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Hope everyone is doing well today, we are one day closer to freedom.  HUGS..


I hope you are doing better today SeaSalt!!! :mybuddy:


Its been a long day for me but doing ok.  I think I just figured out that eating Chinese food does not set well with me.  I always get shrimp with broccoli. I seem to get jittery every time I eat it which is not much but when I do I do not feel great afterwards.  Note to self .....


Yes, one more day closer to freedom!  Hugs to you too!!!!  :hug: :hug: :smitten:

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Thanks Ladies, better today I guess.  Like you Julia, I can not each Chinese food, maybe it has soy? 
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Thanks Ladies, better today I guess.  Like you Julia, I can not each Chinese food, maybe it has soy?


I hope things get better for you soon SeaSalt !!! 


Maybe - I do not know- but it is strange it affects me - it is not bad but enough to make me not eat it again for quite a while. 


Hey - Dianedeedee - hugs to you as well - hope you too are doing ok.  Hugs to you both!  :smitten:

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Thanks Ladies, better today I guess.  Like you Julia, I can not each Chinese food, maybe it has soy?


I hope things get better for you soon SeaSalt !!! 


Maybe - I do not know- but it is strange it affects me - it is not bad but enough to make me not eat it again for quite a while. 


Hey - Dianedeedee - hugs to you as well - hope you too are doing ok.  Hugs to you both!  :smitten:


Hey Julia and Seasalt...well I've stressed myself out I wish I wouldn't do that.  After the talk with my doc last Fri about changing meds I've been a wreck.  He was supposed to call either yesterday or today but haven't heard from him yet.  I'm such a worrywart.  Thanks for the hugs I sure need them.

Hang in there it has to get better right?!!

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Thanks Ladies, better today I guess.  Like you Julia, I can not each Chinese food, maybe it has soy?


I hope things get better for you soon SeaSalt !!! 


Maybe - I do not know- but it is strange it affects me - it is not bad but enough to make me not eat it again for quite a while. 


Hey - Dianedeedee - hugs to you as well - hope you too are doing ok.  Hugs to you both!  :smitten:


Hey Julia and Seasalt...well I've stressed myself out I wish I wouldn't do that.  After the talk with my doc last Fri about changing meds I've been a wreck.  He was supposed to call either yesterday or today but haven't heard from him yet.  I'm such a worrywart.  Thanks for the hugs I sure need them.

Hang in there it has to get better right?!!


Hey lady,

Sometimes no news is good news!  If you are stressed out, maybe call his office.  Maybe he has found that changing your medicine is not a good idea at this point.  You seem to be doing really well with what you are doing. 


It WILL get better !!!  I believe that with ALL my heart!  We have gotten this far - just a little farther to go...  We can do this! 


Hugs and love,

Julia  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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Thanks Ladies, better today I guess.  Like you Julia, I can not each Chinese food, maybe it has soy?


I hope things get better for you soon SeaSalt !!! 


Maybe - I do not know- but it is strange it affects me - it is not bad but enough to make me not eat it again for quite a while. 


Hey - Dianedeedee - hugs to you as well - hope you too are doing ok.  Hugs to you both!  :smitten:


Hey Julia and Seasalt...well I've stressed myself out I wish I wouldn't do that.  After the talk with my doc last Fri about changing meds I've been a wreck.  He was supposed to call either yesterday or today but haven't heard from him yet.  I'm such a worrywart.  Thanks for the hugs I sure need them.

Hang in there it has to get better right?!!


Hey lady,

Sometimes no news is good news!  If you are stressed out, maybe call his office.  Maybe he has found that changing your medicine is not a good idea at this point.  You seem to be doing really well with what you are doing. 


It WILL get better !!!  I believe that with ALL my heart!  We have gotten this far - just a little farther to go...  We can do this! 


Hugs and love,

Julia  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


I know I'm my own worst enemy!  Figured out I can't drink anything with very much protein in it...the Carnation instant breakfast even bothers my stomach good grief!  Sorry to be such a debbie downer today...by the way Debbie is actually my name 😁

Hope we all feel better tomorrow.

