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WHY so much Negativity all the time?


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I can relate to that as well.  When I went COLD TURKEY from Adivan.........I went through the same thing......I was so crippled, I could not even get anyone to talk or encourage me at all.  I could not even sit at the computer.  I lost 35 lbs in one month.  I'm all shriveled up and wrinkled now and I was so youthful before.  So I've been there where my husband was sobbing and scared and so was I.  There was no positive thinking then. 



I'm just talking about when you can to think positive and think of good things .......when you can.  I am in severe pain today, but I can sit up and type for now and that's a good thing.  I wish the pain would stop but it's getting worse as I sit here.  Yet, I will continue to concentrate on anything I can think of that is good and pure and lovely.  I am determined to train my mind to think on good things instead of how I am feeling for now anyway.


  I'm sure it will get worse for me as I taper ...then I'll know even more how hard it is.  I'll most likely shut down.......that's kind of what I do. 


  But as long as I can think positive, I intend to and pray and meditate.  Even if I cannot speak it, I'll think it then.


I am sorry you have suffered so much and I have no problem with others who find these strategies helpful, I have always focused on doing things and always tried to keep occupied.  I was in bed most of the time since Sept 2013 until fairly recently. Some days I have quite good clarity of thought, other days my thinking is very poor, I go with the flow ... I hope things do not get any worse for you although I know this does happen quite often. 

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Thank you lookingforward,


  SO very kind of you to say those nice things.  We ALL suffer and we are all suffering.  It is Pure HELL for each of us during these WDs.  I know if I have suffered, others are going through so much more from what I have been reading.  I know it's not easy for any of us.  I pray in our morning devotions for everyone here on BB and those who are not who have been snared in this trap of these benzos.  Horrible what has happened to us.  But I believe in Pray and I anticipate God's Answer.  I am hopeful anyway.  I also pray for Supernatural Strength for us all to bear through these storms but mostly I pray for Miracles for God to heal us all.  That is my fervent prayer every day.

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Thank you lookingforward,


  SO very kind of you to say those nice things.  We ALL suffer and we are all suffering.  It is Pure HELL for each of us during these WDs.  I know if I have suffered, others are going through so much more from what I have been reading.  I know it's not easy for any of us.  I pray in our morning devotions for everyone here on BB and those who are not who have been snared in this trap of these benzos.  Horrible what has happened to us.  But I believe in Pray and I anticipate God's Answer.  I am hopeful anyway.  I also pray for Supernatural Strength for us all to bear through these storms but mostly I pray for Miracles for God to heal us all.  That is my fervent prayer every day.


I hope your prayers will be answered and I hope you will get through the rest of your taper and recover well. 


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BenzoBuddies is a secular forum, but a subscription-only board has been created for those who wish to discuss their religious beliefs.


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Please feel free to continue any religious discussions there.


Thank you.


Thank you lookingforward,


  SO very kind of you to say those nice things.  We ALL suffer and we are all suffering.  It is Pure HELL for each of us during these WDs.  I know if I have suffered, others are going through so much more from what I have been reading.  I know it's not easy for any of us.  I pray in our morning devotions for everyone here on BB and those who are not who have been snared in this trap of these benzos.  Horrible what has happened to us.  But I believe in Pray and I anticipate God's Answer.  I am hopeful anyway.  I also pray for Supernatural Strength for us all to bear through these storms but mostly I pray for Miracles for God to heal us all.  That is my fervent prayer every day.

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Hey all, I agree with all of what you all said.  I am going through a living hell also.  I don't feel positive either.  But I'm working at it day by day with each new horrific symptom and yet, there have been many in here who have reached out to me to help and encourage me and others.  I've seen it and it's wonderful.  Right now I have a severe migraine, jaw pain, nausea, pressure in my head and high heart rate.  And yes, I am scared.  I went to see the doctor yesterday and it was so distressing my BP skyrocketed for hours.  Thought I was going to have a stroke and could not sleep last night out of terrible fear.  I won't go into the details, but I am working hard and trying not to notice every sxs, even when I'm in pain, even if I might have a stroke basically bcuz it only makes me feel worse. 


  That's all I'm talking about.  Mindfulness, thinking positive thoughts even if we have to INVENT them.  Yes, I comprehend exactly the horrific FEAR that takes over in us as we experience these terrible symptoms.  And yes, we need to be encouraged in here ..........ABSOLUTELY!  But we also have to work hard at trying to distract ourselves with positive things and thinking even when we are hurting.  That's all I was trying to say.


  Apologies if I came across as harsh, not my intention at all.


Sounds like CBT for benzo withdrawal.

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It is Invent.  Only when we are able to do it that is.  I realize many are overwhelmed with debilitating symptoms and cannot do this.  But WHEN we can ......it does help somewhat. 
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Nick1982, just realized you were addressing someone called "NoMorePills".  I thought you meant you did not want to take any more pills.  Sorry for butting in.


No more pills.....I’ve always wanted to start trying to get into running but truthfully I’m lazy by nature, heavier set (245 lbs at 6,1) and I smoke so breath heavy....any tips or ideas to get me started in 🏃‍♀️ running????


