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Microtapering? Here's a spreadsheet that should help dry or liquid taperers.


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With all of the discussion/confusion about how to set up a daily micro taper, I thought that I'd try to create a MS Excel Spreadsheet that would do much of the calculations for you.  The form that I created looks like this...




I think that the form is fairly self-explanatory.  Basically, a user simply enters a little info in the pink boxes (left of the Tapering Progress graph).  Each morning, the user would enter 10 values describing their withdrawal symptom intensity for that day.  Based on that rating, a small cut is suggested.  The worse you feel, the smaller the suggested cut.  The spreadsheet will calculate the amount that you either weigh out (based on the weight of an intact pill) or the amount of liquid that you take (based on how much liquid you dissolve your pill in). 


You can override the suggested cut by simply entering a number (0-6) in the blue box to the right of your daily ratings.


Most reductions are based on the standard Ashton exponential decay model of tapering.  The faster rates employ linear or hybrid taper models.  Unlike exponential decay models, the hybrid and linear models will actually reach zero without the need to jump.  The form will automatically generate two graphs - one shows your tapering progress; the other shows your 'healing' progress.


The form can be downloaded here:  http://aslc-nm.org/Universal_Tapering_Guide2.xlsm


Note that the form contains a macro.  The macro allows the graphs to be updated should you wish to change the proposed taper duration.  You'll have to allow the macro to run if you want to be able to change that parameter and have the graphs adjust accordingly. 


Hopefully, this will be of use to the community.  I'm happy to answer all questions you may have and support you in using the form.

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Hi there,


As an engineer this is a god send. I live my life with spreadsheets and science!!!


Have downloaded and started using.


Maybe im rating my feeling too high but when i stuck them in it suggested i cut by 0.05!!


I overrode it to 0.02 anyway and will see how i go.


I think its good the fact that it makes you question exactly how you are feeling and document it.


I was doing this in a diary but this is much more useful.


Fair play for going tote time to do this.


Ill be checking in every morning with this!





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If you think the suggested rate is too high, increase the number of days in the 'Proposed Taper Duration'. 
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Thanks so much. I will be definitely looking at this. I don't know why it seems so difficult to wrap our heads around a plan. I think maybe its because we read too many diff ways of tapering and for me at least it leads to the confusion. This should help so much. Thanks :)
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I made a small addition this morning.  The Base Taper Rate (based primarily on the duration of your proposed taper) now appears on line 11.  If you think it's too high or too low, you can simply adjust the proposed taper duration and instantly see a new base rate.
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Yeah its superb.


Wish there was a column for tinnitus.


This is my overriding symptom at the minute.


Excellent work!!



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I made a few more 'improvements' to the daily micro taper spreadsheet.  The taper duration can now be extended up to 600 days (was 365 days).  Also, the hybrid taper is now much more like the standard exponential decay taper.  It's now 80% decay mode; 20% linear mode (was 1:1).  The (hybrid) taper still goes all the way to zero (so no jump is necessary), but the landing is now much softer than before.


A 300-day taper begins at 0.667% per day (4.67% per week, initially)

A 400-day taper begins at 0.500% per day (3.5% per week, initially)

A 500-day taper begins at 0.400% per day (2.8% per week, initially)

A 600-day taper begins at 0.333% per day (2.33% per week, initially)


The actual tapering rate still depends on your well-being.  It will slow down the tapering rate when you are feeling poorly, and it will speed it up if you are feeling good.


The link has been changed to http://enchantedskies.net/Universal_Tapering_Guide2.xlsm

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  • 7 months later...
This looks great! I'm not great at spread sheets but this looks easy with your instructions. I'm new and still deciding on the course I will take, either way this will be SOOO helpful. Thank you!
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It's probably too fast.  I'd start at half that rate and see how you do.  It's very normal for a taper from 1 mg to take the best part of a year.  The spreadsheet will adjust the rate if you enter your symptom intensity each day.  If you're feeling good, it will increase the rate.
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Your current dose (mg) is 1.

The dose in one of your intact pills is probably 1 mg, so enter 1.

For the proposed taper duration, you probably want to try something like 365 days.  If that rate is too slow, you'll have very few symptoms so you'll enter high values for how you're feeling which will cause the rate to increase a bit.  For example, if you feel good enough to score 80-89 each day, the sheet will accelerate your taper to last just half a year.  If you feel super good every day (90+), the sheet will accelerate your tapering period to just 4 months.  If you're feeling just so-so, then a year (or more) is probably appropriate.

Then you just enter your start date, your method (Liquid or Dry), and either the weight of an intact pill (if you're a dry cutter) or the initial liquid volume that you'll use (if you're a liquid taperer). 

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Thank you so much.  That helps.  I didn't realize it could automatically speed or slow the taper.  That is amazing.  Can't believe you could make something that would do that.  Appreciate your help. I am just in the beginning stages of trying to stabilize. 
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One more quick question.  I have an old MAC computer and the macros don't work.  After I am stabile can I still use this taper schedule.  Do macros affect the automatic taper adjustments? or just the graphs?
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The pills I just refilled weigh 1.78 and in the past were at .168. When I changed the spreadsheet at the top, dry cutters weight, the numbers all changed for the whole spread sheet and says I now should be at .138 (weight) instead of .130. What to do?
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