodin to the xanax, hoping for a better chance at an hour or two of sleep).


So, my best quess is I have taken 1mg every nite for one year.  This summer, I increased to 1.5 (so maybe 4 - 6 months + or -).  Three weeks ago, I increased to 2mg.


After spending hours on this site last nite, I decided to do the simple, cut the table method and use your wonderful Stepping-Off table.  However, I found last nite that its difficult, and it feels very inaccurate, to cut 1/8 from a 1mg tablet.  The pill crushes and scatters.  According to the table, I should start at 1-7/8 and I think I really got closer to 1 - 3/4 last nite.  I woke with a splitting headache and its been with me all day.  (But, I've been waking with a H/A for a few days anyway).


Time to titrate question:

Based on the Stepping Off table, and using every 2 weeks as a reduction cut timeframe, am I correct in calculating that it will take me 30 weeks to get off this drug?  To keep it simple, that would be 32 weeks or EIGHT MONTHS??? Just want to be sure I'm interpreting correctly.  I realize its also a starting point.


My body is incredibly sensitive to drugs, so I want to take it slow.  I have chronic pain issues, fibromyalgia and major, resistent depression.  I see 3 different specialists that practice medicine w/i their own vacuum.  They all rx drugs, and I fight monthly to keep them at bay (to not add more drugs).  I now have 3 medical conditions caused by side effects from anti-depressants (all had strong anti-cholinergic s/x, and when I stopped taking each one, s/x did not reverse). 


My psychiatrist (pdoc) has rx'd the xanax.  I saw her this week, and decided to nix the xanax after my visit.  I will see her again in 4 weeks and will discuss and get her support, get reduced dosage (I have expressed my concerns before, asking her "where does this end?").


Liquid Benzo Method:

Since I'm having trouble getting a 1/8 cut, is my only option the liquid method?  This sounds fine to me, seems the most "gentle" to my body, which is what I lean toward. 


I live in the U.S.  Where do I get the glass 100ml container?  I do have an Esy Dose Dropper that holds 5 ml and is incremented to allow 1ml withdraws.


Blender:  are you referring to a kitchen size blender to mix the milk, h20, tablet solution?

Sorry if these are redundant questions.  I've been on/off this site for almost a day now and can't remember where I found what.



I currently have 90 tablets to work with.  I could start a liquid titration Monday (giving me time to get the glass container).  I have enough for the weekend to continue with the cutting method.



Is dry crushing and measuring another method?  Thought I read someone is doing that; but I'm not sure how that works.


As long and I can print and review instructions, I want whatever is safe, accurate and simple. 


Thank you for your support.  I live alone and am very isolated.  I would like to use this board for support during this process. 


I believe I have some insights to offer members as well.  I've been at this meds thing a long time, am holistic/naturalistic by nature, and yet.....I was even a pharmaceutical rep in another lifetime (boy, was that ever a conflict in values)!!





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Hi Springday!

Welcome to our board. I am not knowledgeable in titration methods, but there are others who are.

If you haven't been helped shortly, I will let someone know.  :)

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hi welcome to benzo buddies - one of the moderators will be by to help you with your taper/titration.


it sounds like you understood these drugs after a while just seem to stop working - that is why you felt the need to increase - however now you are ready to get off.


good for you.


some of the side effects for many are muscle ache, teeth clenching, insomnia - just to name a few.  with a gentle titration method those side effects should be less noticeable but may still be there.


you may want to go back to the jumping off table and just scroll through all the excellent information we have on the welcome page.


while posting i see one of our excellent moderators has stopped in - one familiar with tiration should be dropping by soon.

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Springday, I copied and pasted your post to the subboard "titration tapers". I titled it "Springday needs help with titration". There are moderator there with titration experience.  :)
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eljay and silver,

thanks for the quick reply.  very kind of you.


p.s.  I incorrectly  typed "s/x" for "side effects" - should have been "s/e".  Hope I don't confuse anyone w/  my shorthand....

Be Well,


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it sounds like yes, titration would be best for you. YOu can speed it up or slow it down as you need to. The problem with dry cutting pills is each time you make a cut, the % gets larger as you go down.

