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How do you distract yourself when you lack patience.. seems that I am stuck


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Hello everyone,


I am at 6 months out from the detox and 4 months out from the reinstatement. I cannot find anything to distract myself...tv is hard to watch, have hardly patience for some light cooking, going outside scares me so I get very bored and then agitation comes on top of everything.


Have you been in this situation? Please I need some help here.


Many thanks and wishes of healing to all,


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I listen to instrumental worship music on youtube. One is Dappytkeys on youtube. I have also ordered some coloring books.
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I used to pet my cats, which I found relaxing. And did distract me. At night I lstened to hypnotic bedtime stories - those have turned out to be one of the best things I found! I STILL listen, and my CT was in 2012!


Working in my garden helped too although I couldnt DO that for about 2 years.


I think you have to just search your mind for things you MIGHT like to do. Some people exercise, and find it very helpful. I began cleaning my house once I was able to function a little bit, and that became a passion for me, almost an obsession!

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That was me in the first 6 months.  I spent a ton of time on benzo buddies and did my sudoku puzzles ad nauseam to distract.  It really helped a lot.
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Dear Zack,


Distracting is a huge challenge for me too. I still can't quite understand whether it is the anhedonia, lack of interest/apathy, lack of focus... but so much of the things I used to do just don't cut it right now. I still can't watch TV, it is as if I can't connect with anything, any type of programme or film. Only recently have I started to read again a little, but finding the right type of material is never easy. I still skip from one book to the other... and think about the next book I will buy... struggling not to think this is a waste of money - it isn't, we will come back to those, now is just a phase we need to get through  :thumbsup:


Having company is my best distraction, so much so that I developed monophobia... but anyway. Chatting, just tagging along to the grocery store or wherever... no need to decide. That seems to give me a break from my head!


Not being home or indoors in general. As I can't distract much with anything like TV, radio or even the internet... it is always best to be wandering about, watching people, admiring the view... being out! If just walking bores you, think about taking pictures and sharing... adding to your photo collection...!


Look for group activities around you, you could learn something new! A language, crochet or other crafts, gardening... walking, yoga and other gentle workouts (or less gentle if you want!)... the possibilities are endless, you just need to give them a go  :thumbsup:


You could also look for volunteering opportunities... those can be very small things to begin with, you don't have to commit at first. Check places like your local library, perhaps public schools around you might be looking for tutors?


Keep trying. Try new things. Be open-minded, you never know what may work, it might surprise you! And if you end up not enjoying whatever activity you have tried.... well at least you know. And one day, you will write about that day you went along to a meetup discussion about sugar and left an hour into the evening which was supposed to last for another 2 ( :D), awkwardly wiggling your way out of the small cafe with everybody staring at you, "sorry I have to leave... but I hope to see you all next time... " - yes, that was me  :laugh:


And please share with the rest of us! What works, but also anything you try! Someday this will all be behind you  :thumbsup:


Hugs  :smitten:

Julz xx

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