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Need remeron liquid taper proposal


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i am living the third month of CT withdrawal some ADs(brintellix,lustral,lamictal,remeron..) for 10-15 days usages in hospital. Last month i couldn't persist the condition which i was in and started remeron 15 mg(1 ml liquid) again. I was planning 100 day taper with reducing 0,01 ml/each day although i had intense anxiety. 10 days ago when i was on 0,85 ml, i tried to reduce it 0.5 ml(7.5 mg) and things got worse and then i went back to 0.8 ml(12 mg) .


So initially do you think i am still in withdrawal of the drugs or my anxiety comes from destabilization?

And what is more, as many people said, i understand stabilization is important. Is there anybody who explain to me, where does a taper plan end? I made an example plan with two week and % 7 ratio and it seems it will never end from a point:

0.80 ml










As you see, i planned to reduce % 7 of previous dose, but as we go forward, the steps gets smaller to limit reaching zero. What is the trick here?

Furthermore, what could you suggest as a plan for remeron?Microdaily or cut-hold?What is the ideal ratio?


Any reply is appreciated, thank you...

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