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Teva Clonazepam Discontinued Group


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Um, I still have not given up on getting off and tryin little bit of clon and changing out bit of valium as am so sick.

So yu guys would not advise this?  I have big stash of old clon (really old) sure it must be the brand you all were on.

I don't know what to do or how to proceed but nver gotten stable on valium..... but once did add like 1/4 of a .5 tab and felt like normal.



I assume the wafers not covered by insurance?  Anyone take a .25 wafer?

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I’m not really advising anything. If you feel awful on Valium, then maybe you should go back to clonazepam.


From what I remember, you’ve had this problem of “being sick” on Valium for quite awhile.


You must be seeing a doctor to get prescriptions for Valium. So why is this doctor letting this go on for so long? None of this makes sense to me.


Most of the people on this group have been on teva clonazepam, and now have had to change to another generic of clonazepam or go to Valium and Librium. I was on Actavis clonazepam 3 times, Sandoz clonazepam twice, and now I’m on the Teva Wafers.


Mine are paid for by insurance and I have a copay with it.

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I kind of think hr dos not know what to do...  try more valium lss ambien; try more ambien less valium, go to clon,  try ativan...  but he leaves it to me to decide and with such fear i don't decide..  then since i so unstable he says don't taper now but dos not know how to get me stable. 


my clon is ancient i dont recall brands think mylan?  activis?  are some of newer ones preferred generally?


you have been on a lot of brands.


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I have started stockpiling my brand K as I do worry about being cut off from a doctor. I have told my psych I am taking 1 mg a day when I take .5 mg, so I am starting to build up a reserve. I keep it locked up in my house so no one else can access it, as I do have a teenager in the house.




So your concern is being cut off by your doctor. Is your relationship with your pdoc pretty good? I had the observation that it was.


Never hurts to have that stockpile in any case.


My primary doesn't love that I am on K. My psych doesn't care but he is older and likely nearing retirement. So a steady supply for as long as I need it is a concern definitely. I am still not tapering now and not sure when/if I will be able to. Just still a lot on my plate.



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Hi y'all. It's so crazy what we're going through from meds they prescribed. I hate that they keep changing generics. I seem to be stable on the name brand Klonopin and pray that the supply continues until I can taper off. I have to pay out of pocket for it, but, you have to do what you have to do.


Would love to go back to when my doc gave me Cymbalta for fibro and this for sleep and just say no. Wish I had known better.  But, must deal with the present now.


My goal is still to move, finish the Cymbalta taper, then, when my nervous system is ready, do a very slow taper off the Klonopin. Someone explained the liquid titration to me and it was way too confusing for me to figure out right now, especially because Klonopin doesn't dissolve well.


Ever the optomist, I'm praying that there will be more awareness and more docs willing to help us taper off in the not too distant future. I guess I can dream. Speaking of which, I'm up every night into the morning.


By the way, does anyone have buzzing in their head (not brain zaps). I'm trying to figure out if it's because of the 1.5 mg of Cymbalta or the Klonopin.


Wish everyone the best  :smitten:

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good afternoon all,


just thought i would check in here and see how everyone was doing with all this change over crap...well i got my first script of actavis 1mg tabs


and would love some advice..i have a stash of 12 months of teva 1mgs..my doc always filled my script as though i was still on 4mgs and not at 2.75mgs..and so i have the stash locked away..the next time i do my meds as i do 28 days at a time..i am trying to get the nerve to start the switch,

I have been dealing with a mom and pop pharmacy the last few months that still had teva..so they asked me what i wanted to change too they had accord but said they could get me what i wanted would just have to order it..i asked about actavis..and he said sure and he had it in the next day.


But from reading back posts here why are so many going to accord? is there going to be a time that actavis wont be available either? And it seems let me know if i  my brain in reading to much into this..are some of you worried that one day even sometime soon there will be no clonazepam to get???