I'm a former marathon runner.  First off, good shoes make all the difference.  You also need to replace shoes every six months if you are exercising for long periods religiously.  Start by walking, then walking with brisk walking intervals, then walk briskly, then walk briskly with little jogging intervals, then jog with little running intervals, then run with little jogging intervals, then run with little sprinting intervals, then you will run so effortlessly.  Walk awhile after your jog/run to cool down.  I did a bit of stretching before, but mostly after to cool down.  Also incorporated calisthenics in my routine with some light weights.  Treadmills help too, obviously.  If anything hurts, don't push it.  You already know about the smoking, so I won't comment upon that.  Obviously, if you have any serious medical issues, you should discuss with your doctor.  It's important that you enjoy whatever exercise you do, however, otherwise one probably won't stick to it.  I loved running.

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I think Hope's post got misinterpreted.


I feel awful A LOT as I taper.


That said, I find that reading scary posts are not healthy for me - when someone is screaming in pain or their posts read :"I feel like I am dying" or writing about an awful symptom I have never experienced, my heart breaks for them and I have reached out to many to offer support. I have been lucky and have had the same 3 (lousy) s/x my whole taper and my taper has been much smoother than many I read about.


I try and avoid negativity all around, not just on BB. (I also spend way too much time on this site). What I do find makes me feel the best during this whole ordeal is to reach out to newbies on the Introductions board and reassure them that they are going to be OK and that they will heal. I also campaign for them NOT to do a cold turkey or rapid taper and try to have them consider a DLMT or just a slow taper because I do believe that is the way to go (from reading so many stories on here). I am no Builder or Jim Hawk or OregonKatz - I don't plan tapers for people - but I do try and help whoever I can. The newbies don't have the information we do, they often think they can just quit a benzo, even after years of use. And they don't understand what the w/d is. They need support badly. The moderators do a tireless and great job of greeting them but they need more support and not just a welcome and read "Ashton" which in itself can be daunting to a new member.


I think helping people is a great distraction (a word bandied around on this site a lot) and also helps heal us all.


Hope that makes sense.

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I think Hope's post got misinterpreted.


I feel awful A LOT as I taper.


That said, I find that reading scary posts are not healthy for me - when someone is screaming in pain or their posts read :"I feel like I am dying" or writing about an awful symptom I have never experienced, my heart breaks for them and I have reached out to many to offer support. I have been lucky and have had the same 3 (lousy) s/x my whole taper and my taper has been much smoother than many I read about.


I try and avoid negativity all around, not just on BB. (I also spend way too much time on this site). What I do find makes me feel the best during this whole ordeal is to reach out to newbies on the Introductions board and reassure them that they are going to be OK and that they will heal. I also campaign for them NOT to do a cold turkey or rapid taper and try to have them consider a DLMT or just a slow taper because I do believe that is the way to go (from reading so many stories on here). I am no Builder or Jim Hawk or OregonKatz - I don't plan tapers for people - but I do try and help whoever I can. The newbies don't have the information we do, they often think they can just quit a benzo, even after years of use. And they don't understand what the w/d is. They need support badly. The moderators to a tireless and great job of greeting them but they need more support and not just a welcome and read "Ashton" which in itself can be daunting to a new member.


I think helping people is a great distraction (a word bandied around on this site a lot) and also helps heal us all.


Hope that makes sense.


Makes perfect sense.

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Hey Thanks guys.


  I apologize to all I may have OFFENDED with the STUPID way I phrased the Statement.  It must have been my BENZO BRAIN off center again.  SIGH.  I'm so sorry!  I did mean well but I phrased it wrong and that is my fault and for that I am very sorry and I hope you all forgive my misuse of how I Stated it.  :'(  It was NOT my intention at all.  Again, Misfiring brain Zaps I'm thinking.  I was suffering a lot with a severe headache and all day long it became more horrific and I could not take any meds for it at all.  Ended up awake all night long with ice packs around my head.  It did not subside till 5 am this morning but I was awake all night anyway meditating.


  I only meant to encourage not discourage.  I hope ya all forgive my stupidity.  And Sober and NM, thanks for trying to understand, you guys are the best.  And to who I offended, you were right to be offended.  I just phrased it all wrong.  Please tell anyone else I offended that I am so sorry.  :'(


    Love you all and wish the very best to all of us in here.  We will get to the end of this .......we really will. Let us hold one another up often and encourage one another more often. 



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Hey Thanks guys.


  I apologize to all I may have OFFENDED with the STUPID way I phrased the Statement.  It must have been my BENZO BRAIN off center again.  SIGH.  I'm so sorry!  I did mean well but I phrased it wrong and that is my fault and for that I am very sorry and I hope you all forgive my misuse of how I Stated it.  :'(  It was NOT my intention at all.  Again, Misfiring brain Zaps I'm thinking.  I was suffering a lot with a severe headache and all day long it became more horrific and I could not take any meds for it at all.  Ended up awake all night long with ice packs around my head.  It did not subside till 5 am this morning but I was awake all night anyway meditating.


