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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

post withdrawl after 3 years - side effects when taken as needed

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Need some support friends... I was on klonophin 0.5 for 4 to 5 years and withdrawl took 1 to 2 years and successfully came out of it  :thumbsup:in 2013, Hydroyzine 0.25 mg(not addicticting anti histamine which also helps in anxiety) and Beta blocker helped me to taper successfully :).


On and off recently I got anxiety attacks, started due to build up stress due to international travel, delays in flights, jet lag and going to work immediately after coming back. all this developed a back shoulder muscle pulling kind of pain and led to inflammation kind of pain the left chest area, which led to anxiety attacks as I could not tolerate. on and off I was on klonophin for the last 3 months, now it brought kind of imbalance in brain I think, I am easily agitated, getting angry and yelling like anything, blood pressure also increasing at times and because of spikes in blood pressure, I feel agitated and getting shortness of breath(may be these are again symptoms of anxiety) but I am worried if my heart is fine.

I feel like klonophin is giving more side effects now than before(when I used in past years).. Doctor is suggesting to use Xanax instead of klonophin if it is giving side effect... what do you advice.

By the way I am out of klonophin from 3 weeks.. yeah... hanging in there.


  My health anxiety increased recently due to this, Please help. :o




My advice - do not start the Xanax. Try to get off the Klonopin and leave benzos behind for good. You know what they can do to people.
Ditto solitude's advice.  Look at my signature.  BOTH are benzos.  I believe Xanax may even be worse but both are poison for your brain and body.  Are you still on k now?

Need some support friends... I was on klonophin 0.5 for 4 to 5 years and withdrawl took 1 to 2 years and successfully came out of it  :thumbsup:in 2013, Hydroyzine 0.25 mg(not addicticting anti histamine which also helps in anxiety) and Beta blocker helped me to taper successfully :).


On and off recently I got anxiety attacks, started due to build up stress due to international travel, delays in flights, jet lag and going to work immediately after coming back. all this developed a back shoulder muscle pulling kind of pain and led to inflammation kind of pain the left chest area, which led to anxiety attacks as I could not tolerate. on and off I was on klonophin for the last 3 months, now it brought kind of imbalance in brain I think, I am easily agitated, getting angry and yelling like anything, blood pressure also increasing at times and because of spikes in blood pressure, I feel agitated and getting shortness of breath(may be these are again symptoms of anxiety) but I am worried if my heart is fine.

I feel like klonophin is giving more side effects now than before(when I used in past years).. Doctor is suggesting to use Xanax instead of klonophin if it is giving side effect... what do you advice.

By the way I am out of klonophin from 3 weeks.. yeah... hanging in there.


  My health anxiety increased recently due to this, Please help. :o





IMO, you have hit tolerance again with the Klonopin and are having interdose withdrawals.  The symptoms you describe, including the blood pressure spikes are pretty common in withdrawal.  You may even have kindled as well due to your first withdrawal and then later reinstating.  Going on and off benzos can cause your nervous system to be even more sensitive with each withdrawal and reinstatement. I reinstated once after having been off 2 years and I hit tolerance so fast it made my head spin. 


IMO, the answer is not another benzo like Xanax, but to stay completely off all benzos and allow your nervous system to heal.  These drugs may give you some short term relief, or they may not, but eventually they WILL turn on you and create even more problems than you are currently facing.





thank you friends...


that is why I posted in this forum to get an advice. even I am scared to start new Benzo like xanax. I am glad I am out of K for 3 years, taking it only as needed, but recently like I said due to stress build up, got angina with anxiety, angina was bad then I took klonophin, back shoulder pain, went to doctor and she told it is stress and muscle pain and I could not convince as the symptoms are not just physical, anxiety also build up, and getting chest pains. felt like heart became weak. so took klonophin alternate days, which subsuided the pain.


I am feeling better now, I am off of klonophin for 3 weeks but I am scared with symptoms I faced, shortness of breath, agitation,  palpitations, internal  shaking with physical exertion. I have apt with Cardiologist, but I am scared to hell to meet the doctor. I have phobia I think. :-[


Doctor adviced to use Xanax instead of Klonophin as my side effects are severe. She told to use Xanax as needed only when anxiety is more or on anxiety attacks.


Perhaps an older anti-depressant may help you.

How long were you taking K before the 3 weeks?


Funny, I saw a cardiologist last week.  Have another appt next week after cardiogram this week.


Not sure how the Xanax is suppose to help more than the Klonopin? These doctors will say anything to make it sound like they know what they're talking about. They don't have much of a clue when it comes to Benzos. They are both about the same strength, but the Xanax has a lot shorter half life. So it may relieve symptoms faster, but it's going to also have inter-dose withdrawal faster. Alternating days, especially being someone that has been through withdrawal before, is not going to avoid you getting physically addicted again. I'm not saying this to be mean, but you are surely playing with fire. I agree with everyone else. You need to get off and stay off. It's the only way to avoid having these symptoms.


IMO your symptoms sound just like withdrawal.

