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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Where do you turn when the insomnia has the lead. I know everyone has a different level of tolerance. Ive met mine. need to make a decision. where do I go. Ive tried the natural route. At this point I don't even know how to give up  help
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Unfortunately there are no shortcuts or easy solutions. You just need to learn to accept, adapt and stay as strong as possible as you tear off the pages of the calendar and let time do its thing. It is probably going to take a long time, and have a pretty big impact on your current life, but your withdrawal insomnia is not going to kill you or ruin your entire future. You will get through this and pickup the pieces when you do. I am not trying to downplay the misery of the experience. I went through it and know just how bad it is, but I made it through to the other side (more or less).
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Insomnia was one of my two worst symptoms - it was just relentless, and I thought I would go mad.


Luckily, it did improve a little at a time. At first I'd get maybe one night in the week with 4 hours of sleep, the rest between zero and two. Then more with four. Then a night with five, and a few with two, and so on.


Most nights now I get seven hours, but still some with three. This morning I woke up and realized I had gotten over ten hours of sleep, which was unimaginable four months ago, and still surprising now.


It's hard to tell someone to hang on through this, but it's all you can do while your CNS recalibrates. The key is to not set yourself back with sleeping drugs, and let time do its work.


Here's hoping your break comes soon!  :thumbsup:

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Thanks for the kind words. I'm pulling back to day to day battling. I'm now working with a good acupuncturist and statistically just need to bear down for about 2 more months till things start to trim out. the 2 days of no sleep cycles prompt desperate posts.
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Thanks for the kind words. I'm pulling back to day to day battling. I'm now working with a good acupuncturist and statistically just need to bear down for about 2 more months till things start to trim out. the 2 days of no sleep cycles prompt desperate posts.


My heart goes out to you - the pain is simply unbearable sometimes.


I still get a few sleepless nights back-to-back, but far less frequently. It helps to know that it really is temporary. I'm sure you're headed for relief very soon. Hoping this will be your night!

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Yeah I'm following you b  - I am almost seeing things that are not there - I'm so tired.  If I were not in physical pain I might get back to sleep in the miserable, dark 4AMs.  I've been doing chronic solicitation on this forum about starting trazodone.  I just can't pull the trigger.  Sorry to all the good ole insomniacs who have to read my requests for info on trazodone.  I can't work up the nerve to start it but I'm feeling desperate.  I'm eating like crap and don't care. 

I really wanted to use nothing and be like my childhood - before the fall -- before drugs but alas.... bla, bla  I frankly don't remember what it is like to sleep without something.  WBB

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Insomnia is hard problem and it is making hard to live everyday life.What helped me is to try to behave as much as you can normal everyday when you do not sleep.I try to make you thought about something else. That means during the day to blow your energy out and to think about something else and than in evening to relax. War bath, massage, meditation,hypnotic music...It needed time but it did help a bit. My sleep is not back and I have bad days, but by now it is better and I am happy for every night. :thumbsup:
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I just wrote elsewhere that I decided to go with a major change in attitude and I stopped caring whether or not I slept. There was no sleep happening anyway - for ten months or so - and I felt that by gnawing away at it like a dog with a bone - worrying relentlessly about 'lack of sleep' - just wasn't helping or changing anything.


Paradoxically, when I surrendered that particular 'fight', I eventually began to drift off and have regular short sleeps which gradually developed into a regular sleep pattern of 7-8 hours.


I still don't care whether or not I'll sleep. Tonight, I'll put myself in the way of it, of course, and let the body take over to do its own thing. If I sleep, good, if I don't - whatever. I hardly give that a second thought these days.


Sometimes, trying to 'overmanage' everything is just the wrong approach  ;)

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I'm going through this too, you're by no means alone, although I know how easy it is to presume you are.  :hug:

Nobody else knows about what I am going through at the moment, and I've had very desperate moments when all my symptoms have been blamed on 'drug abuse', and when I have got to the collapsing and hallucinating stage (like I am close to now), I've been asked 'what have you taken', and this totally incenses me  >:(. Sadly in my world, I don't have access to anyone with even half a clue about Benzo WD sxs, and I am stuck in a vicious circle, unable to get any answers to what my mystery illness may be as it just gets blamed on 'drug abuse'. I had some weird and freaky hallucinations from sleep deprivation last night, like fluorescent, holographic creatures and shadows. My mystery illness doesn't help, and sometimes that and the Benzo WD sxs will throw a tortuous party and I'll be awake for days. This is one of the worst ones for me, also the constant 'buzzing/vibrating' all through my body is keeping me awake at the moment. This is the hardest of all for me, the nights are so long and boring. I'll flit between activities if I can't sleep and my concentration is shot, rather than trying to put all my energy into one. This is one of the reasons I began using Benzo analogue 'research chemicals' in the first place. I suffered a rushed taper (see my other posts), and I've got  zero chance of reinstating if things get too much, as they quite quickly are.  :-\ 


I also don't have a medical professional to hold to account for driving me into this mess, as the Benzo analogues I was using were sold out of online 'headshops' with no warnings about addiction potential, and marked as 'not for human consumption', meaning all responsibility for their effects was mine.


Honestly, please TRY to avoid reinstating. This is quite likely the last thing you want to hear, I know. I would probably give my entire world to do just that right now, but where would that leave me?. Back to day one, facing yet another taper and very probably the paradoxical reactions I was having from taking huge doses of these drugs too.


I've had enough too.  :(

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