  I only meant to encourage not discourage.  I hope ya all forgive my stupidity.  And Sober and NM, thanks for trying to understand, you guys are the best.  And to who I offended, you were right to be offended.  I just phrased it all wrong.  Please tell anyone else I offended that I am so sorry.  :'(


    Love you all and wish the very best to all of us in here.  We will get to the end of this .......we really will. Let us hold one another up often and encourage one another more often. 



Wishing peace & relief to you, Hopeforrecovery!  :smitten:  I am so sorry your night was full of suffering.  May your day get better. 


I see your intent was benevolent.  I didn't perceive anything at all offensive.  We are all experiencing various degrees of suffering and are all trying our best.  Forgiveness and a little latitude goes a long way.



sierra  :smitten:



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awww...thank you so much Sierra7.  You made me cry in gratitude.  :smitten::hug: :hug:


  Thank God for all of you.  IF not for BB, I would have been in much worse shape.  Thank God for this site which helped me with liquid Taper ...I never would have known had I not come in here and it's far better than what I was doing to taper for sure.  Doctors were not able to help me.  It was BenzoBuddies that did.


  So I am so grateful for all of you and for this site.  Thank you all.

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awww...thank you so much Sierra7.  You made me cry in gratitude.  :smitten::hug: :hug:


  Thank God for all of you.  IF not for BB, I would have been in much worse shape.  Thank God for this site which helped me with liquid Taper ...I never would have known had I not come in here and it's far better than what I was doing to taper for sure.  Doctors were not able to help me.  It was BenzoBuddies that did.


  So I am so grateful for all of you and for this site.  Thank you all.




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Hey Thanks guys.


  I apologize to all I may have OFFENDED with the STUPID way I phrased the Statement.  It must have been my BENZO BRAIN off center again.  SIGH.  I'm so sorry!  I did mean well but I phrased it wrong and that is my fault and for that I am very sorry and I hope you all forgive my misuse of how I Stated it.  :'(  It was NOT my intention at all.  Again, Misfiring brain Zaps I'm thinking.  I was suffering a lot with a severe headache and all day long it became more horrific and I could not take any meds for it at all.  Ended up awake all night long with ice packs around my head.  It did not subside till 5 am this morning but I was awake all night anyway meditating.


  I only meant to encourage not discourage.  I hope ya all forgive my stupidity.  And Sober and NM, thanks for trying to understand, you guys are the best.  And to who I offended, you were right to be offended.  I just phrased it all wrong.  Please tell anyone else I offended that I am so sorry.  :'(


    Love you all and wish the very best to all of us in here.  We will get to the end of this .......we really will. Let us hold one another up often and encourage one another more often. 




Thanks for this share, Hopeforrecovery!  I'm glad to hear your headache has let up.  I know you were wishing nothing but the best encouragement for all of us.  Thankful for your contributions!  :smitten:

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Hey Thanks guys.


  I apologize to all I may have OFFENDED with the STUPID way I phrased the Statement.  It must have been my BENZO BRAIN off center again.  SIGH.  I'm so sorry!  I did mean well but I phrased it wrong and that is my fault and for that I am very sorry and I hope you all forgive my misuse of how I Stated it.  :'(  It was NOT my intention at all.  Again, Misfiring brain Zaps I'm thinking.  I was suffering a lot with a severe headache and all day long it became more horrific and I could not take any meds for it at all.  Ended up awake all night long with ice packs around my head.  It did not subside till 5 am this morning but I was awake all night anyway meditating.


  I only meant to encourage not discourage.  I hope ya all forgive my stupidity.  And Sober and NM, thanks for trying to understand, you guys are the best.  And to who I offended, you were right to be offended.  I just phrased it all wrong.  Please tell anyone else I offended that I am so sorry.  :'(


    Love you all and wish the very best to all of us in here.  We will get to the end of this .......we really will. Let us hold one another up often and encourage one another more often. 



Love to you too and wishing you all the best ...  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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Hey Thanks guys.


  I apologize to all I may have OFFENDED with the STUPID way I phrased the Statement.  It must have been my BENZO BRAIN off center again.  SIGH.  I'm so sorry!  I did mean well but I phrased it wrong and that is my fault and for that I am very sorry and I hope you all forgive my misuse of how I Stated it.  :'(  It was NOT my intention at all.  Again, Misfiring brain Zaps I'm thinking.  I was suffering a lot with a severe headache and all day long it became more horrific and I could not take any meds for it at all.  Ended up awake all night long with ice packs around my head.  It did not subside till 5 am this morning but I was awake all night anyway meditating.


  I only meant to encourage not discourage.  I hope ya all forgive my stupidity.  And Sober and NM, thanks for trying to understand, you guys are the best.  And to who I offended, you were right to be offended.  I just phrased it all wrong.  Please tell anyone else I offended that I am so sorry.  :'(


    Love you all and wish the very best to all of us in here.  We will get to the end of this .......we really will. Let us hold one another up often and encourage one another more often. 




Great post Hope - you are a kind and good person and I wasn't offended by your original post at all  - we all need to be positive during this process and lift each other up and you do that a lot and I am very thankful for you.  :smitten:

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