I am going to try to do a slow switch over but i am going to weigh these pills and get with builder on the math as i take 1mg 3/4 mg and 1 mg a day..but i have been brave and i have went from .132gms for my noon dose down to .124gms with my scale..not even sure how much that is..and its taken a couple months to do this..but anyone that remembers me knows how sick i got in 16 and 17.


But if there is a chance that benzos get to where you cant get any brand of clonazepam theres no way i could get off in a yr..it took me over 2 yrs to go from 4 mgs to 1.75mgs...then when so sick had to go back to 2.75 and pulled out and i have been at this amount since i would say the end of 17 beginning of 18..


Intend it sounds like you are worried they are going to do away with it??


Will have all in my thoughts and prayers..and hope that we all get adjusted with whats going on and that we can somehow get through it and come out on the other side.


Big hugs to everyone



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good afternoon all,


just thought i would check in here and see how everyone was doing with all this change over crap...well i got my first script of actavis 1mg tabs


and would love some advice..i have a stash of 12 months of teva 1mgs..my doc always filled my script as though i was still on 4mgs and not at 2.75mgs..and so i have the stash locked away..the next time i do my meds as i do 28 days at a time..i am trying to get the nerve to start the switch,

I have been dealing with a mom and pop pharmacy the last few months that still had teva..so they asked me what i wanted to change too they had accord but said they could get me what i wanted would just have to order it..i asked about actavis..and he said sure and he had it in the next day.


But from reading back posts here why are so many going to accord? is there going to be a time that actavis wont be available either? And it seems let me know if i  my brain in reading to much into this..are some of you worried that one day even sometime soon there will be no clonazepam to get???


I am going to try to do a slow switch over but i am going to weigh these pills and get with builder on the math as i take 1mg 3/4 mg and 1 mg a day..but i have been brave and i have went from .132gms for my noon dose down to .124gms with my scale..not even sure how much that is..and its taken a couple months to do this..but anyone that remembers me knows how sick i got in 16 and 17.


But if there is a chance that benzos get to where you cant get any brand of clonazepam theres no way i could get off in a yr..it took me over 2 yrs to go from 4 mgs to 1.75mgs...then when so sick had to go back to 2.75 and pulled out and i have been at this amount since i would say the end of 17 beginning of 18..


Intend it sounds like you are worried they are going to do away with it??


Will have all in my thoughts and prayers..and hope that we all get adjusted with whats going on and that we can somehow get through it and come out on the other side.


Big hugs to everyone






I am at the point of not knowing what to do myself much less tell anyone else. It’s pretty much “every man on his own” here since there this regional availability.


By that I mean, people are still finding Teva clonazepam when it  has been discontinued, Actavis clonazepam in different parts of the US, brand Klonopin by Genentech (if affordable ) possibly Northstar (I’m not sure about that), and Accord and Solco.


If you still have your stash of Teva clonazepam, what have you been using up to now? It’s been quite awhile since you last posted so it almost sounds like you’ve continued to be able to get the Tevas all along. If that’s the case, I’d continue getting them until you can’t get them anymore.


I’ve found that the Actavis clonazepam and Teva ODTS are fairly close in strength, so it could be that Actavis will work for you. There’s just no way of telling because many have reported that changing from the Tevas to Actavis was “not a good experience “ for them. We are all just different people with different Central Nervous Systems.


People are going to Accord either because they’ve already been on it for awhile, or it’s the only choice they have at their pharmacy. Here where I am, I called numerous pharmacies several months back, and they all had Accord clonazepam except for one which had Solco. And remember, we are “supposedly” in the minority here in that most people can’t tell the difference between one generic and another generic.


A lot of this has to do with the money of course. Chain pharmacies in a particular state will have a supplier/distributor/wholesaler (pick a term) that negotiates with the chain to get the lowest cost they can get each year, and then sign a contract for that year to only sell that particular generic brand.


And here and there, there are these smaller community pharmacies that will special order for someone that’s requests a particular generic, and they get it if it’s available.


