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Looking for Buddies - LT High dose Xanax direct taper 1/2 way there!


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I would go  here and ask: Other Medications   


Many buddies are polydrugged on ssri's and Benzos, and most whom I run across hate that SSRI"s cause dependence just like benzo's. That is something to seriously consider. The potential benefit vs going on another med that creates dependence, and has side affects that can be problematic.


Will support you whatever you decide.



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Hi Julia!


I thought I'd chime in with my two cents... take with a grain of salt, of course. :)


A year into my taper, I looked into everything in the world to help make the process smoother and more tolerable.  My doctor had suggested Remeron, then a low dose BP medication (is often helpful treating anxiety) and eventually an SSRI.  Ultimately, I turned them all down after reading how many people were still suffering as much while taking multiple medications.  I decided that if I was going to have side effects, that I wanted to know what drug was causing it.  The last thing I wanted was to get into a situation where I had to start swapping out medication doses or worse, tapering off more than one drug to see where the problem was.


I honestly believe that if there was a magic medication, be in an SSRI, a vitamin, or another prescription that would make this taper much easier, we would have hundreds of people on these boards promoting it.  I've spent so much time over the years scouring these boards all the way back to 2013 for insight or help regarding additional medications (other than a crossover to valium) especially when things were really bad, and to my dismay I never found anyone who could claim that any medication or supplement was extremely beneficial. 


Don't get me wrong, some people swear by Remeron - most especially for sleep.  Others say it was tough to taper, they hated the weight gain, or it simply crapped out on them several months into it.  I'm sure there are people out there who benefitted from an SSRI (such as Prozac) or SRNI but I don't know if it's because it helps with anxiety and depression and that was their most pressing symptom. etc.  Keep in mind that these work on Serotonin levels and do nothing to help with GABA receptors.  Again, I honestly don't know if a change in serotonin can help.  I've never taken another psych med in my life so I have no idea if there's a benefit or not for people who aren't suffering from clinical depression or pervasive anxiety.  I do know people who take Prozac and do well with it for depression and anxiety but I have no experience with people taking it to help with a benzo withdrawal alone - especially this late in the game.


Another thing to consider is that at this stage in our taper a great deal of our symptoms are physical in nature.  I highly doubt that Prozac or any other psych med is going to alleviate my muscle issues, or the dizziness, stomach pains, GI issues, etc.  This group is tapering from one of the absolute shortest acting benzo's (Xanax) and it certainly has its unique problems when making cuts as we feel them immediately!  It's such a jolt to our system. 


Please know that I respect any decision that you make!  Additionally, I totally understand why you are entertaining the idea of adding a medication.  This has been a hell of a few years!  We're exhausted!  Heck, I'm downright disgusted. I had three really good days and got slammed today!  If someone offered me a chance to make this last milligram even 50% better, I'd be seriously contemplating it as well! :)


Hope you're having a pleasant weekend!  Talk soon! Love you!  :smitten:




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I would go  here and ask: Other Medications   


Many buddies are polydrugged on ssri's and Benzos, and most whom I run across hate that SSRI"s cause dependence just like benzo's. That is something to seriously consider. The potential benefit vs going on another med that creates dependence, and has side affects that can be problematic.


Will support you whatever you decide.



Hi Baddove,

Thank you for your response.  I did look at the Other medications threads. 


I really do not want to take another medication as my goal once I am off the xanax is to stop taking the Prilosec that I take for gastritis caused by the xanax and then I will just be on one OTC med.  I hate meds now and just want to med free as possible.


It sounded like it could be a possibility but I know it really isn't.  I am 100% sure, none of the people I talked to about it have ever been on a benzo taper and have no idea what it is really like.





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Hi Julia!


I thought I'd chime in with my two cents... take with a grain of salt, of course. :)


A year into my taper, I looked into everything in the world to help make the process smoother and more tolerable.  My doctor had suggested Remeron, then a low dose BP medication (is often helpful treating anxiety) and eventually an SSRI.  Ultimately, I turned them all down after reading how many people were still suffering as much while taking multiple medications.  I decided that if I was going to have side effects, that I wanted to know what drug was causing it.  The last thing I wanted was to get into a situation where I had to start swapping out medication doses or worse, tapering off more than one drug to see where the problem was.


