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3 New Antidepressants coming to market


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I feel that benzodiazepines end up being a big profit destroyer for many new drug manufacturers, since the nature of benzos and how they are usually prescribed and taken has a tendency to sensitize the nervous system in a way that very few other drugs can. Once sensitized to that level, a patient cannot tolerate much of anything anymore, which is quite a profit killer. One could argue that doctors who put people on benzos in the first place and keep them on it are actually destroying a lot of potential profits that biotech/pharmaceutical companies could make by their newer drugs.




benzos are cheap and are well tolerated. they are able to suppress almost every psychiatric ailment and doctors love prescribing them. obviously pharmaceutical companies would hate them. the patented z drugs help but not totally.


Eli Lilly certainly hated Upjohn (the original maker of Xanax) since benzo sales were cutting down their anti-depressant sales. I just wish that people at large understood that a sizeable subset of people campaigning against anti-depressants are folks that have been harmed by incorrect prescribing of both benzos and AD's and/or by not being listened to (long-term benzo prescriptions in non-dependent benzo patients, using benzos to help startup of extremely activating AD's that would not be tolerated on their own, adding a benzo to an existing, well tolerated AD prescription without considering safer options, demanding that benzo-injured patients take AD's that could harm them, prescribing multiple AD's (poly-drugging), ripping iatrogenically dependent benzo patients off of their medications and forcing them on AD's and other psychiatric drugs with catastrophic results, and generally prescribing new Rx drugs with complete disregard to instabilities caused by other Rx drugs, and ignoring what the patient is saying.


If I missed anything, let me know. Yes, the new AD's and even the old AD's can be flat out dangerous, but I am far more concerned about people with history of depression/anxiety/insomnia who are the most likely to end up on both benzos and AD's in various sequences, combinations and permutations with often disastrous consequences.



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