I don’t think they’ll stop clonazepam completely as there’s still a lot of docs who prescribe it, but I also think that we’ll be dealing with newer generics as they come along also. I know I can’t get Actavis anymore around here. I could pick up the phone and call every pharmacy within 100 miles of me to try to find out, but I’m not willing to do that. My voice is already very weak, and I’m just unable to do it much less know all the pharmacies.


And yes, I do remember how sick and debilitated you were in 2016. It was terrible for you. What an awful state of affairs these drug companies have put us all in. And here we are trying to get off.

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I didn’t think you ever got brand klonopin made by Genentech, a subsidiary of Roche.


What I thought was that you’d been on Teva Clonazepam for quite awhile, and then were given the Accord which you had acclimated to from Teva.


When Klonopin first came out, it was the brand name clonazepam, under patent just like all these new drugs we see on tv like Humira, Repatha, and the many advertised for psoriasis.


It was patented in 1960 by Roche, and became available in the US in 1975 or 1998 depending on what site you read. (This is like a history lesson.)


Just the fact that you are now able to get Accord, Solco, and Actavis shows me that this is a supplier/distributor/wholesaler problem across the US.


I can’t get Actavis here. I used to be able to get it with no problem whatsoever, but no more. 


I do know of another healthcare company that’s around. It’s called Leading Pharmaceuticals. The US location is Fairfield, New Jersey, but the only controlled substance they make that I can tell is lorazepam.


Well, good luck to all of us nomore. We just have to keep on plodding along!


hey Intend , yep plodding along! lol


so do you have info leading to the conclusion we are about to see an end to clonazepam/Klonopin ion all it's available RX forms? i read a comment the other day under a youtube video on tapering where somebody said they're gonna yank clonazepam from the markets very soon...but it could be just heearsay to spread a rumor to incite fear or panic...sometimes that happens artificially  (intentionally) to drive up prices when in actuality there is plenty of supply. oil is great example. what do you think or what have you heard?

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I kind of think hr dos not know what to do...  try more valium lss ambien; try more ambien less valium, go to clon,  try ativan...  but he leaves it to me to decide and with such fear i don't decide..  then since i so unstable he says don't taper now but dos not know how to get me stable. 


my clon is ancient i dont recall brands think mylan?  activis?  are some of newer ones preferred generally?


you have been on a lot of brands.




I do think you have to make your own decisions especially since your Doctor is letting you decide.


It sounds like clonazepam is better for you than Valium from what you’ve written.


I think I’d cross back over to clonazepam and then get off it.


You just need to realize that you may be dealing with the newer generic brands now.


If I remember correctly, you weren’t on a lot of clonazepam, so if that’s the case, I’d just look at your stash, and see how much you have of all the generic brands, and if there’s enough of one of them to taper off, I get crossed back over, and get going on your taper.

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thanks for getting back to me so quick,


and yes i was very lucky and found a small pharmacy not far from my house that has kept me in teva brand for quite a few months now..but on the 5th of this month when i got my script filled...he called me and told me he only had a partial of that script and would get me whatever i wanted if it was not accord..so i went with actavis because like you i have heard its the closest to teva.


I just have no idea what to do to do the change over... my doc said that he thought changing half a pill every month would be fine..i think thats to fast..but what do i know..that would be .5mgs every month...and i have enough teva to do it alot slower than that..and thats just the ones still in date..i still have 2mgs stashed away from 2015 that i was using to taper from..but i have a yrs worth that i have just got every month when i got my script filled ...then would put the new bottle in my purse and then would take the other one out and put it away.  But i was getting enough for 4mgs a day and have been at 2.75 mgs for over a yr and a half. So luckily that left alot of overage.



My dear hubby..bless his heart he tries so hard to help me..he asked me why didnt i just crush the old with the new brand and measure it out and go with it..my brain nor my body would know how much was in the dose of the old and new..that scares me but he was right when he talked about crushing the pills and mixing them all together and then you would have a more likely hood of not getting to much inactive ingredient in it yrs ago when i was taper. because cut and hold just wasnt working for me.


