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A Tip To Help Banish Bloat


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Hello Lambchops! My name is Cow, and I'm tapering off Flurazepam.  It's been brutal, to say the least.  http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/sick/badly-wounded-smiley-emoticon.gif


Not as brutal as when I unknowingly tried to do it cold turkey (and failed) but brutal nonetheless. I thought I would share my tip for bloating, just in case it helps somebody. While I have scoured this forum, this is my first post, so I just want to thank everyone for all they have contributed!



What I do is, first thing in the morning, sip some really warm water. As hot as I can stand it. I sip it like I used to sip a cup of coffee. The hot water relaxes the stomach muscles and helps induce burps, fartings and bowel movements. (Did we ever think these might be the three things we long for most in life?  :() To keep the water hot while sipping, I put it in one of those stainless steel vacuum insulated water bottles designed to keep stuff super cold or hot for a long time. I usually drink up to 16 ounces over 40 minutes or so, and I heat it up again if starts to get less warm. I sometimes feel a little fuller before things start mobilizing, but don't drink until you are uncomfortable if it is not working!


I do this again later in the day, if I am bloated up again. But don't do it before or after eating! Only on an empty stomach!


This method is mostly for relief of trapped gas or stool. I do find there are times when just nothing touches the bloat, and that is usually when I have been dumb about what I eat. But this method is by far the thing that has brought me the most relief. And it's very easy to try, so hopefully it might also help you! 


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Thanks for the great tip. Will definitely try this. Usually, I have to lay my body to one side or try to do that while sitting at desk. I have also manually used my palms or fists to follow the digestive track and make small circular motions on my abdomen. Just don't push too hard, it's difficult not to, when the pain is intense. One other tip is some yoga moves. Laying flat on your back pull up one leg so knee is on your chest and the other leg is straight. Wrap your arms around your leg and just breath. Sometimes this will help expel some gas. Lay like that for a minute or two and then switch legs.
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