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thought maybe we could benefit from alternative health since many of us failed so badly using conventional health care.


ok road block to my sleeping - apnea


part of it is obstructive and part of it is allergies that have me waking up unable to breath.  someone mentioned sleep hygiene and that is something i would like to explore more.


sleeping is the biggest problem many of us face so lets here of things that aid.


tummy problems is another area of discomfort during withdrawals as well as eye problems.



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  This is day two of the peppermint caps and my innards seem to be less inflamed.  I bow to AMP for sharing such a wonderful tip.  Keep 'em coming everyone!




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:smitten: thank you for posting in here - i hope it will be very helpful for people :D


which reminds me i need to put peppermint caps on my madison wi list.

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Peppermint tea is also very good at settling upset tummies, although it may cause a little heartburn if it's too strong. The trick is to make it fairly weak. And drink it hot. It helps me alot. Also, it's good for hydration.


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I know that most melons are out of season right now, but try the system cooling method comprised of eating one meal of either cucumbers, watercress, or watermelon.  I did them all and they complimented the peppermint oil gelcaps.  I would mix the cucumbers and watercress together in a large bowl with a little olive oil and a (optional) sprinkle of apple cider vinegar for some taste.  You can yank out the cucumber seeds if you can't eat that sort of thing.  I also did one meal of watermelon per day.  After a couple of days, with at least one or two of these cooling meals per day, you will be cooling down even more.  When the skin finally cools down, it is like being reborn!  ;D 
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The peppermint oil gelcaps are key also.  You know how it feels when you pop a peppermint breath mint into your mouth?  The peppermint that you ingest in the caps starts to absorb into your intestinal lining.  Then it moves through to the skin.  Very cool.  :socool:
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  Did I tell you how much I love you!!! :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:


  LOL, you really CAN feel the peppermint cooling you down from the inside out.  It feels soooooo good!


  I am going to try your suggested diet of cress and melons too, sounds yummmy!!




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Ok, the peppermint caps are being added to my daughters help- resources; now we need some sleep advice.  She has been using melatonin and benydrl but they are losing their effectiveness. 

Any suggestions?


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One Unisom and one 3mg melatonin tablet taken together usually works for me.  Sleep is a tough one though.  I'm taking 3 things now... melatonin/Unisom/Settle Down drops... all at once.  Settle Down will be hard to find in a store because it is made of extracts of several different types of poppy extracts (not the heroin/morphine poppy!)... see this link:




It seems to be best to find several methods and rotate them every 4 or days so they don't lose their effectiveness.  I also alternate with one SleepMD/2 doses of Settle Down.  It all depends on the individual. 



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Did I tell you how much I love you!!! :smitten: LOL, you really CAN feel the peppermint cooling you down from the inside out.  It feels soooooo good!  I am going to try your suggested diet of cress and melons too, sounds yummmy!!


Yes, you just told me!  :D

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Okay... and just to be slightly cautious with the peppermint oil gelcaps... take them for a week and then skip a couple of days, then start again for a week, skip 2 days, etc.  Okay?  8)
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swedish dad - make sure they are entric coated - if they release in your tummy it can cause heart burn.


so you want a capsule = enteric coated. :yippee:


sleep - no doubt about it - sleep is a bear - i am currently doing sleepmd - it is working but nothing works forever - better over the counter (not prescription) then prescription - but eventually sleep hygiene must take its place.


so i would just love to discuss sleep hygiene.


if a person's bedroom is not at the right temp it is hard to fall asleep - i need it real cool - it is nice to get into a warm bed but then over heating becomes a problem.


it is important to be able to breath - that is right up there with right temperature.


of course we can talk about anything - i am so glad this thread is taking off. :yippee:



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So what else do you want to know about?


Something that helped me recently, suggested by Silver is the GABA capsules.  They can turn you around within a few hours.  Two 750mgs caps before sleep helped me go from miserable to OK within about 8 hours.  8)

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don't use them too often tho - cause you want her natural gaba receptors to return back to normal - gaba powder just takes the gaba receptors place - it works - but will retard natural return of the receptors.
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  • 1 month later...

So, I went to a real homeopathic pharmacy on Saturday for insomnia.  I told the homeopath what my symptoms and history of sleeplessness has been.  She gave me this to take (3 pellets under the tongue, morning and before bedtime). 



Do NOT try this on your own!  I'm taking it under the direction of the homeopath (only 4 days then stop, start again after 2 days).  It seems to be working,  but if you read the source of aconitine, it is listed as a deadly poison.  I'm taking a tiny amount each dose, so it is not harmful.  :o;D

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sleep i am having some troubles there - i do not want to be dependent on anything - however i use something until i build up a tolerance - not good.
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amper - it is best you remove the post - people get fuzzy brained and desperate for sleep - they just may try to self medicate and something terrible could happen.


i appreciate your sharing with us - but many do not have the help of a homeopath.

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Hmmmm... well I did say to NOT try this on your own.  Homeopathic treats the origins of sleeplessness in this case, not the inability to sleep in general.  Besides, even if you took the entire bottle at once, it would not harm.  It's important to treat the underlying cause of insomnia, not to just get knocked out. 
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