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Thanks Ladies, better today I guess.  Like you Julia, I can not each Chinese food, maybe it has soy?


I hope things get better for you soon SeaSalt !!! 


Maybe - I do not know- but it is strange it affects me - it is not bad but enough to make me not eat it again for quite a while. 


Hey - Dianedeedee - hugs to you as well - hope you too are doing ok.  Hugs to you both!  :smitten:


Hey Julia and Seasalt...well I've stressed myself out I wish I wouldn't do that.  After the talk with my doc last Fri about changing meds I've been a wreck.  He was supposed to call either yesterday or today but haven't heard from him yet.  I'm such a worrywart.  Thanks for the hugs I sure need them.

Hang in there it has to get better right?!!


Hey lady,

Sometimes no news is good news!  If you are stressed out, maybe call his office.  Maybe he has found that changing your medicine is not a good idea at this point.  You seem to be doing really well with what you are doing. 


It WILL get better !!!  I believe that with ALL my heart!  We have gotten this far - just a little farther to go...  We can do this! 


Hugs and love,

Julia  :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:


I know I'm my own worst enemy!  Figured out I can't drink anything with very much protein in it...the Carnation instant breakfast even bothers my stomach good grief!  Sorry to be such a debbie downer today...by the way Debbie is actually my name 😁

Hope we all feel better tomorrow.


Well Hello Debbie, ( :))

Wow - that sucks about the protein, I know you are wanting to get some calories and nutrients.  I hope you find something that will help you! 


It is ok to be a debbie downer if that is where you are right now.  I do not know of anyone who is having great days every day and I surely do not know anyone who is without life issues so if you need to share and you are not all happy go lucky - that is perfectly fine!!!  We are all struggling in some way and I believe sometimes, just writing it down or posting it makes it better because then you know you are not alone and have support.


Love and hugs Debbie!!  :smitten: :smitten:

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Thank you for sharing your name, my name is Laurie.  :angel: You are not a Debbie downer, it's part of the process, if you did not worry I would wonder if you were actually in withdrawal!  :D

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Thank you for sharing your name, my name is Laurie.  :angel: You are not a Debbie downer, it's part of the process, if you did not worry I would wonder if you were actually in withdrawal!  :D


I totally agree with Laurie -


I like that we know each other's name - it feels more personal.  :smitten: :smitten:

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Thanks guys you are both so sweet & supportive I  am so glad that I connected with this group!

Love you both  :smitten:

Praying for better days!!!

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Thanks guys you are both so sweet & supportive I  am so glad that I connected with this group!

Love you both  :smitten:

Praying for better days!!!

So glad you did too!! So glad you both did!! You both are so appreciated for your support and kind hearts.

Love you too!!!


Julia  :smitten:♥️♥️

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Hi Debbie,

I hope you are doing better today?  I hope you heard from your doctor and he gave you good information.

Take care and remember - we are here for you!



Julia  :smitten:

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Hi Julia,

I'm zapped I have a small koi pond cleaned it out...hot outside so I'm chilling.

Haven't heard from the doc yet he may call later. 

Thanks for checking...feel better.

Hugs ❤

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Hi Julia,

I'm zapped I have a small koi pond cleaned it out...hot outside so I'm chilling.

Haven't heard from the doc yet he may call later. 

Thanks for checking...feel better.

Hugs ❤


Hi Debbie,

That is so cool.  I wish we could put pictures on here.  I bet its beautiful.  It is hot here too, 83 so far today - supposed to get to 93.  I am in Myrtle Beach, SC and it is supposed to be 96 tomorrow - ouch!!!  lol  I am inside today for sure and tomorrow too.  I go out on my screened in porch as I smoke and it is not too bad in the shade.


Hopefully the doctor will call soon!  :)


I am doing ok.  Just really tired.


Take care.



