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New and need support for 2 months use of Xanax


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Hi All,

I just realized this week that I have a Xanax dependency. I started to take it for anxiety 4 months ago. It did its job and I got over my anxiety. The Xanax sat in my medicine cabinet until 2 months ago. I got a cold and my ears stayed plugged up for 8 weeks after my cold was long gone. My plugged ears gave me anxiety and so I would take a Xanax (.25mg) as needed. Then as my ears got better, I started noticing that I wasn't anxietal, but also not myself. Sleeping became a challenge and I was needing a Xanax before bed or 4am in the morning to get back to sleep. I started noticing that I couldn't go a day without them. This when I started researching Xanax dependency. I called my Naturopath and she said that I needed to wean off it. She told me to cut it in half starting last night for 2 days and then cut that in half for 2 days and so on until there's nothing left. I had the worst night ever! Only 2 hours of sleep, but I also think a lot of it is in my head now that I know it's an addiction. This is not me! I'm usually a happy person. I'm a mother of two beautiful little girls. I have to get off this! Any suggestions or advice would help! What do you take for insomnia and to take the edge off. My Naturopath has me on L-Theanine (200mg, 2-4 times a day) and L-Tryptophan at night with a tincture of Cats Claw, Serenity, & Hops. Is the advice from my Naturopath the right way to start tapering off? I need hope!

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Welcome to the forum! We're glad  to have you as a new member.


You'll find lots of information and support here.  Our members have been through all aspects of withdrawal, and you're likely to find  people who understand what you're going through.


For those who are starting a new taper, we suggest reducing no faster than 5-10% every 10-14 days at first, and then adjusting the taper rate to suit your own needs.  One exception: very short-term users of a few weeks or less may be able to taper faster.  Having some withdrawal symptoms is normal, especially near the end of a taper and for a few months after discontinuing the medication.  First/only withdrawals after a slow taper tend to be easier than multiple reinstatements/withdrawals over time, which may make symptoms worse and longer lasting. The most common symptoms are anxiety and insomnia, but there are many others. These are temporary and will go away in time.


Here are a few links you may find useful:


Withdrawal Support Board


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. Section III explains and describes symptoms, and there is also a section with suggested taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!



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