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Day 7 of switching to liquid titration. Pls help


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I’m currently on 4mg Valium total daily. 2mg in the am and 2mg at night.

-7 days ago I put my morning dose in goats milk. Taking night dose by pill still.

Today I am feeling rough. All my withdrawal sx are much worse. Is this normal when starting titration? I haven’t cut. Just put my dose in liquid. Would help to hear some advice. Thank you.

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A fair number of people seem to experience a drop in their medication level when they switch to a liquid titration.  Sometimes, it's because the liquid formulation isn't being done properly.  Sometimes I think it's because people were taking their pills sublingually (at least in part) and were taking a lot more drug than they thought they were taking (sublingual absorption is more efficient than if you swallow the pills so 4mg might have really been acting like 5 or 6 or maybe even more mgs depending on how long you kept the pill in your mouth before swallowing it.


One option is to updose your liquid portion slightly (maybe 10%), and wait a few days to see if that helped.  Or maybe take 3mg of your dosage as solid and liquid titrate just 1mg.


Liquid is a great approach for titration, but you have to get crossed over to liquid and it can take some time to get thru all of the kinks.

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Thank you so much for your reply. I was thinking of doing just the 1mg like you said. If I do that, will it be even though? Or do I just save the other half of the pill for the next day to titrate?
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So say I put half of a 2mg pill in liquid, and I start to titrating the 1mg...do I save that other half for next days titrate, and just use another pill for the 1mg dry dose?

I would think if u break a pill in half to titrate, you would want to use THAT other half the following day so that you’re using the same pill 2 days in a row so that the dosing is right.


Do I have this right?

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I'm guessing that you could do 1.5mg as a solid pill (for each dose) and 0.5mg a a liquid (again, for each dose).  You could probably make 1.0 mg in goat's milk and take half of that in the morning and half in the evening. 
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