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Intrusive Thoughts Group


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I don't know if this fits but if anyone can relate please please do....


My intrusive thoughts are more like old memories popping in and like every sleeping dream I ever had will pop in my head

.like my brain is recycling old stored info.

. But they are not originating from me .at will.

..Just popping in.

... I kind of get like spacey / drunk and very out of it (which is all the time)

when this happens... and what scares me is that I'm still taking and tapering the drug....


Can anyone relate?

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I don't know if this fits but if anyone can relate please please do....


My intrusive thoughts are more like old memories popping in and like every sleeping dream I ever had will pop in my head

.like my brain is recycling old stored info.

. But they are not originating from me .at will.

..Just popping in.

... I kind of get like spacey / drunk and very out of it (which is all the time)

when this happens... and what scares me is that I'm still taking and tapering the drug....


Can anyone relate?

A few weeks ago, I was hit with an unpleasant memory from when I was a teenager. It was as though the events had happened that morning...not 30-plus years ago. All the sadness and pain associated with that memory came flooding back too. I had to relive everything over again.


The memories happen seemingly out of nowhere, I certainly can't control them, nor do I try to do so any longer. And there are times when I am inundated with multiple memories at the same time. It's as if the flood gates of my mind have been opened up all the way.


I get the spaced out feeling often, cog fog. It's much worse when I'm stressed out, borders on depersonalization or derealization. I'm clearly not running on all cylinders


I'm still tapering to, and have similar experiences. I think the recycling old information is part of the healing process...even if it doesn't feel like that's what's happening.  :hug:


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Please be here and Left behind....I was having that kind of flashback experience for many months.  Mine were mostly benign, just random moments throughout my life that all of a sudden I'd be thinking of.  That experience has gone but has been replaced with looping, fearful thoughts....yay!  Our brains seem to keep cycling through these phases until they are complete with the healing.


this too shall pass :)





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Here are just some of my intrusive thoughts:

1. My dad is going to kill me

2. The tree branches are going to fall on me and hurt me (when I was laying under them, or when I went camping)

3. My boyfriend is going to kill me.

4. When my parents were whispering They were planning on hurting me.

5. The house is going to catch on fire when I'm sleeping and I won't know and I'll die inside

6. Someone is going to break in and hurt me.

7. The stoves not off...so there's gonna be a fire if I don't check it.

8. I'm going to die in my sleep.

9. Nothing better be touching the radiator in my room!!! Or there will be a fire

10. The list goes on and on...this is truely killing me guys. It doesn't stop. I'm in my 7th month out.


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Prolove I'm so sorry.  I've been getting them recently but they have not been a big part of my recovery.  But lately, after a big trigger I've been having them.


fear that I've done something wrong regarding my kids--it's sort of vague and generates tons of fear

fear that I've lost the ability to parent

fear of being stuck in this place of terror and mental torment

fear of not recovering


THIS TOO SHALL PASS.  Hang in there everyone.  xo

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  • 3 weeks later...

My bad thoughts really started to die down around month 10. In month 13 much much much better. Just giving an update.


I had BAD SI/HI thoughts really bad. So bad I can't even put them on this site. It gets better. Keep going! :smitten:

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I seem to be having these thoughts about people I've talked to maybe only a few times to, or random memories from different parts of my life. It's like a time machine that goes way back, then forward then back, then forward. I get thoughts about the situations in the past I handled well, but the fear of those situations seems to come back. Very strange.


Lots of intrusive thoughts seem to be centered about being cold turkeyed against my will. Like being embarrassed in public and fainting and then being taken to the hospital and being misdiagnosed and cold turkeyed. Also, being sent to a psych ward and being given Haldol and Risperdal and God knows what.


I had a dream once that I returned to work, but passed out and was sent to a hospital via an ambulance and then to a psych ward where I was crawling through the main corridor, not knowing where I was.



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I get a lot of intrusive thoughts about the last place of work. I remember walking to the parking garage after a long and draining job interview, not having a good vibe, yet still accepting the job because I was tired from a super long commute at the previous place I worked. My intuition was telling me not to accept the job, but I did, thinking it woud be better than I thought. Well it wasn't, and eventually I was prescribed ativan. But the thought of walking home after the interview still haunts me, as I had such a bad feeling. Lesson to myself: trust your intuition. Always
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One of the worst is the thought of being evicted from my house and crawling down the street on all fours and then being sent to the hospital and then being sent to psych ward and then to a halfway house, where I get cold turkeyed from my meds and end up being robbed and killed or thrown out on the streets where a police officer finds me and sends me to jail where I die from benzo withdrawal....
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It hasn't really been a great weekend, my obsessive thoughts were just bombarding me from left to right so I decided to research therapist that specialize in OCD . Anyways I bumped into this and thought I should share . God bless you all.