You could dry cut more successfully if you got .5mg pills from your doc. This way you quarter them and reduce by 1/4  or a 1/2 of a .5mg pill every one to two weeks.

reducing by a half of .5 would amount to a 12.5% cut if you are starting from 2mg.

by 1/4 would be a 6.25 % cut. We recommend aprox. a 10% cut.


But keep in mind your % goes up as you go down.

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Is dry crushing and measuring another method?  Thought I read someone is doing that; but I'm not sure how that works.


you can crush, and divide into piles using a credit card. It's a little less than accurate, but another option. It actually may be more accurate than cutting. :)



Thank you for your support.  I live alone and am very isolated.  I would like to use this board for support during this process. 


We're here for you!


I believe I have some insights to offer members as well.  I've been at this meds thing a long time, am holistic/naturalistic by nature, and yet.....I was even a pharmaceutical rep in another lifetime (boy, was that ever a conflict in values)!!






Thank you, the more, the merrier! Especially someone with a medical/pharmaceutical background.

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Hi Springday,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies!  :) I am glad you decided to get off xanax, 'cus these meds are really bad for us.

Have you thought of crossing over to diazepam, as prof. Ashton advises? I need to mention this to you so that you know you have options here. Diazepam (valium) has much longer half life than xanex and it may be easier for tapering.


If you  want to stay with direct taper using titration method (I do that, too, with klonopin), our administrator, Colin, will make a schedule for you. Titration does allow for a slower as well as gentler taper. That was the main reason I decided to go with it and I do recommend it to you. Particularly since you seem to have a very sensitive system. 


This is what Colin needs to know:


1) number of tablets you take a day (of the same dose) - You said  2 at 1 mg each, correct?

2) rate of taper - did you want to reduce 6% every 2 weeks? How fast/slow do you want to go?

3) kind of cylinder you have - we recommend 100 ml graduated cylinder with 1 ml graduations/divisions marked.  I have ordered mine online (Sargent Welch);

4) date you want to start it - I know you said Monday, but Colin may not be able to do it before that;


I use milk to suspend the tablet; you just crush it with the back of the spoon, in a cup, and then mix it with milk. (We can help you later with the exact 'how to' process, if you need too.) Some people use water and for that they need a mini blender, but to tell you honestly, I don't think anybody here is doing it. We recommend milk believing that the medicine is much better distributed in the suspension since it binds well with fat molecules in it.


Now, some people do split their pills but I also found that I couldn't split the tiny amounts I need.


Yes, this can take awhile (you don't even want to know how long mine will take) but it sure beats staying on the medicine or risking severe withdrawal symptoms. The time flies anyway...You, and only you, will be able to determine the speed of your taper, based on how you feel. You can always hold it for a while or speed it up.


We are here to help you Springday.  :thumbsup: Please use this forum to get all the support you need. I also felt very isolated before starting my taper but being here, at BBuddies, helps me a lot. I feel I am not alone and people really understand what's happenning. And we all can benefit from your insight and experience!!! Please do share it with us.


Before I go, I need to ask you if you have a doctor who can prescribe enough pills for you during the taper? I know you said you have 90 pills for now; will you be able to get more? This is really important.


Please let us know the rate of your taper and what cylinder you get and I will shout to Colin to get you the schedule.


Take care and good luck!


Tanya  :)




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it sounds like yes, titration would be best for you. YOu can speed it up or slow it down as you need to. The problem with dry cutting pills is each time you make a cut, the % gets larger as you go down.

You could dry cut more successfully if you got .5mg pills from your doc. This way you quarter them and reduce by 1/4  or a 1/2 of a .5mg pill every one to two weeks.

reducing by a half of .5 would amount to a 12.5% cut if you are starting from 2mg.

by 1/4 would be a 6.25 % cut. We recommend aprox. a 10% cut.


But keep in mind your % goes up as you go down.



I hope I have used the Quote feature correctly:


yes, i realized when i started to do this that I wished I had the .5 mg size; plus xanax also comes in .25 size.  But i just saw my pdoc and did not discuss coming off, so took the 1mg rx as usual during this week's office visit.  I would rather cut; with the sizes available i think it would be easy.  Now i just need the help getting started with the 1 mg until I can get the .5mg when i see my pdoc in 4 weeks.