I want to try and taper again and once again cant decide do i do the change over first or do i try to cut small .001 gms here and there as i am doing the change ?? the only problem i see here is that i wouldnt know what was causing a problem if i did have them..


thanks for always being here and being so knowledgeable for everyone..you are irreplaceable to us..


and i sure wish they could get you on one brand and leave it alone.


an i left cvs..they told me they couldnt even tell me what brand they carried over the phone it was against hipa laws..so thats when i started calling around and found the small pharmacy..and now i have changed my husband and my daughters meds there too because it helps the mom and pop places.


hang in there and i miss being around here but my life is so busy i cant think straight some days..


but i have to get the weight of this new brand and get with builder for the math as what it would be equal too in gms and i am terrible at converting those things


thinking of you





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I didn’t think you ever got brand klonopin made by Genentech, a subsidiary of Roche.


What I thought was that you’d been on Teva Clonazepam for quite awhile, and then were given the Accord which you had acclimated to from Teva.


When Klonopin first came out, it was the brand name clonazepam, under patent just like all these new drugs we see on tv like Humira, Repatha, and the many advertised for psoriasis.


It was patented in 1960 by Roche, and became available in the US in 1975 or 1998 depending on what site you read. (This is like a history lesson.)


Just the fact that you are now able to get Accord, Solco, and Actavis shows me that this is a supplier/distributor/wholesaler problem across the US.


I can’t get Actavis here. I used to be able to get it with no problem whatsoever, but no more. 


I do know of another healthcare company that’s around. It’s called Leading Pharmaceuticals. The US location is Fairfield, New Jersey, but the only controlled substance they make that I can tell is lorazepam.


Well, good luck to all of us nomore. We just have to keep on plodding along!


hey Intend , yep plodding along! lol


so do you have info leading to the conclusion we are about to see an end to clonazepam/Klonopin ion all it's available RX forms? i read a comment the other day under a youtube video on tapering where somebody said they're gonna yank clonazepam from the markets very soon...but it could be just heearsay to spread a rumor to incite fear or panic...sometimes that happens artificially  (intentionally) to drive up prices when in actuality there is plenty of supply. oil is great example. what do you think or what have you heard?




I don’t have any info like that. If it’s comments UNDER a YouTube video about tapering it is most likely “hearsay and rumor” as you mention.


There are millions of people on clonazepam right now. If none were available, there isn’t enough room anywhere to put people (not in hospitals, not in rehabs, nowhere) who would go into immediate acute withdrawals and literally be so sick that they would be completely bedridden.


That has the potential to affect our economy dramatically as people wouldn’t be able to work or even buy anything. Remember, money talks, and drug makers want to make money for their shareholders also.


If you ever listen to a podcast of a drug maker like Teva for instance like I have, it’s all about money projections for shareholders that are invested with them on the New York stock exchange and other stock exchanges also.


I’ve actually listened to numerous ones other than Teva, and the calls come in from all over the world from shareholders like JP Morgan and Deutshe Bank. There are stock markets all across the world. They begin to open in New Zealand, and from there, they open in the Asian areas, then Australia, the Mideast, Europe, and finally New York.


And big Pharma is heavily invested in all these markets.

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thanks for getting back to me so quick,


and yes i was very lucky and found a small pharmacy not far from my house that has kept me in teva brand for quite a few months now..but on the 5th of this month when i got my script filled...he called me and told me he only had a partial of that script and would get me whatever i wanted if it was not accord..so i went with actavis because like you i have heard its the closest to teva.


I just have no idea what to do to do the change over... my doc said that he thought changing half a pill every month would be fine..i think thats to fast..but what do i know..that would be .5mgs every month...and i have enough teva to do it alot slower than that..and thats just the ones still in date..i still have 2mgs stashed away from 2015 that i was using to taper from..but i have a yrs worth that i have just got every month when i got my script filled ...then would put the new bottle in my purse and then would take the other one out and put it away.  But i was getting enough for 4mgs a day and have been at 2.75 mgs for over a yr and a half. So luckily that left alot of overage.



