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Still tapering and going to us Probiotics to help with anxiety


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Hi there has anyone tried using probiotics to combat anxiety and depression while tapering benzo.  I have been doing some research and found some links that state that they can help anyone tried?






I just bought the ones listed in the link and will let you know how things go.



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Hi there, I too did a lot of research on probiotics and learned there are several strains of probiotics that have been clinically proven to help people with anxiety.  The gut-brain correlation is proven scientific phenomenon!  I learned of a brand called Probio'Stick by Lellemand Health Solutions, which after contacting the company, as I could not find it anywhere here in Canada (and it is a Canadian Company), was bought out by Natural Factors and is called Calm Biotic 3 Billion.  I also was in touch with a fellow here in Canada who has been Benzo free for years and he swears by drinking Kefir daily, he has had less anxiety issues than he used to.  I am currently doing both as I am willing to try anything.  I am only on day 13 of my taper.  Even if helps in any little way, I am going to stick with it, as I think it could also help in preventing or possibly helping people who have Benzo Belly.  No matter what, probiotics are good for the gut, so I see it as a tool to help me.  Hope this helps!
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Thanks for the response.  Yes I drink Keifer and eat yogurt as well.  The Keifer I drink has about  2 billion and has 10 strains in it.  The product I listed the link for has 8 strains and 4 that are in the Kiefer so hoping since no reaction to Keifer the pills should be okay.  These pills are also created by a fellow specific to combat his anxiety which is why I am interested


This product is also from Canada Ottawa


How long have you been taking the proboitics and do you find they are helping and do you have a reactions from the pills?



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I have been taking them less than a month.  But I am also on Prozac so although I do still have anxiety and depression, sometimes really bad, it would be hard for me to deduce which may be helping. The truth is I had a very upsetting situation (to me it was a 10 out of 10 as I can not think clearly and anxiety/depression get amplified with the benzos) that brought on multiple panic attacks a day, horrible anxiety and constant crying.  The Prozac and pro biotics did NOTHING to ease my distress. I was really bad! I even take Trazedone to sleep which I will eventually have to ween from too, and it was like I wasn't taking ANY. I was back to 2 to 3 hours a night!  That's how powerful my brain can be!  Very scarey! Are you Canadian too?
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So an update on got my probiotics and took one yesterday and by the end of the night and into the morning I developed gas, upset tummy, headache, sleep disruptions and verge of a panic attack.  I know its only one pill but I still am tapering the benzo and that is the only new thing I introduced.  Here is something someone sent me on my reaction that I probably had a Histamine reaction never had tis before so wil stop the probiotics for now until maybe after the taper. 


Kathy These aren’t Histamine free whom ever gave you that Information was incorrect. 😞

Histamine can cause a great deal of anxiety and In Benzo withdrawal the medication affects the DAO Activity which is already making your body prone to high Histamine. This results in high histamine blood levels, which consequently overload the internal hepatic inactivation system of histamine-N methyltransferase, and leads to histamine intolerance causing numerous symptoms Anxiety being one of the few awful symptoms. The medicine also messes with your Microbiome. your microbiome is producing histamine at levels exceeding your body’s ability to break it down via the DAO enzyme, it has to go somewhere. That somewhere is blood


Once it hits your blood, goes everywhere. Causing a catalyst of symptoms.

I would suggest you try Histamine free Probiotics you will probably have much better success.



Anyone else have Histamine issues ?



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Does it say histamine in the ingredients?  I looked at mine and did not see anything.  If you go to the Natural Factors website and look at the Calm Biotic 3 million you can see what it has.  Could just be your body rebelling to something new?  Sorry to hear!  I have gas but am not bloated, occasional runs, but for the most part my body is handling them.
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Thanks for your reply.  But I really felt bad after the one pill and its 5 billion so high potency and no does not say if histamine free  only lists the strains contained.  I reached out to the company and no response.  Weird they responded when I was thinking of buying and now that I did no answer.  I checked out the Calm but it doesn't say whether histamine free but only has 2 and those maybe the ones I need.  I reached out to them and see what they respond.



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Nope no response which speaks volumes in my books they don;t care and I was probably right in what happened. 


I am trying another one that someone recommended that is Histamine free.


Lifted Bifidus Mood Boost Histamine-Free & D-Lactate Free


Also found this when loking for anxiety releif ones look for these strains -


You'll want to look for probiotics that are specific for reducing stress and anxiety. They usually consist of probiotics strains like Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.


Will keep you updated




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Purple, I'm waiting for my first order of the Lifted probiotic you mention. I have definite histamine and d-lactate sensitivity.


I hope you'll post here about your results. Apparently, it's best to start on low doses (I'm going to open each capsule and take very small amounts to start), and build up from there. That way, the body has time to adapt to the inevitable die-off of gut pathogens.


I'll report back here.





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Purple, I'm waiting for my first order of the Lifted probiotic you mention. I have definite histamine and d-lactate sensitivity.


I hope you'll post here about your results. Apparently, it's best to start on low doses (I'm going to open each capsule and take very small amounts to start), and build up from there. That way, the body has time to adapt to the inevitable die-off of gut pathogens.


I'll report back here.







Thanks for the post and great you ordered like me hopefully we will have good luck with this one.  Yes I will be starting slow as well.  I wil update as I go along and you do the same please. 





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You're welcome!  I will update.


Apparently, it's good to give it a try of at least 6-8 months to see whether it works, in each specific case. I'm really hoping it will help with the anxiety, in my case, and I'm willing to be patient for that...