Slogans are gentle reminders that this is a simple program for complicated people . Urging us to be easy on ourselves. Some Useful Slogans are......


One Day At A Time. ... First Things First.

Easy Does It....But, Do It! ... Let It Go.

Progress Not Perfection. ... Turn It Over.

HALT! ...(Don't get to HUNGRY, ANGRY, LONELY or TIRED)

Too Much Analyzing, Leads to Paralyzing.

FEAR! (False Evidence Appearing Real). &

FEAR! (Face Everything & Recover)

KISS! (Keep It Simple Sweetie)... Thy Will Be Done, Not Mine!

Identify, Don't Compare.... Don't Analyze, Utilize!

Act As If! ... Don't Should On Yourself!

When I'm in My Own Head, I'm in A Bad Neighborhood.!

TAKE What you WANT! & LEAVE the REST!

Develop an Attitude of Gratitude!

You're Only As Sick As Your Secrets.!


HOW!... Honesty, Open-mindedness, Willingness.

LET GO !,,,& LET GOD!........Good Orderly Direction !

Feelings Aren't, Always Facts !

This Too, ...Shall Pass!

Don't Give Up before The Miracle!

Stinkin Thinkin Leads To Drinkin !...& Stinking Thinking Leads To More Stinking Thinking !

SIN! (Self Imposed Nonsense)

Don't tell GOD how big your storm is. Tell the storm how big your GOD is!

ASAP! (Always Say A Prayer)

WII-FM = Whats In It For Me? (That radio station, in our head, that we shouldn't listen to!

Life and Death

LESS is More

The Will Of GOD Will Never Take You, Where The Grace Of GOD Will Not Protect You

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Hi Group, I'm jumping in as suggested by a moderator. I tried to describe my thoughts and they were just too dark and always involve some degree of self harm when they relate to my family so my post was removed. Most of my thoughts are just too morbid to describe. It's so disturbing I don't even understand why or how my mind can reach those dark spots.


I have very consistent thoughts just after a cut or if I cut too much. My first love in HS. Every time I cut my dose he invades my sleep nightly! They are disturbing good or bad as I always feel uncomfortable thinking about him in a longing way ( I'm happily married ). Most of the dreams are not nice or sultry though  :angel:, but involve rejection. The past 2 nights all my dreams revolved around him. My last big cut I hunted him down and almost met with him...which would not have been a good idea at all! I had to delete him from my FB and Instagram so I would no longer be tempted to talk to him. It dose feel very much like OCD.

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Prolove I'm so sorry.  I've been getting them recently but they have not been a big part of my recovery.  But lately, after a big trigger I've been having them.


fear that I've done something wrong regarding my kids--it's sort of vague and generates tons of fear

fear that I've lost the ability to parent

fear of being stuck in this place of terror and mental torment

fear of not recovering


My worst thought involve my daughter and they are terrifying! I didn't know how to word it in a way that was safe for the group but being stuck in a place of torment is a good safe way to put it. Anything bad relating to her is torment and while my thoughts are so remote I feel like there is a strong likelihood they will happen.


THIS TOO SHALL PASS.  Hang in there everyone.  xo

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I can't stand them either. I hate the violent thoughts they give me sometimes. I grew up in a really violent house as a kid. So it's especially troubling to me. I won't even list any here as they are too disturbing. What's even worse is I have an art degree,  so my visual imagination is very detailed. Ugh!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Prolove I'm so sorry.  I've been getting them recently but they have not been a big part of my recovery.  But lately, after a big trigger I've been having them.


fear that I've done something wrong regarding my kids--it's sort of vague and generates tons of fear

fear that I've lost the ability to parent

fear of being stuck in this place of terror and mental torment

fear of not recovering


THIS TOO SHALL PASS.  Hang in there everyone.  xo


Not sure why I quoted you and never commented 🙄. These are my exact thoughts that torment me the most. Harm of my daughter or her being taken. I fear putting pictures of her online and am terrified when her and my husband drive together without me. I can no longer watch the news as it seems they sensationalize stories involving family tragedy. Some of them are so graphic I refuse to even share them with my husband. Once I told him one and he broke down in tears.

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