Thanks for the insight....

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Hi Springday,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies!  :) I am glad you decided to get off xanax, 'cus these meds are really bad for us.

Have you thought of crossing over to diazepam, as prof. Ashton advises? I need to mention this to you so that you know you have options here. Diazepam (valium) has much longer half life than xanex and it may be easier for tapering.


If you  want to stay with direct taper using titration method (I do that, too, with klonopin), our administrator, Colin, will make a schedule for you. Titration does allow for a slower as well as gentler taper. That was the main reason I decided to go with it and I do recommend it to you. Particularly since you seem to have a very sensitive system. 


This is what Colin needs to know:


1) number of tablets you take a day (of the same dose) - You said  2 at 1 mg each, correct?

2) rate of taper - did you want to reduce 6% every 2 weeks? How fast/slow do you want to go?

3) kind of cylinder you have - we recommend 100 ml graduated cylinder with 1 ml graduations/divisions marked.  I have ordered mine online (Sargent Welch);

4) date you want to start it - I know you said Monday, but Colin may not be able to do it before that;


I use milk to suspend the tablet; you just crush it with the back of the spoon, in a cup, and then mix it with milk. (We can help you later with the exact 'how to' process, if you need too.) Some people use water and for that they need a mini blender, but to tell you honestly, I don't think anybody here is doing it. We recommend milk believing that the medicine is much better distributed in the suspension since it binds well with fat molecules in it.


Now, some people do split their pills but I also found that I couldn't split the tiny amounts I need.


Yes, this can take awhile (you don't even want to know how long mine will take) but it sure beats staying on the medicine or risking severe withdrawal symptoms. The time flies anyway...You, and only you, will be able to determine the speed of your taper, based on how you feel. You can always hold it for a while or speed it up.


We are here to help you Springday.  :thumbsup: Please use this forum to get all the support you need. I also felt very isolated before starting my taper but being here, at BBuddies, helps me a lot. I feel I am not alone and people really understand what's happenning. And we all can benefit from your insight and experience!!! Please do share it with us.


Before I go, I need to ask you if you have a doctor who can prescribe enough pills for you during the taper? I know you said you have 90 pills for now; will you be able to get more? This is really important.


Please let us know the rate of your taper and what cylinder you get and I will shout to Colin to get you the schedule.


Take care and good luck!


Tanya  :)






Thanks for all the info.  Gosh, I didn't realize that the cylinder you guys use is the laboratory type!  I have ordered one, from a company called Nova-Tech International, on-line.


I will have to postpone this method until I receive the container.  I'm hoping I can start Monday the 21st to give it time to arrive.  In the meantime, my stats are:


1.  # of pills per day:  2, of 1mg Xanax

2.  rate of taper:  10% every 2 weeks

3.  cylinder as recommended:  100ml size with 1ml (double) graduations.


Questions re Titration Rate:

I thought Colin recommends 10% so that is what I thought I'd start with.  Does this sound too aggressive? I looked back thru my symptoms journal and I haven't been on the higher dose as long as I thought.  But its still been over a year @ 1mg and higher.


Direct cut already started on 1/10/08:

I HAVE already started the reduction.  I am cutting and getting somewhere between 1-3/4 and 2mgs. - don't know if what I am cutting is giving me the 1-7/8 from the Stepping Off table.



I sure will take advantage of the Withdrawal Symptoms board because I don't know if I will be able to tell if its the Xanax w/d or just my other symptoms.  I live with pain and an overall flu-like sick feeling, headaches, sore throat, etc.  But I am hoping maybe these symptoms have been exacerbated by the xanax and I never knew it.  Thats my hope cuz nothing else has helped my chronic symptoms.



THank you for the info re the blender.  Since 100ml is about 3 oz. (did I convert that right?), it seemed like a small amount to put in a blender - seems like much would stick to bottom/sides.  So I'm relieved that I can just use a cup.  I also have major fatigue issues, and honestly, just that little blender task would be hard for me to maintain every day.


