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Most cruel symptoms


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I know everyone has their own set of troubling symptoms but to me, the mental ones are the worst. I've never heard of so many unrelenting brain symptoms. One day, I'm suicidally depressed then the next moment, I have body wrenching anxiety. Another time, it's brain dead/foggy/vegetative and the next moment, fear and doom. I've never felt such torture in my life and I honestly see no end to it. I know recommendations are to "distract" but it's so impossible when you have to carry your brain with you wherever you go....I just can't cope; fearing the worst of this...no windows at all..
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Hey hardtocope.

After reading this post it struck a chord.

I went on seroquel for this kind of thing while not in w/d.

I would not necessarily recommend this, but perhaps you should ask your doctor about this class of meds.

They quite the mind in a much more profound/different way to benzos and are nowhere near as painful to discontinue.

They do have quite severe side effects and precautions, but they may give you the reserves you need.

I have not ruled out taking seroquel again if needed, but benzos are most definitely off the table.



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Thank you lobo....I may keep my options open; really hate to add anything but my agitation gets to the point, I was to literally escape my body...
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I wouldnt do seroquel if i were you. Its used mostly for schizophrenics to quiet their voices down and can have severe adverse reactions to non-schizophrenics. I had terror filled hallucinations for like 5 months in the dark of night and although my thoughts were horrid my other symptoms were worse. This shit can really get bad depending on dose and length of use. I seriously saw a three foot long rat like creature with fangs and glowing green eyes jump out of my ceiling and disappear inches from my face. Curtains that turned into evil looking aliens standing next to my bed. All i could do was pray through the entire sleepless night. During these intense times of suffering the thoughts in my head were nothing but pure fear/terror.  Im at 11 months now and am much better then those hallucination filled nights. My point being: it couldve been even more difficult then what you are facing and only time will help you. Seriously. There is no magical pill or supplements to ease the suffering. Only time. All you can do is keep getting days behind you and they will add up until you start noticing gradual improvement. Your thoughts will slowly return to what they were before this nightmare began. Even better because you will have beat the most difficult thing of your life.  And remember it couldve been even worse then what you are dealing with now. I wish you strength and patience. You GOT this!
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Thank you Windwalker...I don't think I'm going to take anything else either..just doing so poorly managing the symptoms. Time is not my friend-it seems to far outstretched that I will never see an end to this...but I'm holding on..
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I know everyone has their own set of troubling symptoms but to me, the mental ones are the worst. I've never heard of so many unrelenting brain symptoms. One day, I'm suicidally depressed then the next moment, I have body wrenching anxiety. Another time, it's brain dead/foggy/vegetative and the next moment, fear and doom. I've never felt such torture in my life and I honestly see no end to it. I know recommendations are to "distract" but it's so impossible when you have to carry your brain with you wherever you go....I just can't cope; fearing the worst of this...no windows at all..


OMG I totally relate to this. I am not to the level of anxiety you are, but i have all of those some all the time, some come and go. You're not alone :therethere: 

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It's horrible Meems...I can't stand another minute of this symptoms...and yet, I wake up for another round of it..
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It's horrible Meems...I can't stand another minute of this symptoms...and yet, I wake up for another round of it..


Yep I try to wake up like  giphy.gif This doesn't happen most days :2funny: but I try.

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I wish I could be so optimistic Meems...I get up praying for some relief then am hit hugely by wave after wave...thanks for the great meme.


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You're going through 2 w/d at the same time. YOU WILL get better, I know that probably makes you wanna slap me  :laugh: I would want to slap me, I would want to if I felt like you so its ok  :)  The only thing I could possibly maybe say to try  is have your Dr. look into that Excitotoxicity they can look it up on their computer if they never heard of it, but I am sure they have.
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Thank you...I'll do it. I Just honestly feel I'm in the pit of hell...Here is a lady's video that shows exactly how I feel and the type of crying I have...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IldnkZgva18&t=12s
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is it LaurieB? tell me before I look. If it is yes its' heartbreaking. I love her and hope she can feel better soon.
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Hi there


Seroquel was nearly the death of me. Literally and figuratively. Used to help with tapering of sleeping pills (Zopiclone) it closed up my throat and I couldn't breathe, thought I was having a BAD panic attack. Hallucinated like a hippie at Woodstock (freaky, weird things) admitted to hospital with toxic shock. If you ever do use, suggest tiny doses and lots caution


Oh honey, I totally relate to what is going through your head... I also know the best way to get out of your head is to physically get out. Go for a walk, somewhere peaceful. Even just 15 minutes is enough to flip the switch. Do an errand. I used to walk to a park near me and swing  :laugh:


Thinking of you

x ATGNT ( All The Good Names Taken )

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What you describe is quite familiar. It can be exceedingly to deal with day - day but it does subsides (so I'm told). I'm at 9 months off Clonazepam and Seroquel and have become desperate quite a few times. One things that does make a difference is a certain type of meditation - I find (if I can focus) that it suspends the intrusive thoughts and give me a break from the catastrophifizing - at least for a little while. But that's probably not a practical thing when it, at times, can be impossible to focus. So sorry you are enduring this wretched stuff - I guess it's what your brain feels like when it's going through a sort of healing process. Please take care . . .
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