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3,2,1: Under 3 mg Valium people


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Me Eggplant-


Yes my symptoms are purely physical and vary in intensity from one hour to the next many tines.  It’s so funny you mention CFS or chronic fatigue syndrome because I was just reading about it doing my usual “self diagnosing”.  I swear it feels like I’m dying slowly, but my doctors reassure me each time, it’s benzo WD and it’s hard!  In fact, both my doctors say that is why so many people don’t get off, because the wds are so intense.  I believe it, and I also know I’m sick on them, so the only way to go is slowly off.  I’m going to list my most bothersome and worriesome symptoms to see if you relate to any as mine are mostly all physical-


Headaches (of varying intensity but daily)


Head pressure

Ear pain

A full concrete head feeling


Jaw pain and tension/tightness

Neck/shoulder and upper back pain and tightness

Daily nausea


Sometimes heart palpitations

Cortisol/adrenaline rushes upon falling asleep

And chronic, debilitating fatigue

Oh and I can’t exercise anymore...I used to play soccer 2-4x’s a week and now I can barely mop the floors.

There are other things, but they come and go and don’t last long.



I know people don’t really specifically list their WD symptoms, but can u relate to any of those? I was going to make a doctors appt but I know everything will come back fine, as it normally does.


I often think I have some mysterious disease that no one is diagnosing...or MS or CFS, or some other health issue??


Sorry that was kinda long.  So yes, yes my symptoms are all physical but I did go through a period of mental stuff and that was horrible as I’ve never had any mental problems before.  In fact, I was prescribed my benzo after surgery for sleep.





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Phew. Read the whole thread over the past week. Full of great information and plenty of people who have now jumped. Congrats to them!


I am down to 4mg so it won't be too long until I am in this group, as long as things go ok that is.


Following this thread. See you guys soon  :)

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Phew. Read the whole thread over the past week.


Welcome! Reading the whole thread in a week was quite a feat. :P


I am tapering my last 2.5 mg of librium. It has been a journey. Even though my use was spread over decades and I mixed my benzo with alcohol, my taper has not been as traumatic as I had anticipated. I can't wait to be off this poison. Mirtazapine is what I shall be tapering next (after a small holiday) and I think I will go super slow with it because of all symptoms, insomnia is one thing I do not want. All symptoms are horrid but insomnia hurts more because your inability to keep a normal sleep cycle alienates you from society. Why were you prescribed mirtazapine?

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Currently at 2mg diazepam, moving to 1.5 tomorrow.


Once in a while I get a muscle jerk and some days some bouts of depression but for the most part my "daytime" symptoms have subsided.


My sleep is still broken and dream laden light sleep but with the help of alternating natural supplements (alteril) and doxylamine (unisom) I'm surviving.


I still can't gain back any of the weight I lost in the beginning. (That could be because I cut out the beer though)

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Welcome! Reading the whole thread in a week was quite a feat. :P


I am tapering my last 2.5 mg of librium. It has been a journey. Even though my use was spread over decades and I mixed my benzo with alcohol, my taper has not been as traumatic as I had anticipated. I can't wait to be off this poison. Mirtazapine is what I shall be tapering next (after a small holiday) and I think I will go super slow with it because of all symptoms, insomnia is one thing I do not want. All symptoms are horrid but insomnia hurts more because your inability to keep a normal sleep cycle alienates you from society. Why were you prescribed mirtazapine?


I was prescribed Mirt for depression but the withdrawals definitely led me into a deeper depression than those I was previously prescribed it.


Even though I'm currently still suffering with sleep issues. I could definitely manage if it never got worse than it currently is. Might actually get better if I take the time.


How long do you plan on waiting before you taper the Mirt? I'm going to force myself to wait at least 6 months. I think my previous eagerness to be med free is why I'm back in this situation.

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How long do you plan on waiting before you taper the Mirt? I'm going to force myself to wait at least 6 months. I think my previous eagerness to be med free is why I'm back in this situation.


I have had a trouble-free benzo taper (and I am near the end). I had spells of insomnia during the taper, but I never had to hold for more than a week to wait for it to resolve. Other than insomnia, the only other significant symptom I had, and have, is benzo-belly. Holding never helped ease the benzo-belly and I reckon it will take its own time to resolve after I am finished tapering. I plan on a 3 months holiday after I am done tapering, by when I presume my benzo-belly would have resolved. I might change my mind because I am actually not too worried about starting yet another taper too early because I intend starting it very slow, using a DLMT, and then reassessing my speed if symptoms emerge. I feel it is best to have a taper that is guided by symptoms (with holds to heal) than to follow a preset period of "taper holiday" or a "mandatory hold."