Re my Pdoc:

I should have no problem continuing to get Rx's.  Sure wish, tho' I had discussed with my doc that I am doing this.  She is a new dr. for me, but I have already seen her 3X and my 1st appt. was Dec. 12 (she does not make phone calls or call in Rx's - you have to make another appt when you have issues).  So she knows I am educated about drugs and tend to make my own decisions.  I don't know if I will need the Ashton Method.  I hope not as it just seems more complicated.


I have no idea if my dr. will even know about these titration techniques.  What has been the experience of most people on this boards (with psychiatrists, that is)? 


My experience with drs. in general (both professionally and as a patient for many years) is they don't know squat about drug safety and s/e issues.  That's one of the reasons I am very ill - from letting them talk me into staying on drugs even with horrific s/e's.  They are trained to Rx pills. Period.  And to stay within their tiny frame of specialty reference.  In DO think most intentions are good - they just aren't trained to have anything else in their "tool bag" and they want to help.  My new dr. is a woman who seems to respect me; I was with a man for 2-1/2 years and I should have left after the first 6 months!  well, hindsight....


So, next steps?

When I get the cylinder, do I post back here?  Do I re-state my dosages, desired titration rate, etc.?  Do I continue to ask my dr. for the 1mg size?


Thank you again for the wonderful education and I will post progress, info and insights when I can.


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Hi Springday,


It's 3am here, so I cannot reply now. Others may be able to help in the meantime, but I will look back at this thread tomorrow.


Take care.

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I have a few questions. What does '100ml size with 1ml (double) graduations' mean? Does your past experience of cutting indicate that 10% cuts are doable by you - if so, 10% of your dose cut over 14 days by titration is perfectly reasonable. What is your present dose? Are you taking 1 and 3/4 tablets per day, or 1 and 7/8 tablets? Or is it that you are finding it difficult to split them? If so, what dose are you aiming for? There is no need to go back up to two tablets; I will adjust the schedule start dose so that it equates to your present dose - I just need to know your present dose, or as near as possible.

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I have a few questions. What does '100ml size with 1ml (double) graduations' mean? Does your past experience of cutting indicate that 10% cuts are doable by you - if so, 10% of your dose cut over 14 days by titration is perfectly reasonable. What is your present dose? Are you taking 1 and 3/4 tablets per day, or 1 and 7/8 tablets? Or is it that you are finding it difficult to split them? If so, what dose are you aiming for? There is no need to go back up to two tablets; I will adjust the schedule start dose so that it equates to your present dose - I just need to know your present dose, or as near as possible.



Thank you for your reply.


Answers to your questions:


1.  I don't know what "double graduations" are either.  That description came straight from the web site where I ordered it.  Tanya said 100ml w/ 1ml graduations is best; thats the closest I could find.  I'm guessing double graduations means its marked on both sides of cylinder??  It looks like a large glass test tube with a flat base....


2.  I don't have any experience at past cutting.  I chose 10% based on recommendations I saw in the info and Guide provided on this site.  I figured I will start there and see what happens.


3.  My present dose is "somewhere between 1 - 3/4 and 1-7/8.  I am aiming for 1-7/8, based on the Stepping Off table.


4.  Yes, I am having problems with the cutting.  Its crumbling on me and I don't trust my eyeballs or my brain at this point.  I am getting a smidge under 2mg.


5.  Great that I don't have to go back to 2 mg.


I'm somewhat of a perfectionist, esp. when it comes to meds.  I think I will feel less anxious with the whole process if I use the liquid method.  The 100ml size, and drawing off 1ml sounded the safest route for me.....


Please let me know if there is anything else you need.  Thx.

P.S.  Will your calculations require that will I will need the  Xanax .5mg size and .25 mg size and i progress down the line?

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Let me know the deatils whne you receive the cylider. I'm sure it will be fine. Even if the graduation are 2ml or 5ml, it will still be fine - the titration table will fit the scale of your cylinder and new cuts dates will reflect the scale too.