I honestly believe that if there was a magic medication, be in an SSRI, a vitamin, or another prescription that would make this taper much easier, we would have hundreds of people on these boards promoting it.  I've spent so much time over the years scouring these boards all the way back to 2013 for insight or help regarding additional medications (other than a crossover to valium) especially when things were really bad, and to my dismay I never found anyone who could claim that any medication or supplement was extremely beneficial. 


Don't get me wrong, some people swear by Remeron - most especially for sleep.  Others say it was tough to taper, they hated the weight gain, or it simply crapped out on them several months into it.  I'm sure there are people out there who benefitted from an SSRI (such as Prozac) or SRNI but I don't know if it's because it helps with anxiety and depression and that was their most pressing symptom. etc.  Keep in mind that these work on Serotonin levels and do nothing to help with GABA receptors.  Again, I honestly don't know if a change in serotonin can help.  I've never taken another psych med in my life so I have no idea if there's a benefit or not for people who aren't suffering from clinical depression or pervasive anxiety.  I do know people who take Prozac and do well with it for depression and anxiety but I have no experience with people taking it to help with a benzo withdrawal alone - especially this late in the game.


Another thing to consider is that at this stage in our taper a great deal of our symptoms are physical in nature.  I highly doubt that Prozac or any other psych med is going to alleviate my muscle issues, or the dizziness, stomach pains, GI issues, etc.  This group is tapering from one of the absolute shortest acting benzo's (Xanax) and it certainly has its unique problems when making cuts as we feel them immediately!  It's such a jolt to our system. 


Please know that I respect any decision that you make!  Additionally, I totally understand why you are entertaining the idea of adding a medication.  This has been a hell of a few years!  We're exhausted!  Heck, I'm downright disgusted. I had three really good days and got slammed today!  If someone offered me a chance to make this last milligram even 50% better, I'd be seriously contemplating it as well! :)


Hope you're having a pleasant weekend!  Talk soon! Love you!  :smitten:





Hi Lori,


I am sorry to hear you are having a rough day!  It sucks for real!!!!


Thanks for your input.  I agree that I do not think any med at this stage will help with the physical withdrawal symptoms we have!  I have done alot of research and I see nothing that says this is possible with Prozac - I do not know where the psychiatric nurse practitioner got her information and she told me a week ago that she was going to get back to me once she talked to a MD friend of hers and she has not contacted me - that tells me that she is not getting the information she was hoping to find in order to help me.  My PCP told me yesterday that it made sense that it may help but if I decided to try it to start at a very small dose.  The pharmacist - Express Scripts - told me that he thought it could help but then I called back last night and talked to a different pharmacist and she said in her opinion it may help with xanax WD however, it could also prolong it or make it worse. 


What this says to me is HELL no, I am not going to add something to my already messed up CNS.  I will keep doing what I am doing and I will make it to the end of this nightmare within time.  Sooner rather than later but I am taking it slower now than I was since it is in fact harder the lower I go.  Dave was able to cut the .25 mg pills into .125's then .0625's and now .0312's.  There is no way to cut them any smaller so - last Sunday I did cut .0312 and this past week I did ok.  Some issues but not bad.  I actually felt good most of the week.  I was going to cut tomorrow another .0312 but I am going to wait one more week just to give myself a break.  Providing this coming week goes ok, I will make that cut.  It is a 5% cut and if that is what I have to do to get to the finish line, I will.  I thought cutting by .0625 doses was enough but the off balance and dizziness was too much.  So I will just try this plan LOL  It is so frustrating that I can not make bigger more frequent cuts.  It pisses me off actually!!!  I should be able to but this is what the xanax has done to my system - sensitivity!


Yesterday, I was talking to Dave and I told him, it is sad that I have been dealing with this for over 5 years and I have to keep taking this poison in order to get off of it.  Does not sound logical - does it???!!  Our lives have changed so much and it is sad.  I,  like you,  - just want to be able to do normal things again and not have to think about how much of a dose or what time to take that dose or if I am ok to make a cut etc every single day of my life!!!!!!!!!!!  I still have so much anger about this.  I told Dave yesterday - will I ever get over the anger - he said he thinks I will once I am off this xanax and am healed and have moved on with life - I do not know if I agree but I do know that once I am off and I am healed, I want to help others before they go on a benzo- maybe write a book or start a website with information about what benzo's do to you.  Who knows - but something to help at least one person to not get to where we all have had to go!


