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Does anyone take lexapro?


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I was curious if anyone took lexapro while on Valium or other benzos. Not necessarily to help with withdrawal but to help with depression. Dr. wants me to take this and I wanted to know if anyone has had any success or problems with this drug.
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I started an SSRI a couple of weeks ago to help with depression from all this. It made things worse and flared everything up. So I stopped and I'm still feeling worse 4 days later. Especially the heart palpitations which I havn't had at all in this taper. It can definitely help some people and make this easier. But they always make you feel worse before better. For me, it wasn't worth it and now I wish I had just stuck to my taper. Hindsight ey? :tickedoff:
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That's what I want to avoid. I don't want my mind playing tricks on me. Is this the anti depressant or the withdrawals causing any kind of side effect. If anyone else has used lexapro could you please post your expierence?
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Lexapro make you numb  at least in my case. I lost food sensation. You lose your sex drive or can be completely eliminated. Don't take it. Don't mix lots of drug. All these drug can do one thing good and 100 things bad.
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Yes, I went down the same path and took Lexapro for a while. It's bad stuff. It doesn't help with benzo withdrawal symptoms; it may even make them worse. It causes weight gain. It causes sexual dysfunction. It doesn't actually relieve depression, it just makes you feel drugged in a different way than benzos. Plus it's another drug you'll have to withdraw from someday, once you get dependent. Doctors seem to want to prescribe it for benzo withdrawal, but they're completely wrongheaded about this.
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I started LEXAPRO after I had jumped from 20 years of Clonazepam. I soon realized it was addictive and got off of it completely. However, I'm taking BUSPIRONE because it is the ONLY non-addictive anti-anxiety agent. It DOES help me with stress and anxiety, but if I miss doses it doesn't matter (except I can feel the anxiety creep back.)


Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor and shouldn't recommend anything to you. What I've stated about drugs is only what has happened for me, and it could be totally different for you. Just a suggestion not based on anything!  :)  Be careful with anti depressants.  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:

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I'm on Lexapro 1,25 mg. I tapered from 5 mg, which I used to take for a month in May last year. It causes brain fog. And benzos already cause brain fog... It is addictive, difficult to give it up completely. You feel OK for about 3 weeks, then all hell breaks loose... I'm also on 40 mg Valium, looking for an SSRI that would help with taper, but so far Lexapro causes the minimum sx. But I don't like this drug... I wonder if SSRIs are good at all, they are highly marketed for sure.
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Lexapro was the reason I was prescribed Klonopin. I was feeling like crap for 3 months after I stopped taking tramadol for migraines and had no idea I was suffering from withdrawal. My Dr. had no idea either, he said I had a chemical imbalance and gave me Lexapro which didn't help but made it worse.  After awhile on Lexapro I developed really bad anxiety and so he prescribed me Klonopin. I didn't need any of these toxic chemicals. The withdrawal I was going through from the tramadol was a picnic compared to Klonopin hell. The only answer is to get these chemicals out of our bodies. Don't take more.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Couldn't agree more with RJ9. Adding more stuff just complicates things and makes you lose your mind wondering what's causing what. It sent me into a panic for about a month wondering if I'd permanently made everything worse. I'm steering clear, until I'm off benzos and then maybe I'll try in future when my body is clear.
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I think antidepressants tend to work better when there are no benzos involved..But they're technically mild CNS stimulants and may have been a gateway to benzos in my case. Your mileage may vary. Once you've been benzod, they just make things worse.
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Lexapro is one of the hardest ADs to get off of with a whole host of symptoms. I would refrain from taking yet another drug that messes with your brain while trying to heal from benzo damage.


I got off of Lexapro 3 months ago after a 5 week taper. It was supposed to be a 10 week taper but I got sick and tired of the medicine. I had really bad brain zaps for about a month and a half afterwards. I dealt with a lot of depression, too.


Now I'm pretty stable. I have windows that last about 8 days then have 3 day waves.

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My doc gave me Lexapro in hopes of getting me off Xanax and relieving my "anxiety," which turned out to be interdose withdrawals.  Lexapro made me so anxious and revved me up so much that it doubled my Xanax dose.  I stopped taking it after three days and was able to get my Xanax back to baseline levels after it wore off, and ultimately crossed over to Valium to taper.  I've had this same experience with every SSRI I've ever tried, like I'm all anxious and jittery and about to jump out of my skin.  So anyway, that was a poor plan on my doc's part.
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I'm one who was prescribed 10 mg Lexapro as I was tapering off 2m Xanax er.  I have taken Lexapro for about 5 1/2 mos.  I am 2 mos benzo free.  I have no idea if Lexapro is helping me.  I am in a fog but would be anyway based on benzo withdrawal.  I now want to stop the Lexapro after reading this thread.  After 5 mos of use, will it be hard to stop?
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  • 3 weeks later...
I started Lexapro a few months before I came off Valium. When I have my windows, "normal" feels much better than it did before I started anything. Other than a few side effects in the first week, no other side effects. Am seriously considering upping my dose. Just wanted to add a positive datapoint to the negative ones here.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I was given Lexapro for my "anxiety" by my pdoc when I first jumped off a short course of benzos. I took 5mg for about a week. Gave me the runs and made my dreams more vivid, I know you have to take them longer for them to work properly, but I think it's just another drug to withdraw from and seriously not worth the trouble. 
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