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How long ?


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If you have been one month off Valium how long will it take you to get re-addicted.


Don't tell me one time, because the Gaba receptors take some time both going up and going down.


Serious answers please.

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If you have been one month off Valium how long will it take you to get re-addicted.


Don't tell me one time, because the Gaba receptors take some time both going up and going down.


Serious answers please.


Hi Miriedl,  I'm not sure I understand your question (so others may not either).    If you have been off valium for a month, are you saying that you've used it again?    Also, if you enter 'rekindle' in the search box, there is some information here about the reusing of a substance 'rekindling' the GABA receptors so that you have another WD.  I used lorazapam to assist in my first month of stopping zopiclone, and, on my worst 'wave's had a quarter.  While the Doctor was happy with that, I'm fully aware that I'm in danger of 'rekindling' and perhaps prolonging/reversing/damaging my withdrawal.  I know others have also upped doses while tapering, which makes the taper longer, but I'm not quite sure what your question is.  ???

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No, but you're on a slippery slope there.


Nobody can give you a precise answer - it depends on a lot of factors, e.g. the amount of the rescue doses, the frequency of the rescue doses, etc. Bear in mind that Valium has a long half life, so a rescue dose stays in your system for about a week. If you are taking rescue doses once a week or more I'd say you're really still addicted. If it's once a month or less you're probably OK but I'd still advise you to stop because you're playing with fire.

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My question is really:


Have you ruined your taper if you take a rescue dose once in awhile?


I havent, I took rescue doses before and it did nothing to my taper.

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Good to hear that your taper is not ruined.


I would assume that you are not addicted with a rescue dose

once a week.


The blood level reduces every day and not only after a week

even with a long half life.

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That's true, but I'd still advise against them.

How big a dose have you been you taking?


I think we need to stop calling them "rescue dose".

Maybe instead "I'm-going-to-f***-up-my-brain-again dose". :)

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My question is really:


Have you ruined your taper if you take a rescue dose once in awhile?




...and while I have never otaken a "rescue dose", I have taken one-off doses several times for air travel and for medical disgnostic procedures.


But you really need to come to terms with whyy you think you "need" rescue doses.

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That's a million dollar question.


I guess when things get to rough and I need a break for a day or two.


Some people here say it messes up your brain.


Here again I would say we are all different and react in different ways.


I would rather take a rescue dose then end up in an emergency room

if it can help me 'over a bridge'


I know it's not the perfect thing to do, but who is perfect?

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That's a million dollar question.


I guess when things get to rough and I need a break for a day or two.


Some people here say it messes up your brain.


Here again I would say we are all different and react in different ways.


I would rather take a rescue dose then end up in an emergency room

if it can help me 'over a bridge'


I know it's not the perfect thing to do, but who is perfect?


Well, I agree, and I'm not being judgemental.  But benzos and other psych meds are definitely NOT an appropriate solution to a chronic disorder, which is what it appears you have.  It would certainly be to your benefit to try to identify the reason you need "help over a bridge" and try to resolve the real problem.

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You don't seem to have your valium taper listed on your profile?  I'm wondering how long you were on valium and whether you did a taper, or tapered too quickly?
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I've been on 30 mg for 15 years or longer. I have tapered down the last couple of years and the last year i have been below 2mg. Currently i'm taking a dose maybe once a week or less.


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oooooh, okay, thanks.  I didn't do a taper off zopiclone (doh), but did look at going onto Valium to do a taper when WD seemd very very difficult.  I noted that some people did liquid tapers (dissolved the tablet to enable taking a smaller dose), but, I think did it daily?


  I'm hoping someone who has done a sucessful valium taper can give you advice, and/or recheck the Ashton Manual on the home page to see how long it took.  Going without and back on again, as far as I'm aware, is not only 'not a taper' but is putting your body through a bit of a jolt (I know all about that);  I suspect the damage i did to my body was more about the way I did a cold turkey, the flood of chemicals from that jolt, rather than the time i actually spend on the drug itself. 


Hopefully you can investigate and get some answers rather than carry on with the up/down time you're having at the moment xx

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My main problem is the burning skin in my feet, legs and thighs.


I also have tingling and numbness in my feet. (Tingling all over the place, actually).


The 'rescue doses' take away my anxiety when it's bad, but it does nothing to all the physical stuff.


I guess since i have tapered very slowly i won't mess up things as bad as you did with a cold turkey. (I cannot understand how you managed it)


I wish you a merry christmas, and hope you will feel better soon.



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That's true, but I'd still advise against them.

How big a dose have you been you taking?


