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Muscle twitching


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I had reduced klonopin down to .5 mg then for 1 week I did .25 mg and 10mg valium then next week only 10 mg Valium. Four or five days after stopping the klonopin I started to have smalll muscle twitches in my legs and face and my muscles in my face twitch like when I smile. I have also been on Geodon for two years and am worried it could be tardive dyskinesia from Geodon and that the klonopin was just masking it but my psychiatrist doesn't think I have that, I just saw him today, he said it could be benzo withdrawal. So he is only willing to reduce my Valium 2 mg every two weeks. Is that too fast and are these muscle twitches from dropping off klonopin?





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You are lucky your doctor said it was probably WD. Most doctors would not know that and perhaps prescribe yet another drug. UGH!


Muscle twitches are very common in benzo WD. Trouble walking, unsteady gait, and a whole bunch of other muscular symptoms are possible. Try not to worry, but if I were you, I would try to get off Geodon. Brain affecting drugs seldom seem to help and they just cause MORE problems.


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