If you think Klonopin is giving you bad side effects and Xanax won't .... you are very mistaken.  Please read what shewhomust said  again and what siggy said 2 times.  anyone who has benzo wd hell cannot take any benzo.

You should take phenibut, it acts on the VDCC and the GABA-B receptors, it's an anxiolytic, it's similar to pregabalin but it won't produce slurred speech and general drunkeness-like state, from wikipedia:


"Phenibut (fenibut, phenybut; brand names Noofen and Citrocard), contracted from β-phenyl-γ-aminobutyric acid (β-phenyl-GABA), is a central depressant and analog of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), or a GABA analogue. The addition of a phenyl ring allows phenibut to cross the blood–brain barrier.[1] Phenibut was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, and has since been used there as a pharmaceutical drug to treat a wide range of ailments, including posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, asthenia, insomnia, alcoholism, stuttering, and vestibular disorders, among other conditions.[1][4][5] In some other parts of the world, phenibut is not approved for clinical use, and is instead sold as a nutritional supplement.[6] It has been reported by some researchers to possess nootropic actions for its ability to improve neurological functions,[4][medical citation needed] but others have not observed these effects.[7] It is generally accepted that phenibut has anxiolytic effects in both animal models and in humans.[1]"




For medical use, phenibut is generally prescribed at a dosage of 250–1500 mg twice a day.[5]"


But if it doesn't work in those dosages you could try up to 3500mg, it's cheap and safe, a good alternative.


And about the xanax... afaik longer acting benzos are less damaging than short acting ones (kindling).




*Also... you shouldn't take phenibut on a daily basis, take it every 2-3 days.


Edit: commercial link deactivated


Not sure how the Xanax is suppose to help more than the Klonopin? These doctors will say anything to make it sound like they know what they're talking about. They don't have much of a clue when it comes to Benzos. They are both about the same strength, but the Xanax has a lot shorter half life. So it may relieve symptoms faster, but it's going to also have inter-dose withdrawal faster. Alternating days, especially being someone that has been through withdrawal before, is not going to avoid you getting physically addicted again. I'm not saying this to be mean, but you are surely playing with fire. I agree with everyone else. You need to get off and stay off. It's the only way to avoid having these symptoms.


IMO your symptoms sound just like withdrawal.


thanks ..that's what I thought when I met my primary care physician and when she wrote Xanax . thanks again.

Wierd question for post withdraeal recovery support

You should take phenibut, it acts on the VDCC and the GABA-B receptors, it's an anxiolytic, it's similar to pregabalin but it won't produce slurred speech and general drunkeness-like state, from wikipedia:


"Phenibut (fenibut, phenybut; brand names Noofen and Citrocard), contracted from β-phenyl-γ-aminobutyric acid (β-phenyl-GABA), is a central depressant and analog of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), or a GABA analogue. The addition of a phenyl ring allows phenibut to cross the blood–brain barrier.[1] Phenibut was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, and has since been used there as a pharmaceutical drug to treat a wide range of ailments, including posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, asthenia, insomnia, alcoholism, stuttering, and vestibular disorders, among other conditions.[1][4][5] In some other parts of the world, phenibut is not approved for clinical use, and is instead sold as a nutritional supplement.[6] It has been reported by some researchers to possess nootropic actions for its ability to improve neurological functions,[4][medical citation needed] but others have not observed these effects.[7] It is generally accepted that phenibut has anxiolytic effects in both animal models and in humans.[1]"




For medical use, phenibut is generally prescribed at a dosage of 250–1500 mg twice a day.[5]"


But if it doesn't work in those dosages you could try up to 3500mg, it's cheap and safe, a good alternative.


And about the xanax... afaik longer acting benzos are less damaging than short acting ones (kindling).




*Also... you shouldn't take phenibut on a daily basis, take it every 2-3 days.


Hello Not waving but drowning,


The above post violates our rules against prescriptive posting.  While one can relate personal experiences or opinions, it's not OK to tell others what they should do.  This is from our Rules and Guidelines:


Please adopt a non-prescriptive writing style. Relating your experiences, stating options, or posting suggestions of what other members might do are all welcome. However, advising members of what they should or must do is against the ethos of the BenzoBuddies Community. Nor should you attempt to 'diagnose' medical problems or suggest medical treatments for other members. This policy also applies to members with medical qualifications. A more detailed explanation of this policy can be found in our Guidelines Regarding the Giving of Medical Advice document.