No, the schedule will work with the tablets you have available. If your tablet size is decreased, you can still use the table by titrating an equiavlent dose of tablets: two 0.5mg tablets instead of one 1mg tablet for example.

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Let me know the deatils whne you receive the cylider. I'm sure it will be fine. Even if the graduation are 2ml or 5ml, it will still be fine - the titration table will fit the scale of your cylinder and new cuts dates will reflect the scale too.


No, the schedule will work with the tablets you have available. If your tablet size is decreased, you can still use the table by titrating an equiavlent dose of tablets: two 0.5mg tablets instead of one 1mg tablet for example.



I have received my 100ml cylinder.  The "double" graduations refer to two scales, both on the front of the tube:


- One scale starts at 100 at the top of the tube, and the #'s graudate toward the bottom of the tube to "10" at the bottom.  Conversley,  there is also a scale that starts at "O" at the top of the tube and graduates down to "90" at the bottom.  The #'s and longer line reflect 10ml volume, there is a shorter mark for 5ml, and tiny lines for 1 ml's.


# of pills to titrate: 80

This leaves me 2 more nites to use the cutting method I am doing now (tonite: Thursday, and Friday, the 18th).


It is Thursday 5:00 p.m. Eastern time here.  I believe you are 6 hours ahead of me.  If you aren't able to get the table ready by Saturday night Eastern time, just let me know what # of pills you ended up starting with (I have a total of 84 pills as I write this).


Starting Dosage:

1 - 7/8 mg of Xanax


Desired titration schedule:

10% reduction every 2 weeks.


Thank you,


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I'll come back to this this evening.


What dose tablets do you use? Is your start dose 1.875mg? Will you have just cut to this dose, or is this the dose you are already at, but you will be due to make a new cut soon? What now is your dose - that's what I mean!


Will your start date be the 20th January? I'll have the schedule completed in advance.

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I'll come back to this this evening.


What dose tablets do you use? Is your start dose 1.875mg? Will you have just cut to this dose, or is this the dose you are already at, but you will be due to make a new cut soon? What now is your dose - that's what I mean!


Will your start date be the 20th January? I'll have the schedule completed in advance.



Sorry for the confusion.


I have been taking 2 tablets of 1mg xanax.  I starting cutting one tablet a week ago to 7/8, so I've been getting a total of 1-7/8 at nite for sleep.  (APPROXIMATLEY since I don't think cutting is accurate)


I would like to start the titration at my current does, the 1.875.  That means I will still take one 1mg tablet, and titrate the other, is that correct?


I can start whenever it is convenient for you to create the table (I would like to start the 19th, but I won't be picky!).  I thought you needed to know how many pills I have left as part of your compilation.


Thanks again,


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So, you can get no more pills? I'll try set up a schedule that fits the number of pills. If you keep waht you have left over from one day to the next, this will mean less waste, but that will not be easy for me to calculate. Let me have a think about this.
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I've made a quick mental estimate of your situation. Assuming that you waste no tablets or fractions of tablets, and we go for a simple schedule of regular cuts at a regular interval, then I estimate that you have enough tablets to make a cut of 1/8 of a tablet every seven days for a total of 12 weeks. I did this by multiplying 84 tablets by eight parts (eighths) = 672 parts. 1 & 7/8 pills is 15 (1/8th) parts; and half way through the taper you will be taking 8 parts. This means that the average dose is eight parts. 672 parts divided by 8 parts (your average dose during the taper) equals 84 (coincidentally). 84 divided by 7 days is 12. So, you have enough to last you 12 weeks, tapering by an eighth of tablet each week. We can use titration to do this for you, but you will need to save over your unused dose each day. Also, this taper is linear - that is to say, the amount cut does not diminish as the taper progresses. Cutting from 1 & 7/8 to 1 & 3/4 is a cut of just over 9%. I think you might be wise to make cuts every five days at first, and six a little later. The middle of your taper will mean you are making the 1/8 of tablet cut every 7 days, and then you can allow a little more time later in taper because of the savings you made earlier in the taper by cutting every five and six days. I cannot be exact about this, as it pretty difficult to work out. Are you certain that all you will have to work with are these 84 tablets?