I know we will get off this.  It was a moment of "I would love this to work"  when the psychiatric nurse practitioner suggested this to me - but the reality is - I just have to tough it out and keep doing this the way I have been and when I have a problem with the way I am doing it, to make adjustments. 


Love you too and miss you lots!!!!!!  I hope you will be feeling better soon!!! 




Julia  :hug::mybuddy::smitten:

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Thank you Julia...


The autoimmune issues are the worst.  I am really hoping this ends when I am off this..


Hi Seasalt - how are you doing?  I am praying for you and you are in my thoughts!!



Julia  :smitten:

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Hi everyone, it's been quiet here the last couple days. How is everyone doing?

I haven't felt that good today but I feel like tomorrow will be a better day!!!

Love and prayers,

Julia  :smitten:

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Hi Julia and everyone,

Julia I'm sorry you aren't feeling well today I'm right there with you.  Our feel good days sure can't come too soon!

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Wising everyone a good day.

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Hi Julia and everyone,

Julia I'm sorry you aren't feeling well today I'm right there with you.  Our feel good days sure can't come too soon!

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Wising everyone a good day.

Hi Dianedeedee,

Thank you!!! I know- this can't be over fast enough!! It'll happen though!!!

Hope you'll be doing better soon too.


Are you at.573 ?


Hugs and love,


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Hi Julia and everyone,

Julia I'm sorry you aren't feeling well today I'm right there with you.  Our feel good days sure can't come too soon!

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Wising everyone a good day.

Hi Dianedeedee,

Thank you!!! I know- this can't be over fast enough!! It'll happen though!!!

Hope you'll be doing better soon too.


Are you at.573 ?


Hugs and love,



Hi Julia, I'm at .565 been doing DLMT .001mg/day.  My new doc wants to help but I don't really believe he really understands benzo w/d.  He suggested switching to something other then a benzo wants me to think about it.  He also mentioned maybe increasing my zoloft which I'm thinking might be a good idea.  I just don't want to try something else...like they say better the devil you know.

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Hi Julia and everyone,

Julia I'm sorry you aren't feeling well today I'm right there with you.  Our feel good days sure can't come too soon!

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Wising everyone a good day.

Hi Dianedeedee,

Thank you!!! I know- this can't be over fast enough!! It'll happen though!!!

Hope you'll be doing better soon too.


Are you at.573 ?


Hugs and love,



Hi Julia, I'm at .565 been doing DLMT .001mg/day.  My new doc wants to help but I don't really believe he really understands benzo w/d.  He suggested switching to something other then a benzo wants me to think about it.  He also mentioned maybe increasing my zoloft which I'm thinking might be a good idea.  I just don't want to try something else...like they say better the devil you know.

Hi Dianedeedee,

I would  be extremely careful with the Zoloft as a pharmacist told me a couple days ago that anti depressants can mask benzo withdrawals and when you get off of them, the benzo withdrawals can be worse and last longer.


Also taking you off the benzo for another medicine would be scary for me. I have never read or heard that you can do that without major problems.  I would think that would be like a cold turkey.  I just did alot of research on taking prozac to help with benzo withdrawals and it wasn't reccomrnded by anyone on bb. There's also no Data on the internet about it.


I agree- better the devil you know- I know how I do on xanax and know what to expect from cuts- just never know what wd issue I'll have next.

You're so low in dose that if it were me, I'd keep doing what you're doing. Just my opinion. I just don't want you to have even more issues.


Love and hugs,

Julia :smitten:

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Hi Julia and everyone,

Julia I'm sorry you aren't feeling well today I'm right there with you.  Our feel good days sure can't come too soon!

Hope you feel better tomorrow.

Wising everyone a good day.

Hi Dianedeedee,

Thank you!!! I know- this can't be over fast enough!! It'll happen though!!!

Hope you'll be doing better soon too.


Are you at.573 ?


Hugs and love,



Hi Julia, I'm at .565 been doing DLMT .001mg/day.  My new doc wants to help but I don't really believe he really understands benzo w/d.  He suggested switching to something other then a benzo wants me to think about it.  He also mentioned maybe increasing my zoloft which I'm thinking might be a good idea.  I just don't want to try something else...like they say better the devil you know.

Hi Dianedeedee,

I would  be extremely careful with the Zoloft as a pharmacist told me a couple days ago that anti depressants can mask benzo withdrawals and when you get off of them, the benzo withdrawals can be worse and last longer.