My dear hubby..bless his heart he tries so hard to help me..he asked me why didnt i just crush the old with the new brand and measure it out and go with it..my brain nor my body would know how much was in the dose of the old and new..that scares me but he was right when he talked about crushing the pills and mixing them all together and then you would have a more likely hood of not getting to much inactive ingredient in it yrs ago when i was taper. because cut and hold just wasnt working for me.


I want to try and taper again and once again cant decide do i do the change over first or do i try to cut small .001 gms here and there as i am doing the change ?? the only problem i see here is that i wouldnt know what was causing a problem if i did have them..


thanks for always being here and being so knowledgeable for everyone..you are irreplaceable to us..


and i sure wish they could get you on one brand and leave it alone.


an i left cvs..they told me they couldnt even tell me what brand they carried over the phone it was against hipa laws..so thats when i started calling around and found the small pharmacy..and now i have changed my husband and my daughters meds there too because it helps the mom and pop places.


hang in there and i miss being around here but my life is so busy i cant think straight some days..


but i have to get the weight of this new brand and get with builder for the math as what it would be equal too in gms and i am terrible at converting those things


thinking of you




Deep, I think you need to cut those pills with a pill cutter before you do anything else.


I’d just cut 1/4 pill of the new one and continue with the Tevas for all doses for about 15 days, see how you feel, and if ok, then cut 1/2 pill of the new one and continue with the Tevas for all doses, and so on and so on.


Remember to hang onto the cut pieces of the new ones so you can use them later.


I know what you mean about CVS. I went over there once to see if they had Actavis in stock, and everyone one in the pharmacy made an excuse about why they weren’t sure what was in stock, and said only the manager  was able to discuss that, so I asked where the manager was, and they said he’d be there on Wednesday. So I called on Wednesday, and he said he was too busy to be able to tell me anything.


I also called Silver Script (CVS is their preferred pharmacy) :idiot: and the woman I spoke with said she gone in there also asking about a weight supplement, and the pharmacist told her,”that’s not going to do it for you.” So she called the corporate headquarters and he got fired.


Hope I made some sense in my explanation of crossing over to another generic of clonazepam.


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I have started stockpiling my brand K as I do worry about being cut off from a doctor. I have told my psych I am taking 1 mg a day when I take .5 mg, so I am starting to build up a reserve. I keep it locked up in my house so no one else can access it, as I do have a teenager in the house.




So your concern is being cut off by your doctor. Is your relationship with your pdoc pretty good? I had the observation that it was.


Never hurts to have that stockpile in any case.


My primary doesn't love that I am on K. My psych doesn't care but he is older and likely nearing retirement. So a steady supply for as long as I need it is a concern definitely. I am still not tapering now and not sure when/if I will be able to. Just still a lot on my plate.


That makes a lot of sense, NJ.

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Hi y'all. It's so crazy what we're going through from meds they prescribed. I hate that they keep changing generics. I seem to be stable on the name brand Klonopin and pray that the supply continues until I can taper off. I have to pay out of pocket for it, but, you have to do what you have to do.


Would love to go back to when my doc gave me Cymbalta for fibro and this for sleep and just say no. Wish I had known better.  But, must deal with the present now.


My goal is still to move, finish the Cymbalta taper, then, when my nervous system is ready, do a very slow taper off the Klonopin. Someone explained the liquid titration to me and it was way too confusing for me to figure out right now, especially because Klonopin doesn't dissolve well.


Ever the optomist, I'm praying that there will be more awareness and more docs willing to help us taper off in the not too distant future. I guess I can dream. Speaking of which, I'm up every night into the morning.


