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1 month clonazepam free!!


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1 month clonazepam free!!

also 2 1/2 months ambien free!


Well it's been a month now and I feel like I'm getting there, slowly. This month has been hell at times, the worst thing I've ever lived through, and a roller coaster of emotions. The one thing that I can say without a doubt is I got better and better every day. There were some waves of symptoms of course, and each time they would make me doubt myself, my recovery and whether this would ever end. Then the symptoms that have been there since I jumped are getting slightly better each and day and each week. I lost approx 10lbs prior to the jump, but my weight stabilized about 3-4 days after.


Sx while on ambien: vision problems (double vision), toxic naps, apathy

Sx when stopping ambien abruptly: Panic attacks, anxiety


Sx during clonazepam taper: Nausea (most common), Reflux / gas, touch sensitivity, throat tightening (globus), jitters, skin crawling, flu like symptoms, headache, restlessness, twitching, cog fog, panic sleep, negative thoughts, palpitations, body buzzing, exercise intolerance, dizziness, DP/DR, toxic naps, depression / crying, fear, looping thoughts.

Nausea was prevalent throughout the taper after week 1 increasingly, but a lot of the other sx only showed up the last couple cuts.


Sx clonazepam post-jump: same as taper + sound sensitivity, head pressure, upset stomach, insomnia, muscle aches


Week 1: Horrible first few days, 2nd half of the week much improved. Took entire week off work - 60% healed

Week 2: Anxiety ramps up. Back at work on the train. Nausea gone. Starting to drive a little. Went out to dinner - 70% healed

week 3: Driving to work again. Eyes improving. Generally feeling fairly good with some waves here and there. No more panic sleep or toxic naps - 75% healed

week 4: Life is getting back to normal, back at work full time, driving, going to shops. Having many days of feeling really good, just a couple small waves for a couple hours - 80% healed


Sx remaining today: Slight sound sensitivity, tinnitus occasionally both subside in the morning when I get up, and are slowly improving I think. Occasional anxiety. Excercise intolerance - mostly avoided it after a wave I triggered walking to lunch, this is hard for me.


While I'm not 100% just yet, I feel like it's more manageable now and life is slowly returning to normal.


How long did the sound sensitivity last for you?



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I was on a very short time. 4 weeks total, tapering the whole time and a few random doses in the couple weeks prior. It was a crossover to recover from naively abruptly stopping ambien after a few months of every day use.


I still can't believe how painful this has been for such a short time and low dosage.

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I was on a very short time. 4 weeks total, tapering the whole time and a few random doses in the couple weeks prior. It was a crossover to recover from naively abruptly stopping ambien after a few months of every day use.


I still can't believe how painful this has been for such a short time and low dosage.

Wow.  Thank you for your time!! Best wishes.

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It's now been close to 5 weeks off.


This last week was a big improvement. I felt good for most of it and even great some days. I had only a couple of hours here and there with some minor edginess and one morning of low mood / depression. The last 2 days I felt fantastic until I listened to music a little louder than usual and it caused some edginess and ramping up of the sound sensitivity for a couple of hours.


Sound sensitivity in general has definitely lowered some, as has the tinnitus. At times it's gone completely, but then comes back.


Hopefully I see more improvements like this in the next week  :)

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6 weeks today!


This last week has been a great improvement once again. I felt really great pretty much every day. I had a few little waves here and there for an hour or two, from what I can tell they were triggered. I did a 30 min ride on my indoor bike yesterday and felt good after I finished which was a big improvement. An hour later I had a 2 hour wave of some edginess. It wasn't too bad just a little uncomfortable. This passed and the rest of the day was really good. I went out with friends to dinner last night as well and didn't have any problems. I felt a little anxious at the start because it was busy and a little noisy, but then I settled and had a good time. I also had some fun laughing and connecting with my girlfriend for the first time in a couple of months.


Sound sensitivity is finally subsiding. I barely noticed it the last couple of days and didn't startle at the toaster for the 1st time this morning  :) This has been my most irritating sx and I feel once this leaves I can really start having a more enjoyable life again.


My eyes are improving every day and were almost normal last night.


While the physical stuff has all but gone, the mental / emotional side has been a roller coaster. I have had a couple of emotional moments through the week, one I was crying for joy feeling that I was really improving finally.


I've added magnesium glycinate to my daily regimen, not sure if it's helped, but it certainly hasn't hurt. The sound sensitivity seemed to start really improving around the time I started taking it, but that could just be a coincidence.


Remaining sx: occasional: sound sensitivity, tinnitus, edginess, looping songs in my head. Think I'm feeling around 85-90% now.



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