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Hello in a 34 year old male and I'm in recovery from opiates use and taking Suboxone. I started taking Xanax to relax and for sleep. I was snorting them also. I stopped cold turkey about 3 weeks ago.  My symptoms have been.

Lack of sleep, left side of body numbness in the neck chest head and upper abdomen all on the left side it kinda feels like swelling but it's not. Sometimes it stays with me all day then after sleeping I feel ok for a few hours then it cones back. There was a couple days I woke up and felt really ill leter through the day I get better. One day at work out of nowhere I started feeling really out of it like I was about to pass out then after two hours I felt better my anxiety is kinda feeling better it was really bad ive been to e.r. a kit the first couple weeks like almost everyday felt like I was dying every little symptom I thought was life threatening. It's horrible when my neck feels tight I get this randome pain in the side of my head above my ear just for a second. Latly I also have got ringing in my ears. I'm wondering if these side effects are normal for cold turkey withdraw and any ideas on how to cope with them.

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Also when I have went to the e.r I was told there was nothing wrong. I don't want to tell doctor s that I'm withdraw from Xanax cause I could loose my Suboxone then I'll be at risk of relapse with opiates in which I don't want to do. It took awhile to build my life back up.
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