By the way, does anyone have buzzing in their head (not brain zaps). I'm trying to figure out if it's because of the 1.5 mg of Cymbalta or the Klonopin.


Wish everyone the best  :smitten:




If the branded K works for you, I’d just stay on it, finish that cymbalta taper, and get going on the klonopin taper when you can.

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I didn’t think you ever got brand klonopin made by Genentech, a subsidiary of Roche.


What I thought was that you’d been on Teva Clonazepam for quite awhile, and then were given the Accord which you had acclimated to from Teva.


When Klonopin first came out, it was the brand name clonazepam, under patent just like all these new drugs we see on tv like Humira, Repatha, and the many advertised for psoriasis.


It was patented in 1960 by Roche, and became available in the US in 1975 or 1998 depending on what site you read. (This is like a history lesson.)


Just the fact that you are now able to get Accord, Solco, and Actavis shows me that this is a supplier/distributor/wholesaler problem across the US.


I can’t get Actavis here. I used to be able to get it with no problem whatsoever, but no more. 


I do know of another healthcare company that’s around. It’s called Leading Pharmaceuticals. The US location is Fairfield, New Jersey, but the only controlled substance they make that I can tell is lorazepam.


Well, good luck to all of us nomore. We just have to keep on plodding along!


hey Intend , yep plodding along! lol


so do you have info leading to the conclusion we are about to see an end to clonazepam/Klonopin ion all it's available RX forms? i read a comment the other day under a youtube video on tapering where somebody said they're gonna yank clonazepam from the markets very soon...but it could be just heearsay to spread a rumor to incite fear or panic...sometimes that happens artificially  (intentionally) to drive up prices when in actuality there is plenty of supply. oil is great example. what do you think or what have you heard?




I don’t have any info like that. If it’s comments UNDER a YouTube video about tapering it is most likely “hearsay and rumor” as you mention.


There are millions of people on clonazepam right now. If none were available, there isn’t enough room anywhere to put people (not in hospitals, not in rehabs, nowhere) who would go into immediate acute withdrawals and literally be so sick that they would be completely bedridden.


That has the potential to affect our economy dramatically as people wouldn’t be able to work or even buy anything. Remember, money talks, and drug makers want to make money for their shareholders also.


If you ever listen to a podcast of a drug maker like Teva for instance like I have, it’s all about money projections for shareholders that are invested with them on the New York stock exchange and other stock exchanges also.


I’ve actually listened to numerous ones other than Teva, and the calls come in from all over the world from shareholders like JP Morgan and Deutshe Bank. There are stock markets all across the world. They begin to open in New Zealand, and from there, they open in the Asian areas, then Australia, the Mideast, Europe, and finally New York.


And big Pharma is heavily invested in all these markets.


yes, i know about Big Pharma's evil greed and monopoly on the drug prices too...just watched a NETFLIX doc  on it and got so stinkin mad my hands started sweating! but if they rais e the prices, we're screwed. cause we'll find a way to get the meds instead of going thru CT or protracted WD ...unfortunately we'd be in exactly the same boat as real addicts who'll do almost anything to get the drugs so they don't feel so sick all the time...that is my biggest fear. Big Pharma has proven they can and did do it in the past, and it seems they might take advantage of all of the millions of people now dependent on the benzos.  they are no different than a street dealer...give the first hit free, then the next one charge a tiny amount, then the next, and once they'rehooked jack the price wayyyyy up.  i hate Big Pharma for this. dr's are in on it too. sorry to be a downer.  :(  it motivates me to get off my meds as quickly as is safely possible!

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All clonazepam users just want off. That’s the reason we’re here on BB.


The branded klonopin is already quite expensive, but the regular tablets of clonazepam are fairly priced from what I know.


I just want off myself so I’ll pay the price set for the wafers w/o getting mad.


And I avoid all other psyche  meds completely so no more tapers after this one.

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I just want off myself so I’ll pay the price set for the wafers w/o getting mad.


