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2 years off klonopin and....


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HI folks


Its been a long while since I posted here. Some of it good and some not so good. Have I healed, yes some. I have been able to hold down a job for the last two years but only part time. I remember two years ago, I was in the throws of withdrawal and suicidal. Benzos are so dangerous!


My present lingering symptoms are:


Horrible tinnitus constant in both ears.


Loss of feeling on forehead.

Low grade depression


So many of the other numerous symptoms are gone. I'm hoping for more recovery though. I am going to go off mirtazapine as it is not helping my insomnia anymore. Other than that I am med free.


Take care and I hope this helps someone in some way.  :smitten:



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Thanks translator and stuck for your reply. I understand how frustrating it is to not only get off a benzo but to relentlessly hope for relief from the long term effects of withdrawal. With all the psychotropic drugs that I was on, klonopin was by far the hardest one to stop and the worst for ill symptoms. The first six months of stopping the benzo was the worst time. After that it was a chronic course of misery for about 18 months. Actually, I think I would be more improved at 2 years if I was not starting to feel the effects of mirtazapine withdrawal. With that said, I do see some light at the end of this long tunnel but I can safely say their is still room for improvement. Best wishes on both of your recoveries and stay the course. Blessings  :smitten:



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