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I've made a quick mental estimate of your situation. Assuming that you waste no tablets or fractions of tablets, and we go for a simple schedule of regular cuts at a regular interval, then I estimate that you have enough tablets to make a cut of 1/8 of a tablet every seven days for a total of 12 weeks. I did this by multiplying 84 tablets by eight parts (eighths) = 672 parts. 1 & 7/8 pills is 15 (1/8th) parts; and half way through the taper you will be taking 8 parts. This means that the average dose is eight parts. 672 parts divided by 8 parts (your average dose during the taper) equals 84 (coincidentally). 84 divided by 7 days is 12. So, you have enough to last you 12 weeks, tapering by an eighth of tablet each week. We can use titration to do this for you, but you will need to save over your unused dose each day. Also, this taper is linear - that is to say, the amount cut does not diminish as the taper progresses. Cutting from 1 & 7/8 to 1 & 3/4 is a cut of just over 9%. I think you might be wise to make cuts every five days at first, and six a little later. The middle of your taper will mean you are making the 1/8 of tablet cut every 7 days, and then you can allow a little more time later in taper because of the savings you made earlier in the taper by cutting every five and six days. I cannot be exact about this, as it pretty difficult to work out. Are you certain that all you will have to work with are these 84 tablets?



I am so sorry for the confusion on this.  Somehow I gave you the wrong impression.


I CAN get more pills.  I will be seeing my pdoc periodically and can get refills.  80 pills is what I have NOW.


Please do not go thru any difficulty or any extra "figuring out".  I feel bad that I caused your brain to go into such calculations!!


When I see my pdoc in about 4 weeks I intend to explain to her what I am doing and get a refill.  The current rx is for a quantity of 90, but I will ask for whatever I need to complete this titration....

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I am so sorry for the confusion on this.  Somehow I gave you the wrong impression.


I CAN get more pills.  I will be seeing my pdoc periodically and can get refills.  80 pills is what I have NOW.


Please do not go thru any difficulty or any extra "figuring out".  I feel bad that I caused your brain to go into such calculations!!


When I see my pdoc in about 4 weeks I intend to explain to her what I am doing and get a refill.  The current rx is for a quantity of 90, but I will ask for whatever I need to complete this titration....




No problem - I was probably too quick to jump to conclusions anyway.


I'll work out a scedule based upon the figures you suppied. The start date will be 21st, if that's OK?

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Hi Springday.


I've prepared the table based upon the figures you supplied. The first table shows the details of your requirements - check that they are correct. The 'Absolute Cuts' indicates at what stage your cuts are no longer in proportion to your dose. Until you reach the point of an equivalent dose to 0.5 tablets (0.5mg of Xanax), your taper rate is at 10% every 14 days, relative to your dose at the time (the amount cut in mgs reduces as your dose reduces). Beyond this point, the amount being cut no longer diminishes. The reason for this is that at a low dose, the important thing is that cuts are small, not that they are forever growing smaller. In fact, if we did not do this, the taper would never actually finish - the dose would just get smaller and smaller, but never actually reaching zero. You will note, at 50ml (and no other tablets), which is equivalent to 0.5mg of Xanax, it still takes fours months to complete the taper, so it could never be described as being fast. For a bit of fun, I turned off this absolute function, and the titration table indicated an end date of March 2010*, all of the time being added to the last 0.5mg! :o So, you see, this function is important.


Anyway, here's your table: http://www.benzobuddies.org/spreadsheets/tt-springday-2008-01-21.html


You can add it to your signature with the following:


[url=http://www.benzobuddies.org/spreadsheets/tt-springday-2008-01-21.html][b]My Titration Schedule.[/b][/url]


You can change the text ('My Titration Schedule') to anything you wish in your signature link. It is useful to add this link, as you, and everyone else, has easy and ready access to your schedule.


Good luck! :thumbsup:


* It only indicates zero at this point because the precise amount the formula indicates should be taken at that time is nearer to 0ml than 1ml. As I stated before, the theoretical dose would never actually reach zero if we did not switch to absolute cuts at a low dose. Does this make sense? :wacko:

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