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Hi everybody, first of all I would like to apologize for any mystakes as English is not my first language.


I'm 26 and developed an addiction to benzos very stupidly as I didn't take it for anxiety but for pain, a terrible dentist messed up my bite and I developed serious TMJ

symptoms, the main were: dizziness, a clogged ear and a contracted SCM (sternocleidomastoid, the main muscle in your neck) and other muscles around my neck and face.


I tried every pain med, anti-vertigo med, you name it, nothing worked so after 2 months of suffering i caved and popped one of my mom's Xanax and of course felt relief.


Time passed and without even noticing it I had been taking Xanax for 4 months...suddently I felt a bit better TMJ-wise so I halved my xanax dose, thinking it would do nothing to me, but I was very wrong, but here's the thing I blamed all of my symptoms to TMJ.


My worst symptoms began, they were awful I couldn't stay up for more than half an hour because of the vertigo and for it i was vomiting all the time I also was very disturbed by sound and light...this went on for a little longer than 2 weeks.


Then one night as I was taking my Xanax I looked at the pill and thought "What if it's your fault?" Internet helped me and I discovered that all of my symptoms were in the list so I talked to my doctor telling him everything and made him prescribe Valium to taper (not sure if it was a good idea) I tapered for a month taking it only when I couldn't take it anymore and on the 1st of February had what I hope is my last dose.


Now I of course have a lot of symptoms but funny thing is I don't know which is withdrawal and which is TMJ and of course with the rebound anxiety hypochondria dominates my mind and this site really helped me not to go to doctors over and over, so I hope to take this journey with you guys and help each other in difficult times :)

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Hello Corwell :hug: Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


I'm sorry about your experience with the dentist, sounds very painful indeed.  Its possibly withdrawal symptoms, could be both TMJ, and benzo withdrawal.  Have you been checked by your doctor?  Any withdrawal symptoms are temporary, they can be very severe for a while but it  should ease off with some time. 


We have many supportive and kind members here who will support you and give sound advice. Feel free to check out the forum and post to any of our dedicated threads.  I think you will find some comfort communicating with those who are in the same situation as you are.  Congratulations on being benzo free.!


I don't know if you have read the Ashton Manual,  It is an excellent resource about these types of medication and their effect on the body. It provides Tapering and withdrawal information and includes a list of common symptoms


Here are a couple of links:


Professor Ashtons Manual


Post withdrawal recovery support.


When you have a chance please write a signature line that will appear at the bottom of each post, describing your medication history. Here are the directions to do that: Create a signature


Welcome aboard




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Thank you magrita, yes I am being followed by a new dentist, with a lot more experience,and he discovered with x-rays that my previous dentist pushed one mandibular condyle almost in my ear (that's why I guess the clogged ear and dizziness) and as he was moving my jaw out of position i have a lot of contracted muscle that of course as you now is made 10 times worse by benzo withrawal...so yes I'm fighting 2 beasts at the same time :/

This new dentist says I should be better in 2 or little more months Tmj wise...but I think he is too optimistic but let's hope he is right :)

Also I go to a osteopath that makes me feel a lot better and decontracts me for a short while.


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Thank you magrita, yes I am being followed by a new dentist, with a lot more experience,and he discovered with x-rays that my previous dentist pushed one mandibular condyle almost in my ear (that's why I guess the clogged ear and dizziness) and as he was moving my jaw out of position i have a lot of contracted muscle that of course as you now is made 10 times worse by benzo withrawal...so yes I'm fighting 2 beasts at the same time :/

This new dentist says I should be better in 2 or little more months Tmj wise...but I think he is too optimistic but let's hope he is right :)

Also I go to a osteopath that makes me feel a lot better and decontracts me for a short while.


Aw poor you, really does sound extremely painful.  I do hope this new dentist is right about the 2 months...:thumbsup: 


As for the withdrawal symptoms, it will get better, time is the healer!



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