Also taking you off the benzo for another medicine would be scary for me. I have never read or heard that you can do that without major problems.  I would think that would be like a cold turkey.  I just did alot of research on taking prozac to help with benzo withdrawals and it wasn't reccomrnded by anyone on bb. There's also no Data on the internet about it.


I agree- better the devil you know- I know how I do on xanax and know what to expect from cuts- just never know what wd issue I'll have next.

You're so low in dose that if it were me, I'd keep doing what you're doing. Just my opinion. I just don't want you to have even more issues.


Love and hugs,

Julia :smitten:


Thank you Julia...I've stressed about it all weekend I don't think he will insist at least I hope not.  I have taken zoloft for depression for years but I will be careful. 

Thanks again...hugs ❤

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Hi Dianedeedee,

Good. I hoped he doesn't insist either. Probably not!

Prayers, love and lots of hugs!!♥️👍 :hug:



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Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is hanging in there!  I am doing ok.  Not great but not bad either. 


I just had to share this with everyone - Over a week ago my psychiatric nurse practitioner had talked to me about taking prozac to help with xanax wd and to get off xanax quicker.  She told me she was going to do more research and also talk to a medical doctor about it and get back to me.  I did my own research and read alot on BB about prozac and also asked for people's opinions.  I decided that I am not going to do this.  My  my psychiatric nurse practitioner called me today and the following is what she said:


She told the medical doctor that she was helping me to taper off xanax and she asked about the prozac theory she had - He asked her why I wanted to get off xanax and why she was helping me to do so - WOW, I could not believe it.  She told him that I want to be off of xanax and that I am her patient and she wanted to help me.  He told her that she and I should consider that I may need to be on xanax.  - WTH - I was flabbergasted!  I do not know how he can make an assessment when he does not even know me.    This just goes to show - another MD that knows nothing about benzos and withdrawal etc.  It is so sad that there are so many of us that have suffered because the very people that put us on these drugs, have no clue what they can and will do to us and then we are left to figure out how to get off them.  The years of suffering so many of us go through. I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My husband told me the next time I talk to the nurse to tell her she should asked that doctor - what if it were opioids - would he react the same?  Interesting thought.


I am going to do something and I do not know what that is yet but I am going to find a way to make education about taking benzo's easier to find and find a way to make the FDA do something about warnings about benzos.  There has to be something that can be done to prevent innocent people who  are just doing what their doctors say , from having to go through the hell we all have gone through. 


Thanks for letting me vent.  I am disgusted! 


Love and hugs,

Julia  :smitten:

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Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is hanging in there!  I am doing ok.  Not great but not bad either. 


I just had to share this with everyone - Over a week ago my psychiatric nurse practitioner had talked to me about taking prozac to help with xanax wd and to get off xanax quicker.  She told me she was going to do more research and also talk to a medical doctor about it and get back to me.  I did my own research and read alot on BB about prozac and also asked for people's opinions.  I decided that I am not going to do this.  My  my psychiatric nurse practitioner called me today and the following is what she said:


She told the medical doctor that she was helping me to taper off xanax and she asked about the prozac theory she had - He asked her why I wanted to get off xanax and why she was helping me to do so - WOW, I could not believe it.  She told him that I want to be off of xanax and that I am her patient and she wanted to help me.  He told her that she and I should consider that I may need to be on xanax.  - WTH - I was flabbergasted!  I do not know how he can make an assessment when he does not even know me.    This just goes to show - another MD that knows nothing about benzos and withdrawal etc.  It is so sad that there are so many of us that have suffered because the very people that put us on these drugs, have no clue what they can and will do to us and then we are left to figure out how to get off them.  The years of suffering so many of us go through. I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My husband told me the next time I talk to the nurse to tell her she should asked that doctor - what if it were opioids - would he react the same?  Interesting thought.


I am going to do something and I do not know what that is yet but I am going to find a way to make education about taking benzo's easier to find and find a way to make the FDA do something about warnings about benzos.  There has to be something that can be done to prevent innocent people who  are just doing what their doctors say , from having to go through the hell we all have gone through. 


Thanks for letting me vent.  I am disgusted! 


Love and hugs,

Julia  :smitten:


OH MY GOSH!!! That is insane!!!  No wonder so many are messed up!  I had asked my previous doctor if she was familiar with the Ashton Manual...nope never heard of.

