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that ssri question was directed to me, and I already answered her. Kind of. Clear as mud :laugh:


I did realise, but since I was going through the whole post, I just wanted to explain why I had no comment to make.

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I also recall Colin correcting me and that Ashton does recommend an anti-depressant regarding benzo w/d as I had misread it to read DO NOT take........"  I hope I'm right on this if not PLEASE correct me!


Not quite what I meant, but maybe I was unclear.


Ashton found her patients did better if they tapered off their benzos first, and then tackled the ADs later if they wanted to quit them too. Your above comment seems to suggest that I was suggesting people should take up ADs for the purposes of benzo withdrawal - I was not meaning to imply that (neither did Ashton, I'm sure). If you are already on benzos and ADs and are looking to quit both, quit the benzos first. ;)

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I also recall Colin correcting me and that Ashton does recommend an anti-depressant regarding benzo w/d as I had misread it to read DO NOT take........"  I hope I'm right on this if not PLEASE correct me!


Not quite what I meant, but maybe I was unclear.


Ashton found her patients did better if they tapered off their benzos first, and then tackled the ADs later if they wanted to quit them too. Your above comment seems to suggest that I was suggesting people should take up ADs for the purposes of benzo withdrawal - I was not meaning to imply that (neither did Ashton, I'm sure). If you are already on benzos and ADs and are looking to quit both, quit the benzos first. ;)

,Hi Colin, I'm very sorry for misquoting you!


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"Journeywork (Brandon Bays) 


It's time to move forward and start living life as the REAL YOU!


The Journey is a simple yet powerful guided visualisation that helps you uncover and release old emotional baggage which blocks you. Through this process, Brandon Bays healed her own large tumour and thousands of people around the world have experienced the healing power of forgiveness.


Journeywork can help with many issues, including:


Relationship challenges     




Unresolved grief


Physical conditions                         




Low self-esteem


Unwanted/unhealthy habits             






Knowing you have potential but just can't access it                     


Lack of purpose


Often, pain from unresolved past experiences can cause you to react negatively to things that happen today. As a skilled Journey Practitioner guides you through the process, you are helped to clear these old issues in a way which frees you to be more of who you truly are. During your private session, you will actually experience the amazing freedom of your true self. Angela Brown is a Recommended Accredited Journey Practitioner and trained with Brandon Bays, founder of The Journey process."



Here is a link to her website.



I didn't go to any of her seminars, I just had it done by a local practitioner who learned the technique.


Thanks so much for the info and link!  I did visit the site and listened to the audio~~I'm ordering one of her books :)

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Your welcome!

I want to order that new book of hers, "Freedom is". Which one are you ordering?

I was searching Amazon for her books and wanted all of them.........which book would you recommend for  emotional healing?
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You know, I've only read one, and that was "the journey" which that practioner loaned me so I would have an understanding of whatthe process would entail. To be honest, it was more of a description of the process, and a lot of testamonials, more like an advertisement than a self-help book. More like telling you what to expect. I think the "Freedom is" book sounds a little more hands-on. Any other of her books I have no idea!

What I really want is the companion CD, but it's expensive. Maybe it's cheaper at amazon. I'll go look.


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I just received an order of 8 books I had purchased! Let me know how 'Freedom Is' if you do read it!  :)

p.s. This trazodone is NOT making reading easy! ???

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You sound like me, I'm a book freak, particularly self-help books. Not sure if they are helping!

I'll order that and let you know.

LOL on the not helping. I think they are helping you, or you didn't need them to begin with! ;)
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I also recall Colin correcting me and that Ashton does recommend an anti-depressant regarding benzo w/d as I had misread it to read DO NOT take........"  I hope I'm right on this if not PLEASE correct me!


Not quite what I meant, but maybe I was unclear.


Ashton found her patients did better if they tapered off their benzos first, and then tackled the ADs later if they wanted to quit them too. Your above comment seems to suggest that I was suggesting people should take up ADs for the purposes of benzo withdrawal - I was not meaning to imply that (neither did Ashton, I'm sure). If you are already on benzos and ADs and are looking to quit both, quit the benzos first. ;)

,Hi Colin, I'm very sorry for misquoting you!


No need to be sorry - as I said, I might not have been very clear anyway. ;)

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I also recall Colin correcting me and that Ashton does recommend an anti-depressant regarding benzo w/d as I had misread it to read DO NOT take........"  I hope I'm right on this if not PLEASE correct me!


Not quite what I meant, but maybe I was unclear.


Ashton found her patients did better if they tapered off their benzos first, and then tackled the ADs later if they wanted to quit them too. Your above comment seems to suggest that I was suggesting people should take up ADs for the purposes of benzo withdrawal - I was not meaning to imply that (neither did Ashton, I'm sure). If you are already on benzos and ADs and are looking to quit both, quit the benzos first. ;)

,Hi Colin, I'm very sorry for misquoting you!


No need to be sorry - as I said, I might not have been very clear anyway. ;)

I haven't been anywhere near clear for 20 something years.....I don't expect tha to improve during w/d!  :wacko:
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I haven't been anywhere near clear for 20 something years.....I don't expect tha to improve during w/d!   :wacko:


You might be surprised. Many report being far more clear-headed as their dose drops, and well before they have finished tapering. ;)

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There is one huge advantage I have this time-I WANT to be benzo free! All other times I was forced off, or at least I did not want to be benzo free at all.  I'm not having the anticipation anxiety I had in previous forced w/d.

I understand that some anxiety and other symptoms are to be expected.  I am feeling 110% better than I was feeling 1 week ago.  This drug has always 'owned me'......NO MORE!!! Thank you Colin and everyone for your support-this is the first time I have had support from people that have been there or are going through the same......hmmmmmm, could that make a huge difference? :smitten:

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There is one huge advantage I have this time-I WANT to be benzo free!


That's the right attitude to have! :thumbsup:  That will only make things easier on you.


Sandy :)

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There is one huge advantage I have this time-I WANT to be benzo free!


That's the right attitude to have! :thumbsup:  That will only make things easier on you.


Sandy :)

Thank you Sandy!  :smitten:

BIG news (sorta)  I got up the nerve to call me doctor's office and make an appointment.  I was very careful in what I said and how I said it.  Basically I told the receptionist I would like an an appointment at the doctor's earliest convenience to ask if I could receive a lower dosage, 1 mg. tabs of clonazepam, that I have been taking the trazadone and if the doctor would like me to take another drug along with it. 

It's sad I am walking on eggshells but hoping for the best.  I think my asking for a lower dosage helped and that's what I want, hopefully this will work out.  Appointment is for 12/05.  I need you people !!!!!!! :smitten: 

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I think it may be.  You are on Klonopin right?  I would check with Colin or a moderator before making your cut just to be sure.  You may want to titrate off of that medication.  I'm sure you probably spoke to Colin about this already.  It would also be very helpful if you added a signature line. ;)


Sandy :smitten:

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I think it may be.  You are on Klonopin right?  I would check with Colin or a moderator before making your cut just to be sure.  You may want to titrate off of that medication.  I'm sure you probably spoke to Colin about this already.  It would also be very helpful if you added a signature line. ;)


Sandy :smitten:

Yes, generic Klonopin=Clonazepam.  Math is not my forte :-[  I should be @ 3.75, not 3.50 :idiot:


Thanks again Sandy!!! you're an angel:      :smitten:


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