I think we need to stop calling them "rescue dose".

Maybe instead "I'm-going-to-f***-up-my-brain-again dose". :)


The question was a fairly straight forward one and the answer was given. You are not a doctor so I dont know what good it is for you to 'advise against it'. he's made it pretty clear that a rescue dose is a better option than the ER.

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Now you know I've been following you. I believe your CNS is damaged by those numerous rescue doses. You have not been off for long. Do as you please but I believe the rescue dose will become a weekly habit for you again. I  realize the pain you've been suffering and I know it's difficult but no one can say when you'll heal. I believe the more rescue doses you take the further behind you will be. You're off and that took a great effort so I'm proud of you for that,  but if I were in your shoes I would learn to live life without taking a pill. There  are many nonmedication methods that can help you with your pain. Take care Mike and be well.


Hugs, Betsy ❤️

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Hi Bets.


I'm afraid you are right, but i'm still not giving up. The days between rescue doses are now further apart then in the beginning so i hope this

is a sign of a positive road ahead.


As long as i don't fall into the habit of making rescue doses a habit i do more often i still believe there is hope.


I hope you are settled, and i wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year.


Let's all hope 2017 will be a better year for us all.



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Now you know I've been following you. I believe your CNS is damaged by those numerous rescue doses. You have not been off for long. Do as you please but I believe the rescue dose will become a weekly habit for you again. I  realize the pain you've been suffering and I know it's difficult but no one can say when you'll heal. I believe the more rescue doses you take the further behind you will be. You're off and that took a great effort so I'm proud of you for that,  but if I were in your shoes I would learn to live life without taking a pill. There  are many nonmedication methods that can help you with your pain. Take care Mike and be well.


Hugs, Betsy ❤️


'I believe those rescue doses have damaged your cns'


Wow such a positive thing to say to him! Not.


Its a good thing we shouldn't listen to everyone on this forum or else youll be getting diagnosis from every tom dick and harry with statements like these. Your cns is already damaged due to the withdrawal process. We are all going through that together. If the rescue doses are not making your symptoms worse...then you are okay. However, youve been lucky. If you keep playing with fire eventually you'll get burned and set your self eay back when you body starts craving the higher doses you are sporadically taking.

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Not having tapered off valium, please someone correct me if I'm wrong.    Shouldn't the 'rescue doses' be daily doses of minute amounts and tapered further until the cut off is less noticeable??


(I did CT of zopiclone, but I'd been in a state of tolerance withdrawal for about 8 months - not knowing what was going on;  so I had cut down but never used more than half a tablet anyway;  I believe much of the damage done was when I stopped altogether, and i didn't find the Ashton Manual or this site until about week 6 of withdrawal - it was a frightening time;  now just the waves are frightening and I pray for permanent healing).

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Now you know I've been following you. I believe your CNS is damaged by those numerous rescue doses. You have not been off for long. Do as you please but I believe the rescue dose will become a weekly habit for you again. I  realize the pain you've been suffering and I know it's difficult but no one can say when you'll heal. I believe the more rescue doses you take the further behind you will be. You're off and that took a great effort so I'm proud of you for that,  but if I were in your shoes I would learn to live life without taking a pill. There  are many nonmedication methods that can help you with your pain. Take care Mike and be well.


Hugs, Betsy ❤️


'I believe those rescue doses have damaged your cns'


Wow such a positive thing to say to him! Not.


Its a good thing we shouldn't listen to everyone on this forum or else youll be getting diagnosis from every tom dick and harry with statements like these. Your cns is already damaged due to the withdrawal process. We are all going through that together. If the rescue doses are not making your symptoms worse...then you are okay. However, youve been lucky. If you keep playing with fire eventually you'll get burned and set your self eay back when you body starts craving the higher doses you are sporadically taking.


Michael yes let's hope for a better new year. You've been doing well and I am so proud of you to get down to 0 mg. You know I just want you to stay on track and not ruin what you have accomplished. :smitten:




You haven't been following Michael from the beginning like I have so you don't know his history about rescue doses. So by all means with your expertise with Michael tell him to take rescue doses.  You actually said what I said about his CNS, so am I Tom, Dick or Harry? And what happens once the rescue dose wears off? It's up to Michael to do what he wants to do. Why don't you read his previous posts going back and you'll see what I'm talking about. I just want Mike to try and stay benzo free. He's had a rough journey already.

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I know you all mean well,

and I know Benzogirl so I know she means we'll.


She has helped me along and is allowed to say what she likes.

I take it in the best meaning.


Thanks both of you.

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