And I avoid all other psyche  meds completely so no more tapers after this one.


well [glow=red,2,300]AYFRIKKINMEN[/glow] to THAT!!

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I just want off myself so I’ll pay the price set for the wafers w/o getting mad.


And I avoid all other psyche  meds completely so no more tapers after this one.


well [glow=red,2,300]AYFRIKKINMEN[/glow] to THAT!!




We’re on the same page!!! 📖 📚

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Has anyone switched from generic to brand K? And for those who have, did you gradually do it, or just jump in? I only dose once a day, I have about 60 days of genetic left, and am in tolerance wd right now already on my generic. Thanks!

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There are a few who have gone to brand K from a generic of clonazepam, but I’m not sure how they did it.


By that I mean I don’t know if they did a switchover gradually or a cold switch as in the next day.


A good person to ask is NJstrength. She’s on brand K right now and could give you very good information.

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Has anyone switched from generic to brand K? And for those who have, did you gradually do it, or just jump in? I only dose once a day, I have about 60 days of genetic left, and am in tolerance wd right now already on my generic. Thanks!


Hi Sunflower, I did. I was on the teva and after so many problems decided to try the name brand since I had actually started on it years before.


The first time I tried it, I'm not sure what was going on. I took my dose of .5 at nighttime as usual, and I believe I took 1/2 of the teva and 1/2 of the Klonopin and I woke up feeling awful. This really set me back and I didn't think I would be able to stabilize on the brand name. But, when I found out that my doctor wouldn't write for the ODT teva and I was close to getting no meds, I decided to try again. I took some of the name brand during the evening and I noticed it made me feel a bit heavy, but, not bad. I believe I did updose a bit because I was so worried about the whole thing and had been having surges of panic.


Since then, I've been okay. Stabilized over to the Klonopin name brand.


I'm not sure I can tell you what to do, except maybe try 1/2 and maybe try it early enough so that you are awake and can gauge how it's affecting you?


In any case, the transition was not bad.


I also only dosed 1x/day, and also was very possibly at tolerance at .5 mg.


I'm at .5-.75 now (somewhere in between) and hoping to get back to .5 mg soon though I am probably moving homes

right now so I really really need to stay stable.


I wish you lots of luck. Not sure I was any help, but, do know that the transition was not bad for me. I still have tevas, but, think, I actually prefer the name brand. If anything I can help with at all, please ask.  :smitten:

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Just curious ... did your doctor give you a reason as to why s/he would not write a prescription for the Teva ODTs?


Reading back on Wisdoms posts, I remembered that she has had a difficult and as she has said, “skittish” GP that “is easily shaken up” by any change.


Wisdom can speak for herself. I just reread her posts, and this is what I found.

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Just curious ... did your doctor give you a reason as to why s/he would not write a prescription for the Teva ODTs?


It took a while to get any answer as she just refused. I did call and ask to speak with her nurse or assistant and I tried

super hard to explain it all very calmly.


This is the answer I got in the portal:


These are tablets to only be used for acute situations. I do not think this is the best solution for you.


She's a gp, not a psych and she pretty much is skittish as Intend said about medications, though she had no problem pushing Cymbalta on me (so glad I am almost off that after over 2 years tapering).



I'm glad that I was able to acclimate to the Klonopin name brand and now just worried about the taper and doing it

with no help. I have to put it on hold while I am trying to find a good place to move to. Physically, with chronic pain

and fibro, it's all very difficult. Praying things work out.


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Just curious ... did your doctor give you a reason as to why s/he would not write a prescription for the Teva ODTs?

This is the answer I got in the portal:

These are tablets to only be used for acute situations. I do not think this is the best solution for you.

Thank you so much seeking an answer from your physician. Your extra effort is much appreciated! I recently had to switch docs and my new doc prescribed 0.5mg Actavis clonazepam tablets b/c she didn’t have experience with the ODTs. 


Going through benzo withdrawal while also suffering from chronic pain is incredibly difficult.  My heart goes out to you.

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