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Pls help: national guidelines 1.5 xanax = 15 valium => taper in 12 weeks max


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Netherlands has guidelines totally different from The UK recommendations.

SCARED to go so fast (at 10 valium now) where I see all the advice here is tapering very very very slowly.

(Details in my blog).

Anyone has any experience with this?


Also: Is there anyone that can help me HOW to behave like a normal person towards my hubby?

All I want to do is cry, do nothing and feel sorry for myself. Driving my poor husband insane.

i keep causing scenes and I don't want to, day in, day out.

Any help appreciated..



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Are you seeing a therapist? maybe you should consider talking to someone.... also maybe you should look at your diet and make sure you are not consuming too much sugar caffeine or alcohol if you're anxiety is really bad.. These things trigger anxiety ...I don't know what else to tell you.. you can't just turn off your feelings like a switch. Your hubby should be understanding in terms of what you are going through but I understand it may be difficult for him as well..maybe you can explain to him how he can support you...
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