Julia  :hug:

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Oh wow I've not been to Myrtle Beach.  I would love to have a beach house we have vacationed in Florida several times...think I could be a beach bum 🤣.  I'm in the northern part of Arkansas about 15 mins from the Missouri line.  We have lakes and rivers but there is nothing like an ocean beach!

I've tried to figure out how to put pictures on here but no go.  I have 3 big goldfish and 5 babies.  I'm always so excited when I clean the pond in the spring and find babies.

Yikes 96!  Stay cool.

Hugs ❤

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Oh wow I've not been to Myrtle Beach.  I would love to have a beach house we have vacationed in Florida several times...think I could be a beach bum 🤣.  I'm in the northern part of Arkansas about 15 mins from the Missouri line.  We have lakes and rivers but there is nothing like an ocean beach!

I've tried to figure out how to put pictures on here but no go.  I have 3 big goldfish and 5 babies.  I'm always so excited when I clean the pond in the spring and find babies.

Yikes 96!  Stay cool.

Hugs ❤


Hey Diane,

We are fortunate that we are only 1 mile from the beach so we do not have to worry as much about storms and such but with covid, were not able to enough the beach at all last year.  We moved here October 2019 and then a couple months later is when everything started with covid.  My husband is high risk so we stayed to ourselves only going out if it was absolutely necessary.  So glad we are both vaccinated and can do more now.  We actually rented a hotel a few weeks ago just to be on the beach for a few days.  It was just so much nicer than having to go back and forth with beach chairs etc. and this way we were able to enjoy the sounds and smell of the ocean at night.  We live right off of a golf course and have a screened in back porch that is pretty good sized so we spend alot of time out there and thank goodness we have it because last year would have been worse if we could not get out and get fresh air every day.


Anyway - I have always wanted to go to Florida - do not know if I will ever get there.  lol


I am sure your fish bring you alot of joy.  It sounds calming.


It is hotter and more humid than I thought it was going to be but oh well - it is ok. 


Hugs back cha!!  :hug:

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How wonderful you live so close to the beach.  Renting a hotel was a great idea! 

Covid sure messed up a lot of things glad you are both vaccinated so are we.  Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your new location more now.

I think the heat and I may not get along so well this summer  😞  its going to be hard I love being outside it has always been my therapy.

Doc never has called so maybe he wasn't to serious... Hopefully I can convince him I need to go at my own pace when he does call.

Sure hope you feel better tomorrow.

Hugs ❤

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How wonderful you live so close to the beach.  Renting a hotel was a great idea! 

Covid sure messed up a lot of things glad you are both vaccinated so are we.  Hopefully you will be able to enjoy your new location more now.

I think the heat and I may not get along so well this summer  😞  its going to be hard I love being outside it has always been my therapy.

Doc never has called so maybe he wasn't to serious... Hopefully I can convince him I need to go at my own pace when he does call.

Sure hope you feel better tomorrow.

Hugs ❤

Hi Debbie, I hope you are having a good day!  I was doing better until I got overheated this morning.  I was not doing anything that should have caused it but I was cutting up a watermelon for my husband and I had perspiration running down my face!  Strange - then I have not felt right since then.  I do have a issue with heat but that should not have caused it.  Oh well - I am going to lay down shortly and hopefully feel better.  I had been sitting outside on the shaded porch and my weather app said it was 81 but the real feel was 89.  Maybe I got too hot out there.


Anyway, we do hope to be able to do more here now - once I am better....


I hope you will be able to get outside some anyway.  I have to always find things to distract me and being outside would be nice but here it is going to be too hot.


I hope your doctor will let you go at your own pace.  If he has issues with it, I would show him the schedule you have been on and maybe he will see that your plan is a great one. 


Take care!



Julia  :smitten:

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Hi Julia, yes you may have gotten over heated from just being out in the heat.  After I got overheated yesterday I didn't feel good for the remainder of the day and evening not feeling that great today either.  Could be a combination of my decrease in dose also.  Hope you feel better after you rest.

Hugs ❤

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