I was prescribed mirtazapine in 2008. I do not remember why my doctor prescribed it but I never really complained (rather reckless of me, I know). I have never tried quitting it because I am scared of withdrawals and, in any case, it was always the 2nd drug I would quit and never the first (first was benzo).


I think it is good that you are not taking mirtazapine for insomnia. I say this because even if you get insomnia while withdrawing, it should be short lived (as for me too).

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I think it is good that you are not taking mirtazapine for insomnia. I say this because even if you get insomnia while withdrawing, it should be short lived (as for me too).


Yes! Good point! I think I need to just remind myself that. I never had insomnia before withdrawal from Mirt, which I knew but it's easy to forget when you're in the thick of it.


You also make a very good point in regards to not having to wait too long before you begin withdrawing from Mirt, as long as you just begin at a slow and sensible pace. I will definitely be sticking to the 5-10% every four weeks and just get on with my life whilst I withdraw in the background. That is the plan anyway. I see no real reason why this shouldn't work. I went from 30mg to 15mg in about 4 weeks when my insomnia first kicked off. That's obviously 50% in 4 weeks, now I can see why I was probably hit so hard. But that is hindsight.


It's also good to hear from someone who openly admits their taper has been surprisingly acceptable, I think it gives other people hope. My advice for other is that your luck can literally turn in a week once you get the right taper plan going. Two weeks ago I was rock bottom and thought I was looking at months and months of the same suffering but once I stablised a bit and took it slower eventually I was out and about and back at work.



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I've been steadily reducing without much of a problem, but just a couple of days ago I started getting jittery and unsteady on my feet, and so I guess that I am looking at a hold.  Thankfully I don't have nightmares this time around. 


I held for two years on an up-dose, and now have been reducing for five and one-half months.  It seems to me that that two-year hold helped me a lot, and now the 4 mg. doesn't seem like such a big amount. 


How long do you have to hold on this low a dosage of Valium?  Many thanks.

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I think it is good that you are not taking mirtazapine for insomnia. I say this because even if you get insomnia while withdrawing, it should be short lived (as for me too).


Yes! Good point! I think I need to just remind myself that. I never had insomnia before withdrawal from Mirt, which I knew but it's easy to forget when you're in the thick of it.


You also make a very good point in regards to not having to wait too long before you begin withdrawing from Mirt, as long as you just begin at a slow and sensible pace. I will definitely be sticking to the 5-10% every four weeks and just get on with my life whilst I withdraw in the background. That is the plan anyway. I see no real reason why this shouldn't work. I went from 30mg to 15mg in about 4 weeks when my insomnia first kicked off. That's obviously 50% in 4 weeks, now I can see why I was probably hit so hard. But that is hindsight.


It's also good to hear from someone who openly admits their taper has been surprisingly acceptable, I think it gives other people hope. My advice for other is that your luck can literally turn in a week once you get the right taper plan going. Two weeks ago I was rock bottom and thought I was looking at months and months of the same suffering but once I stablised a bit and took it slower eventually I was out and about and back at work.


Yes, your mirtazapine taper of 50% in four weeks was rather fast. It has to be started slowly. The other thing I did different this time was exercise daily. I had heard too many people extol the virtues of rigorous exercise during withdrawal, that I had to try it. I must add that my first attempt at taper was a dry cut of 12% and it put me straight into hell. Then I started exercising and doing a DLMT and things became surprisingly easy!


And yes, luck can change overnight if one gets the right strategy in place. It is a bit of privilege to have time to frame a right strategy (because some get forced to do a CT or fast taper), and I feel there is always a right pace for everyone -- one just has to find it. Since it is a psychiatric drug, things might never be linear and the right pace can be right next to a very bad one. It is important to be persistent and not give up.

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I have been tapering for 6 months and am approaching the end.


It is not just withdrawal that I have been going through. Even after all withdrawal ceases, there is something left that is exposed and uncovered -- me. I am experiencing me now and I am having difficult getting used to my mind for there is no longer an alcohol or a benzo to act as a mediator in the encounter. There is a big sense of defeat and loss of self-worth.


But, in a way, I am also glad that this is happening. For one, I do not look at the people who meditate, pray or live simple, as a bunch of losers or weak people. If they are weak, then so am I. I am not ashamed to meditate and pray now.


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I have been tapering for 6 months and am approaching the end.


It is not just withdrawal that I have been going through. Even after all withdrawal ceases, there is something left that is exposed and uncovered -- me. I am experiencing me now and I am having difficult getting used to my mind for there is no longer an alcohol or a benzo to act as a mediator in the encounter. There is a big sense of defeat and loss of self-worth.


But, in a way, I am also glad that this is happening. For one, I do not look at the people who meditate, pray or live simple, as a bunch of losers or weak people. If they are weak, then so am I. I am not ashamed to meditate and pray now.