It is so very sad.

My current doctor talked with a pharmacist friend of his about my dosage and he had never heard of anyone taking such small doses spread out.  😱😱😱

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This makes me angry, there are multiple sites confirming that even at the most minuscular amounts of benzodiazepines are potent and cause many harm. 


When I first went on the alprazolam I was battling a mystery illness (Hashimoto's disease),  I went to a license gynecologist who was practicing functional medicine.  She had a degree in psychiatry and her father was a psychiatrist for many years.  After we talked and she learned I had just begun taking the alprazolam, she told my husband and I that trying to come of the medication would be very difficult.  She told me I would have to shave the pills with a nail file.  I though she was completely insane.  When we left I told my husband this made no sense as my primary doctor told me I was on such a low dose it would not be an issue.


The next month I tried to make a cut of 1/4 of the dose, that landed me at the ER and the rest is history.  She was clearly well informed of the struggles associated with this.  I have not returned to her as she wanted me to take multiple supplements and go on HRT.  At the time I was have major reactions to everything (foods/medications),  so I opted to try to get off this stuff first and heal my gut along the way.  At some point I will return.


I think the doctor Julia's NP inquired with may have suggested staying on the drug as Xanax is an immune suppressant, anyone with an autoimmune disease may be experiencing inflammation, the drug may help with this.  What they clearly do not understand is that the drug is doing more harm than good and can create a host of mystery illnesses. 


I think Julia made the right decision to discontinue, I am doing the same.

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Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is hanging in there!  I am doing ok.  Not great but not bad either. 


I just had to share this with everyone - Over a week ago my psychiatric nurse practitioner had talked to me about taking prozac to help with xanax wd and to get off xanax quicker.  She told me she was going to do more research and also talk to a medical doctor about it and get back to me.  I did my own research and read alot on BB about prozac and also asked for people's opinions.  I decided that I am not going to do this.  My  my psychiatric nurse practitioner called me today and the following is what she said:


She told the medical doctor that she was helping me to taper off xanax and she asked about the prozac theory she had - He asked her why I wanted to get off xanax and why she was helping me to do so - WOW, I could not believe it.  She told him that I want to be off of xanax and that I am her patient and she wanted to help me.  He told her that she and I should consider that I may need to be on xanax.  - WTH - I was flabbergasted!  I do not know how he can make an assessment when he does not even know me.    This just goes to show - another MD that knows nothing about benzos and withdrawal etc.  It is so sad that there are so many of us that have suffered because the very people that put us on these drugs, have no clue what they can and will do to us and then we are left to figure out how to get off them.  The years of suffering so many of us go through. I just want to scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My husband told me the next time I talk to the nurse to tell her she should asked that doctor - what if it were opioids - would he react the same?  Interesting thought.


I am going to do something and I do not know what that is yet but I am going to find a way to make education about taking benzo's easier to find and find a way to make the FDA do something about warnings about benzos.  There has to be something that can be done to prevent innocent people who  are just doing what their doctors say , from having to go through the hell we all have gone through. 


Thanks for letting me vent.  I am disgusted! 


Love and hugs,

Julia  :smitten:


OH MY GOSH!!! That is insane!!!  No wonder so many are messed up!  I had asked my previous doctor if she was familiar with the Ashton Manual...nope never heard of.

It is so very sad.

My current doctor talked with a pharmacist friend of his about my dosage and he had never heard of anyone taking such small doses spread out.  😱😱😱


Yes it is insane!  The NP also asked the doctor if he ever heard of BenzoBuddies and he of course had not - go figure - When my therapist and psychiatrist kept increasing my dose, I kept asking if this was going to hurt me or would I get addicted and they both said as long as I took it the way it was prescribed that I would be fine! WRONG!!!  They were in fact increasing my dose because I was having stroke and heart attack symptoms and when I would go to the hospital they would give me Ativan and in a little while, I would feel better and the symptoms would go away or at least get better - so the therapist and psychiatrist thought I needed more xanax - in fact - the xanax was what was causing the symptoms!  They figured it was all anxiety - it was not anxiety - it was the xanax! 


That is also insane that a pharmacist has never heard of someone taking such small doses spread out.  I think alot of doctors and pharmacist need a hell of a lot better training on benzo's. 