Thanks for your cooperation,







You should take phenibut, it acts on the VDCC and the GABA-B receptors, it's an anxiolytic, it's similar to pregabalin but it won't produce slurred speech and general drunkeness-like state, from wikipedia:


"Phenibut (fenibut, phenybut; brand names Noofen and Citrocard), contracted from β-phenyl-γ-aminobutyric acid (β-phenyl-GABA), is a central depressant and analog of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), or a GABA analogue. The addition of a phenyl ring allows phenibut to cross the blood–brain barrier.[1] Phenibut was developed in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, and has since been used there as a pharmaceutical drug to treat a wide range of ailments, including posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, depression, asthenia, insomnia, alcoholism, stuttering, and vestibular disorders, among other conditions.[1][4][5] In some other parts of the world, phenibut is not approved for clinical use, and is instead sold as a nutritional supplement.[6] It has been reported by some researchers to possess nootropic actions for its ability to improve neurological functions,[4][medical citation needed] but others have not observed these effects.[7] It is generally accepted that phenibut has anxiolytic effects in both animal models and in humans.[1]"




For medical use, phenibut is generally prescribed at a dosage of 250–1500 mg twice a day.[5]"


But if it doesn't work in those dosages you could try up to 3500mg, it's cheap and safe, a good alternative.


And about the xanax... afaik longer acting benzos are less damaging than short acting ones (kindling).




*Also... you shouldn't take phenibut on a daily basis, take it every 2-3 days.


Hello Not waving but drowning,


The above post violates our rules against prescriptive posting.  While one can relate personal experiences or opinions, it's not OK to tell others what they should do.  This is from our Rules and Guidelines:


Please adopt a non-prescriptive writing style. Relating your experiences, stating options, or posting suggestions of what other members might do are all welcome. However, advising members of what they should or must do is against the ethos of the BenzoBuddies Community. Nor should you attempt to 'diagnose' medical problems or suggest medical treatments for other members. This policy also applies to members with medical qualifications. A more detailed explanation of this policy can be found in our Guidelines Regarding the Giving of Medical Advice document.



Thanks for your cooperation,





Ok, sorry!


Wierd question for post withdraeal recovery support


how this is weird... does it sound like no one faces these kind of symptoms... this is discouraging. please post replies only if you can support.


Wierd question for post withdraeal recovery support


how this is weird... does it sound like no one faces these kind of symptoms... this is discouraging. please post replies only if you can support.


HartfordResident, I think his point is that you are not post withdrawal if you have reinstated and are taking Klonopin again for 3 months.  But I agree that is splitting hairs when you need support.  But you could also post in the withdrawal support board and perhaps get even more support.






Wierd question for post withdraeal recovery support


how this is weird... does it sound like no one faces these kind of symptoms... this is discouraging. please post replies only if you can support.


I have these symptoms, I just gave you some advice but you didn't seem to care.

Oh.......... Dear Hart..... I am sorry for negative responses.  I believe you were perfectly correct in reaching out for help which you did... that took courage for you to do so......  Our brains are so messed up in this that we cannot see the forest... the the trees.... HELL, even the branches or the leaves, which way is up or down. None of us, NONE of us have the right to judge, belittle or exasperate one another in this very, very difficult process.  I got very messed up last night cause I could not figure out what to eat and my blood sugar dropped which ultimately caused me so much pain when I tried to sleep.  We ended up going to eat mexican food because I thought I could not wait FOR MY HUSBAND NOT ME to cook a healthy meal that I did not even know what to eat.... the chips, the small amount of protein, etc. was like someone put bad cherry bombs... my blood sugar was so messed up.  HANG IN THERE.
Sorry, I said that because this is post withdrawal support. Hope you feel better

Taking benzos "as needed" is a sure prescription to get sicker.  Now that I'm well and talking about my ordeal to the outside world, I can't believe how many people say, "Oh, but I only take Xanax for anxiety!  Oh, but I only take Xanax to help with insomnia!" Everybody has reasons why they're taking it, but if they're taking it, they're taking it, and there very well may be hell to pay when they try to quit.


People complain about being judged here and want only "suipport."  But support in encouraging someone to continue on a dangerous path edges perilously close to enabling.


To the OP, I'm sorry you're suffering and maybe what people are saying here is not what you hoped to hear, but in encouraging you to get off the benzos and stay off, people are speaking wisdom born of their own suffering.  In the long run, it's a gift to you.  I hope you can see it that way and let others support you through your future withdrawal symptoms.

awwww well done offeverything, well done .. way to go.  I think hart has in fact been off of k for 3 weeks but was contemplating going on xanax...HART, correct me if I am wrong so we understand for sure where you are so you can get the best support.  My biggest fear, Hart, is that you will be worse and even have protracted withdrawal and have it drag on for years.  we are like in a group holding hands or hands on shoulders some barely standing, some flat on the ground, some better and standing.
Oh, honey, if that is a hug and I think it is... even bigger hug back to you with a kiss on the cheek.



To the OP, I'm sorry you're suffering and maybe what people are saying here is not what you hoped to hear, but in encouraging you to get off the benzos and stay off, people are speaking wisdom born of their own suffering.  In the long run, it's a gift to you.  I hope you can see it that way and let others support you through your furture withdrawal symptoms.


I am always positive to take advices that is the reason I posted here. as a matter of fact, I stopped my medication 3 and half years back and now due to stress taken it for 6 weeks intermittently (not on regular basis), but suffering with side effects, that is the reason I posted for help.


All the answers here are very encouraging and gave me strength. I am grateful to all who responded here.

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