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Exercise... it is still working for me.


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As stated it has done wonders for my confidence and awareness of how strong and dependable my body actually is. I had my physical, had doc o.k. my exercise and I havent looked back since.  I am running 4 miles every other day and doing weight training the other days. It isn't pretty but I don't care. I am seeing a light at the end of this tunnel. I have to travel for work tomorrow and am even sort of looking forward to it. Love and fast healing for us all. We can do this. So many others have. One day, one step, one rep at a time. Boom!
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Exercise is helping me a lot too!!! I used to mostly power lift, but because I'm older now (58 yrs old), I'm finding that aerobic type exercising is helping me more overall, and especially during this taper. If I'm having a bad day with withdrawals, I can go ride my bike ... 10 miles to 20 miles ... and they're significantly reduced! Most of my major side effects are muscle related (jittery, muscle pain/cramps/spasms, heart palpitations, etc.), so I guess exercising helping makes sense. Also, it makes me tired, so I sleep well.  :thumbsup:
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Hey man,


good post.. I'm so glad I'm not the only one posting on exercise.. a lot of people don't seem to want to look at exercise as a way to help them recover from this benzo mess..?  but, i'm so glad i did, and have been working out hard, for the past 2.5 months.. I'm doing a ton of cardio / week.. I'm up to about 52 minutes a day at the gym, and I'm sweating a ton - feels so good after I'm done..


anyway, i guess it's been posted before, but i wrote one the other day about that book, "spark" and how exercise improves our brains - I'm all for it.. if there's anything I can do to help my poor brain recover, i'm all about it.. even if I have to work out when i feel shitty..


i'm 6 months post jump from 8.5 years on benzos, and now i'm in the 3rd week of my resperadal taper (i got put on an anti-psychotic mood stabilizer a few years ago, when i was in tolerance w/d), and i bring this up, because i'm using exercise to fight off the w/d symptoms from it..


have you read the book, "Spark" by john ratey, md?


thanks for posting this, people have got to know they can do something to help themselves, besides sit on their hands and wait for "time" to heal them..



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I have the book SPARK sitting by my keyboard! :-) I got it a week ago, but haven't read it yet. I'm actually focused on my dad, who is having health issues, but will take this with me to MD Anderson next week, and read it during some of our down time.
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I too have been a person that has worked out all my life and I am able to do more. Through this process of reducing my medication I have never stopped working out but was down to doing 5 minutes on the elliptical. I keep testing myself periodically to see if I am able to do more and 3 weeks ago I went for a 25 minute bike ride on a bike trail in mypark system. I noticed that I felt more positive and didn't have a lot of symptom  the next day. I have been riding everyday for the last 21 days and just this week have gone back into the weight room today doing 3 sets of bench presses some shoulder work and some lat pull Downs it has been positive for me so far. Please keep the positive post going because it is beneficial for me that's for sure
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