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what percentage am I tapering please


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I am currently as of yesterday on 2.4mg Valium. I have been cutting .01mg every 5 days and wondered what percentage my cut is, and do I have to go slower further on, or will this percentage be ok till off Valium?

If I have to reduce slower I will have to micro taper as opposed to a mini cut and hold.

Thank you in advance

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Thank you so much Waves. I am useless with percentages, or any calculations since Valium.

That's a great help.

Will it be ok to keep reducing at this rate, or would you recommend a DMLT from 2mgs down. At the moment I am taking 1mg am and 1.4mg evening, which is the part I am reducing with liquid, the rest is in tablet form.


If I do a DLMT I thought I would still use the tablets and liquid so .5mgs morning and evening in tablet form, and  taper the other 1mg with the DLMT again both morning and evening. I know I could make it all liquid, but in truth I do not get on all that well with the liquid Valium, maybe due to the colouring or the sweetener, who knows, but it does make things easier. Hence I would prefer to keep to only 1mg in liquid form.


If I did, then what dilution ratio per  1mg equivalent  Valium liquid  to water, would you recommend for a  daily reduction.  Not sure myself. Again because I cannot work out percentages until my head clears from this drug. Thankyou again .

I will be so glad to be rid of Valium but don't want to jeopardise my taper in any way. It has been a tough journey for me, Never to be revisited ever again.

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Well thank you Cant. You are such a lovely person. I know you have followed me through my suffering, as you have done others,  even though you have been going through so much yourself.


It's still a very rough ride, but slowly I am making progress now, and tonight I have put on a few ounces in weight. Every little helps.



I have a long way to go to be better, but it is beginning to feel doable. Got a psychotherapist visiting tomorrow to start CBT. Not sure if I will be receptive to it yet, but I am at least willing to try. If she can prized me out of bed . I think I must be super glued to it by now.



You have have done so well too, and still managed to keep things going. so well done you.


You care is much appreciated .



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Hi Chin..

Sorry, -big day out today...  A good Drs appointment.. -Interesting.. (Will have to blog that...)


I imagine you have had that home visit now..? -Hope it went well and you didnt get bogged down in all the WD aspects... If you get the right person it should be good quality time for you.. :)

-or a distraction, if nothing else...!!


I hope the tide is turning..

-All the best...



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I am currently as of yesterday on 2.4mg Valium. I have been cutting .01mg every 5 days and wondered what percentage my cut is, and do I have to go slower further on, or will this percentage be ok till off Valium?

If I have to reduce slower I will have to micro taper as opposed to a mini cut and hold.

Thank you in advance


What method are using to taper?

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