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I feel great, can I jump at 0.10 ativan?


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Ginger glad you were able to quit C/T and not look back. Glad it worked out for you. I went C/T in May while in the hospital for migraines and by the third day was totally debilitated and couldn’t walk. My muscles were so weak. For me...I have to do it slowly.


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When I was on .5 Ativan and tried to taper without much knowledge it kicked my azzzzzz.

Ativan is the devil in a bottle.


You have done well and congrats!!!!!!

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Ginger, I am glad to hear you were able to complete a get off Ativan.  I can’t deny that sometimes I overthink which method to do, I just want the least amount of suffering. However I have accepted that this will be a journey I  must go through to heal.  In my short time on BB I have definitely realized we all have a different experience. So any positivity in feedback is always welcomed
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  • Hi Freedom,
    It's no big deal if you do it carefully. Here's what I found important:
    • Taper slowly and always cut a percentage of previous dose (and not a fixed amount). I typically cut 1% of previous dose per day. Only now I'm accelerating to 2% per day. People often do a lot of confusion and say that their scale hasn't enough resolution or so, but what happens is that at the lower doses you'll be, for example, four days at 0.15, then three at 0.14, etc.
    • Listen to your body - I can't stress this enough! I.e. when you start feeling bad, hold the dose until you feel better. Simply stop cutting and wait for as long as necessary. Don't listen to stuff like "holding for too long is bad" or "I never stabilized so I had to C/T" (:o). Forget it, you'll get better! Stay in bed if you have too, but resist the urge to change you dose. Be prepared to hold for months, if needed. By holding you are giving your body time to heal and you have to give it as much time it needs to catch up.
    • Accept that you'll have symptoms for a long time. Don't think too much about those symptoms. Adjust your life and don't expect too much from yourself in this period.
    • Exercise. If you don't feel good, do a lighter type of exercise, but keep moving.
    • This one is personal and I imagine it could be done otherwise but I decided from the beginning that I would not add further confusion to the process by splitting the dose or trying to cross over to a different benzo (as my doctor wanted me to at a certain point).


And good luck!


Great advice!

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Circlestar.  Glad you are moving along with your taper and are down so low! I’ve been having a rough time and today feel awful. I have not been able to get my footing or get stable enough to live or enjoy my life. It seems that every day is a struggle and the slightest thing sets me off. The muscle weakness especially my legs is scary and gets me thinking maybe it’s something else. It always happens after I decrease Ativan too much. If I go back up it feels better but not resolved.

This is so scary and I am so tired of feeling awful. My life changed completely. I have no control from Day to day and the things I do to try to get better cause setbacks. 😡 besides the taper I’m dealing with chronic migraines, fibro, CFS and lots of immune issues. It is overwhelming to say the least but I keep  trying to forge ahead. Morning are the worst!!!

I hope you are managing ok and pray that all of us will heal from our tapers! ❤️

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