Good luck.

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Just to add a little something to this discussion.


I had terrible benzo belly and nausea on my taper and I did some research on probiotics. The brand I settled on is Jarro Dophilus. It has eight different strains. Interestingly, I read an article during that time by a psychiatrist who believes that if we heal our guts, we can heal our depression, anxiety, etc. So I thought why not give it a try?


I had very good results. My gut settled down. I just generally felt better. I wasn't particularly depressed or anxious, so I can't speak to that.


But it does make sense -- what the psychiatrist said. We have more gaba receptors in our gut than in our brain. Such an easy fix . . . no more ADs! Wow!


I've continued to take Jarro Dophilus. I buy it from Amazon. I'm very pleased with it.


Hope this helps.






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Katz, this is encouraging, thank you.


I agree that gut healing seems to be key for many of us. (Interestingly, I read that childhood trauma hurts the 3rd or power chakra quite severely, as our sense of power/control over our own experiences is diminished. Third chakra refers to the liver and the gut. This resonates, in my case.)


I'm putting the Jarro Dophilus on my list. I'm hoping that once the histamine sensitivity slows down, I'll be able to tolerate more probiotic strains. Thanks again for the info.



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Yes I have heard that as well I am still tapering off klon have 0.096mg left and get reactions when trying something like I mentioned I tried the first probiotics I bought but like someone said it could be the histamine reaction while being on the benzo so this new one is histamine free so fingers crossed.


You are off all meds now ?




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Just to add a little something to this discussion.


I had terrible benzo belly and nausea on my taper and I did some research on probiotics. The brand I settled on is Jarro Dophilus. It has eight different strains. Interestingly, I read an article during that time by a psychiatrist who believes that if we heal our guts, we can heal our depression, anxiety, etc. So I thought why not give it a try?


I had very good results. My gut settled down. I just generally felt better. I wasn't particularly depressed or anxious, so I can't speak to that.


But it does make sense -- what the psychiatrist said. We have more gaba receptors in our gut than in our brain. Such an easy fix . . . no more ADs! Wow!


I've continued to take Jarro Dophilus. I buy it from Amazon. I'm very pleased with it.


Hope this helps.




Yes check out this link I found which is why I have started looking for probiotics I can use during the last part of my taper as I still have 0.096mg left  Explains the gut and brain connection







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So my new probiotics should be here next week so will keep you updated.


Does anyone have histamine issues while tapering??



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What about just plain lactobacillus?


I don't know what are you hoping to use it for?  I found this for anxiety issues which is why I am looking for particular strains and as well so that they are histamine free and D-Lactate free so no reactions


You'll want to look for probiotics that are specific for reducing stress and anxiety. They usually consist of probiotics strains like Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus helveticus and Lactobacillus rhamnosus.



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Thanks for your reply.  But I really felt bad after the one pill and its 5 billion so high potency and no does not say if histamine free  only lists the strains contained.  I reached out to the company and no response.  Weird they responded when I was thinking of buying and now that I did no answer.  I checked out the Calm but it doesn't say whether histamine free but only has 2 and those maybe the ones I need.  I reached out to them and see what they respond.




Purple... sorry if I'm echoing an answer previously given as I didn't read all the replies.  When it comes to probiotics  :smitten:you have to start slow and gradually increase the dosage over a couple of weeks. That was a very high dose and your stomach wasn't used to it.  Also.... make sure you drink LOTS of water.  Hope that helps. 

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Yes I have heard that as well I am still tapering off klon have 0.096mg left and get reactions when trying something like I mentioned I tried the first probiotics I bought but like someone said it could be the histamine reaction while being on the benzo so this new one is histamine free so fingers crossed.


You are off all meds now ?



I still have  a ways to go if I can keep up at this rate.  I just hit 1.25mg yesterday so 125 days left if I am lucky!🍀

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Thanks for your reply.  But I really felt bad after the one pill and its 5 billion so high potency and no does not say if histamine free  only lists the strains contained.  I reached out to the company and no response.  Weird they responded when I was thinking of buying and now that I did no answer.  I checked out the Calm but it doesn't say whether histamine free but only has 2 and those maybe the ones I need.  I reached out to them and see what they respond.




Purple... sorry if I'm echoing an answer previously given as I didn't read all the replies.  When it comes to probiotics  :smitten:you have to start slow and gradually increase the dosage over a couple of weeks. That was a very high dose and your stomach wasn't used to it.  Also.... make sure you drink LOTS of water.  Hope that helps.




Yes I thought it was to much to start but could break open as they were spheres and created not be be opened.  I am waiting on a different one


Lifted Bifidus Mood Boost Histamine-Free & D-Lactate Free

B. infantis

B. breve

B. longum

B. Bifidium


and these I can open and sprinkle on food to start and go from there.


Are you or have you used probiotics and do you find they help?





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I have been using Kefir on and off for many many years well before I ever started my taper. My personal experience was that it appeared to help for the first few days and then I would feel worse. The explanation given about histamines...thank you for that... might explain why I always have that reaction. I always assumed that it was a die off reaction from Candida in my gut. So many things make you feel worse before better  :-[


I have not tried any Kefir or probiotics while tapering (simply out of fear of increased symptoms). So for me I am just avoiding sugar, caffeine, gluten etc. to try to deal with my bloated belly and trapped gas pains. I am very interested to hear from those of you that have!!

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