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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

I feel like my life is OVER. KILLER INSOMNIA + ANXIETY


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So if it isn't the killer insomnia I have anxiety that makes it feel like I can't catch my breath.  This last most of the day and it makes it really hard to work or do anything else.  I just feel like there is no end in sight.  The anxiety stops me from sleeping and no sleep fuels the anxiety.  What can I do.  I feel like I am going to die and lose everything as I won't be able to work like this or keep my family.  Help!
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If you're living like this then it sounds like you need some sort of medication, why did you cold turkey?


Surely if you're in this sort of state you shouldn't CT, don't be afraid to use medication when it is necessary if you're life is impaired then see a doctor and get stable


You need to treat the cause of the anxiety, what is it that you're afraid of?


You need to be honest with yourself and deal with the anxiety, perhaps something you've been through in your life or a fear of something? Treat your anxiety, enjoy life and be thankful for everyday you're blessed with

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If you didn't have anxiety issues before your withdrawal, I wouldn't spend too much time trying to figure out the source of your current anxiety. Medication damaged GABA receptors have been known to shoot the anxiety level of the charts. As bad as things are right now, consider that your problems were caused by medications and that everyone of us on this site are here because of medications. Taking more drugs, may not be the wisest course of action. Your life is not going to be easy or normal while going through withdrawal, but it is a process that must played out if you want your old life back. It is too late to undo your medication mistake, but unless you have a diagnosed mental illness that requires medications, your current situation is only a temporary one. Just keep reminding yourself that it is your anxiety telling you that your life is going to be permanently ruined and not the facts.
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How much sleep do you actually get?  Are you having suicidal thoughts?  I didn't sleep at all... not even for a second without the use of mirtazipine and even that only gave me a few hours at most.  It saved me but I would not recommend it to anyone unless they are suicidal (which is the dark path I was on).  Month 2 was horrendous.  Actually months 1-10 were all horrendous.  I'm an extreme case so hopefully your journey will be nothing like mine.  Time seems to be the only healer outside of proper sleep hygiene and possibly meds for thyroid, heart, etc if there is something else going on to. 
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I tried mirtazapine and it only worked for 2 days and then stopped working even though I experimented with the dose as low as 3.75 and as high as 7.5. 


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Actually, it didnt work for me either until the third month.  I had to take seroquel during the first 2 months.  That stuff should knock out a horse and I only slept 0-3 hours on it.  Things should hopefully lighten up soon for you.  Try mirtazipine again later, if you are still desperate.  3mg worked the best for me- anything higher just didnt help.  As I said though, don't go this route unless you are having very dark thoughts.  Going med free is best because eventually, your brain will naturally sort things out on its own.  I survived on an average of 3 hours sleep for 12 months.  Not healthy, but I'm here and things seem to be improving.
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Hi there

I have tried seroquel/quetiapine , 50 mg only worked 1 hour for one day , then exactly the same again at 75 mg  100 mg  and 125 mg  all does for several days - so it was stopped  i now get no sleep , iam lucky if 200 mg of Nytol gets me an hour a week as nothing works consecutively , ive tried lots of things and many variations all to no avail , my heart is racing typing this ive not slept since last thurdays when i got an hour   

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Google the 4-7-8 breathing technique, you simply cannot be anxious physically whilst in this breathing state.


It's an adaptation of an Indian Yogi Meditation (the Yogi's invented Yoga)


You need to face your demons and find the triggers of your anxiety

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So if it isn't the killer insomnia I have anxiety that makes it feel like I can't catch my breath.  This last most of the day and it makes it really hard to work or do anything else.  I just feel like there is no end in sight.  The anxiety stops me from sleeping and no sleep fuels the anxiety.  What can I do.  I feel like I am going to die and lose everything as I won't be able to work like this or keep my family.  Help!


This is helping me sleep and is also great for anxiety.  I urge you do read about these supplements, inositol particularly for anxiety:


The niacin has to be the kind that makes you flush, non-flush niacin won't work. Also, don't get extended release niacin because it has been linked to liver damage.


Niacinamide does not make you flush.  So it will probably take experimenting to see what works - I'm taking both niacin and niacinamide now.


one hour before bed:


150 mg. 5-htp

2000 mg. l-glycine (calming amino acid)

200 mg. l-theanine

1 Theanine Serene tablet by Source Naturals

500 mg. niacin

500 mg. niacinamide

500 mg. inositol

1 capsule choline/inositol (250 mg. each)


In the middle of the night, I repeat everything, except I do not take more 5-htp then.  I also take 0.5 mg. lorazepam in the middle of the night which I will be tapering soon.

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