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Shortness of breath


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I went to grocery store and purchased seasoned taco meat

. Usually some seasoning has Msg salt not sure if this one does though but I'm feeling shortness of breath I'm wondering if that's what's causing my shortness of breath I also applied some cream on my chest not sure what's contributing to it but it. If I take deep breath instead of helping makes it worse  :'(

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I think many people have had this side effect I know I have seen it in the search function. Hope you feel better soon. I know that when I eat something that I'm sensitive to it can rev up symptoms. I hope it passes for you soon.
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I have it too. You are not alone! when I ate curry I felt shortness of breath and sometimes headache. I saw ingredients of it and says it includes msg salt. and I had the symptoms again after eating some other food containing msg,so I think it contributes to them. I love curry but i have been avoiding it since then...  when I have shortness of breath, I try stretching my upper body. Have you tried it, Butterfly I do it on sofa or bed to get relaxed as much as possible. hope you get better soon.  :)
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The sensation of shortness of breath and of air hunger are EXTREMELY common during benzo withdrawal. The best thing is to try and distract yourself if you can.
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thank you all for your replys! :thumbsup::smitten: yes it was definitely the food I ate that night i couldnt sleep until 3am the next day was bad at work too. i feel much better now last time that happened to me as well it was shortly after drinking alcohol so im defenitley staying away from things that can rev me up because the consequences afterwards are brutal
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