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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

For anyone that has high bp/anxiety


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Black seed oil is an amazing supplement that is extremely effective at lowering bp, stopping heart palps etc. It seems to work wonders for my anxiety, I have never taken a supplement that works as effectively as black seed oil. The active ingredient of "nigella sativa" is a chemical that begins with "thy". The more thy, the better the black seed oil. 2 tbsp a day has curbed my anxiety, bp spikes etc. Do not take with other bp meds or if your bp is low. I see myself taking it daily, forever. It's the only supplement I can say that is worth taking daily and it's effects are noticeable immediately. First time I took it, I had a moment where I felt all the tension in my neck, shoulders, face, and back, just sort of melted away. I was surprised by how effective it was. Can imagine it would be quite helpful for benzo withdrawal. Hope this helps someone. It can be bought at most natural food stores and of course Amazon
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I'm afraid to try any supplements. How long have you been taking it? Do you have to take it every day or the problems will come back? I have anxiety that leads to HBP, but I'm kind of afraid to use anything other than bp pills (which I hate because of all the side effects). It seems that everything I take ends up causing problems after it wears off. I'm looking for the miracle, which will solve everything without creating any side effects! Do you notice any side effects? I'd never heard of it. How did you learn about it? All these questions!




And I'm glad it's working for you!

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Terry38 I also take blood pressure medicine because mine really runs high, that never happened until WD. I take clonidine for it and it works. People here have warned me to stop taking it but that is what my doc wants me to take. It is not like it does anything mentally or makes me feel any different.


I not big on taking supplements either. I guess I try it and see if it works.

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Davis, please tell me your reactions to it. I've had horrible HBP because of anxiety due to benzos, and although it's getting a lot better, I now have issues surrounding taking my blood pressure because it would jump around so much. I don't know if something like this would help me. I'm taking bp pills, too, and used to take clonidine. You have to do what you have to do!
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I've been taking it for about a month now. It has changed the way I go about my day. Things aren't so much of a struggle, and I feel "content". Don't be afraid to take supplements, especially ones with legitimate research behind them like black seed oil. It's basically like eating a few peppercorns, xept you take the extracted oils. I would totally suggest trying 2 tbsp of black seed oil instead of clonodine. It has a variety of benefits, but the main one being it can significantly lower blood pressure, in a healthy way. I always have this issue where I can feel my heart beat, in my whole body. That symptom is gone completely now since I've started the oil. I feel noticeablly less tense, muscles are more relaxed, etc. But there is no noticeable psychoactive effect, it's very subtle. There is NO downside to it, it's a plant that has been used for thousands of years. "Nigella sativa". It could honestly be a miracle plant for hypertension and hbp. Now, if you try it in place of your clonodine, I would suggest monitoring your bp until you know that you aren't having any issues. I'm not advocating for you to just stop your meds. But if black seed oil is a suitable replacement, it could really be a game  changer for a lot of people, especially in benzo withdrawal. I learned about it by researching opiate withdrawal supplements, because I ran out of oxycodone and was feeling sick. It lowered cravings, and made me noticeablly less anxious and my racing heart(lots of bp spikes in opiate withdrawal sometimes, rapid, strong heartbeats that actually kept me awake) lowed down and became unnoticeable.


Supplements can be extremely helpful. Fish oil is a great one too, good for healing. extremely high doses of vitamin c, 5 grams or more, can drastically reduce anxiety and cortisol levels. There is actually science behind these things, research articles etc. Not just like "top 10 supplements!"  list from like people magazine or BuzzFeed. So the problem with bp meds is that if you stop them, you will get rebound bp that can be really dangerous. I remember stopping clonodine, my bp was jacked and my hands and feet were numb. Felt horrible. It didn't last for more than a day, but if black seed oil works, there will be no danger of rebound hpb, and it doesn't require a script so you can get more. You would never be in any danger or fear of running out, because black seed oil is sold everywhere. Make sure it's hexane free, cold pressed with the most amount of thy(active ingredient) thst you can find. Hope this helps, feel free to ask more questions! I know a lot about pharma's and natural supplements because I have cancer, and try to be as knowledge able about these things as I can. Speaking of cancer, the oil is great for preventing the spread of cancers and even eliminating them. There are actually studies about that. It won't eliminate anything higher than stage 3 but up until that point is extremely effective at neutralizing cancer cells.

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