Bless you - I know it is hard for you with a new doctor and they not being experienced on benzo's and withdrawal and tapering. 


Hugs and love,

Julia  :smitten: :smitten:

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They have sure dropped the ball with this stuff!!!  What's it going to take to wake up the medical community???

So beyond frustrated!!!

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This makes me angry, there are multiple sites confirming that even at the most minuscular amounts of benzodiazepines are potent and cause many harm.  I agree - it makes me angry too!  Look at people like me who started tapering at 3.5 mg a day and look at people like you and others - who take a smaller dose -  no matter how big or small a dose we have been on, we ALL have had withdrawal symptoms that have at times brought us to our knees and the lower we go the harder it is.  It breaks my heart that so many of us suffer and if we did not have BB and each other, we would be in who knows what kind of condition. 


When I first went on the alprazolam I was battling a mystery illness (Hashimoto's disease),  I went to a license gynecologist who was practicing functional medicine.  She had a degree in psychiatry and her father was a psychiatrist for many years.  After we talked and she learned I had just begun taking the alprazolam, she told my husband and I that trying to come of the medication would be very difficult.  She told me I would have to shave the pills with a nail file.  I though she was completely insane.  When we left I told my husband this made no sense as my primary doctor told me I was on such a low dose it would not be an issue.  That is amazing - at least one doctor knows how bad this drug is.  Sad your primary doctor did not. 


The next month I tried to make a cut of 1/4 of the dose, that landed me at the ER and the rest is history.  She was clearly well informed of the struggles associated with this.  I have not returned to her as she wanted me to take multiple supplements and go on HRT.  At the time I was have major reactions to everything (foods/medications),  so I opted to try to get off this stuff first and heal my gut along the way.  At some point I will return.


I think the doctor Julia's NP inquired with may have suggested staying on the drug as Xanax is an immune suppressant, anyone with an autoimmune disease may be experiencing inflammation, the drug may help with this.  What they clearly do not understand is that the drug is doing more harm than good and can create a host of mystery illnesses.  I asked her if she had given that doctor any information on my conditions and she said no.  She just told him I wanted to get off the xanax as it was not serving any purpose as I really do not have anxiety that would require meds for.  I had never had a panic attack before I was cold turkeyed from xanax - once I started having withdrawal from the CT - within a couple weeks I was having panic attacks every single day, sometimes for hours a day and that is also when I started being allergic to foods/meds, everything.  Since I started tapering - within a short time, I have no longer had panic attacks.  I have felt anxiety and I have felt panic but nothing like before.  What was so hard for me to is that I did not know I was in withdrawal - I did not know what was wrong with me for 2.5 years - I did not know until I found BB that what I had experienced was a cold turkey and withdrawals.  I could have died and there were many days I thought I was going to.  Thank God for BB.   


I think Julia made the right decision to discontinue, I am doing the same.  Thank you!  I agree that it is the right decision for me and I think it is wise that all of us on benzo's get off as they are not intended for long term use to begin with no matter how big or small the dose is.  Any benzo amount affects the brain and CNS.



Julia  :smitten:

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They have sure dropped the ball with this stuff!!!  What's it going to take to wake up the medical community???

So beyond frustrated!!!


Yes they have!  The focus seems to be on opioids at this point - which is good they are - but they need to put the same warning on benzo's and also make doctors accountable for the prescriptions they write for benzo's.  The psychiatrist office I went to for almost 3 years - was like a swinging door - it was sad - but they were mostly there to get their prescriptions for benzo's.  As I waited to see my psychiatrist or therapist - I would talk to people and they would tell me that is why they were there.  I never once thought about being addicted or dependent on xanax.  I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do.  Never again - I will not just take another med without knowing everything about it.


I know - frustrated and angry and sad!



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Julia, I’m so sorry you suffered so long with panic and anxiety.  The fact that has gotten better as you taper speaks volumes.


Hopefully this will be over soon for all of us!

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Julia, I’m so sorry you suffered so long with panic and anxiety.  The fact that has gotten better as you taper speaks volumes.


Hopefully this will be over soon for all of us!


Thank you!  It was really bad and I did not know it was withdrawal at that time so I just thought I was dying. 


Yes, it does speak volumes and tells me again, this is an awful drug. 


We will all be off this before we know it and healed and ready to move on with our lives.  I truly believe that!!!!  I have to!



Julia    :mybuddy::hug:

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