Yes I believe a lot of withdrawal may be suppressed emotions rising to the surface. After being medicated a long time, it takes some skill, understanding and self compassion to integrate this.





I'm down to 0.3mg valium and beginning a daily microtaper in a few days. My plan is to take 80 days to reach zero. A rate of 0.00375 per day.


I'm also thinking of building in a "brake" to this plan - if I sleep less than 4.5 hours, I'll hold until I do. If sleep is ok, I'll carry on. Sleep seems to be a really good reflection of both withdrawal intensity and ability to handle the next cut... So this seems wise. I'm hoping I can be completely off in 3-4 months.

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Congratulations eggplant on hitting 0.3 mg. That is quite a feat!


Yes, sleep is a deal breaker for me too. If I get insomnia, I stop tapering. Luckily, I have not had to hold for more than a week on this count.

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Hi MeEggplant,

Best wishes for tapering your final 0.3 mg. It sounds like you have worked out a good plan to be free of Valium for good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I am actually, for reals, at .75 mg’s.  I was miscalculating for awhile but now know for sure as I have .75 dry pills left.


Anyways, am in pretty bad shape so I’m planning on holding for awhile and then will continue.  I’ve mentioned a few times, my hope is to be off by May, which I know is fast, but I’ll jump at .25 to only .50 left to taper.  That’s my plan, but it can change daily!  Lol

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Lack of sleep was what I was banking on also.  But it didn't happen, and I WAS tapering too fast.  Now I am holding, and after more than two weeks of a hold, my symptoms are calming down.


So my point is that sleep is not always a good indication of whether it is OK to keep reducing Valium.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm at 0.27 now.


It's pretty crazy, but I'm finding 0.5 to 0 harder than 5 to 0.5.


Small doses have the biggest % effect ? Hypersensitivity ? So worn our from withdrawals that small cuts impact more? Or previous cuts catching up? Not sure..... Probably not important.


Holding for 2 months  didn't make me any more stable, so just going to carry on steadily to 0  :thumbsup:


Hope everyone is well and that many are finishing their tapers soon

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Hi Mr Eggplant,

You could try really small daily cuts of 0.001 mg. It is not likely to feel different from holding at 0.27 mg but you will be moving steadily forward. I made daily cuts of 0.00333 mg from 0.9 mg to 0.6333 mg. That about the same percentage as cuts of 0.001 mg from 0.27 mg.

Good luck,


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Am ever Amazed at the effects of V, below 1mg..!!

-I think time has saved me while pill splitting down..!

My 3-ish month post cut holds were interesting to the end each time..

My best to all..

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Started my taper from .75 mgs two days ago...hoping for the best.


Still feeling pretty crappy most days, but I did have a window this weekend and it was nice, but woke up sick again today.  Argh!!!!


Well onward and downward (in my taper case).

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Am ever Amazed at the effects of V, below 1mg..!!

-I think time has saved me while pill splitting down..!

My 3-ish month post cut holds were interesting to the end each time..

My best to all..



What has been your experience under 1?



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Hi Mr Eggplant,

You could try really small daily cuts of 0.001 mg. It is not likely to feel different from holding at 0.27 mg but you will be moving steadily forward. I made daily cuts of 0.00333 mg from 0.9 mg to 0.6333 mg. That about the same percentage as cuts of 0.001 mg from 0.27 mg.

Good luck,



Thanks Peter. On one level such small reductions does appeal to me, but on another if would take ~270 days to get off.


I have never been stable throughout my taper, or even initially while I was on my highest dose. It seems I metabolise it rapidly and have significant rebound and side effects. Therefore, there is no real "stabilising" to refer to when it comes to determining the pace. I'm inclined to think I might actually be way better when I just off V. But I'm very tired and don't want another run of zero hours sleep. It doesn't seem worth it. Better to be self compassionate. I'm currently cutting ~0.005 every few days. But maybe even reductions daily is a better idea as you say.



Out of curiosity, what kind of meditation do you do?



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Am ever Amazed at the effects of V, below 1mg..!!

-I think time has saved me while pill splitting down..!

My 3-ish month post cut holds were interesting to the end each time..

My best to all..



What has been your experience under 1?

I guess that some SX have gone, the ones that were so out of character and unexpected, But in most ways, low dose has been every bit as strong as prescribed or higher doses...

I think for most people low and slow stands true...

I tried to jump from 0.5V but it hit me real hard a couple of months out, and im fighting for stability at 0.25V... -more healing time needed...




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Am ever Amazed at the effects of V, below 1mg..!!

-I think time has saved me while pill splitting down..!

My 3-ish month post cut holds were interesting to the end each time..

My best to all..



What has been your experience under 1?

I guess that some SX have gone, the ones that were so out of character and unexpected, But in most ways, low dose has been every bit as strong as prescribed or higher doses...

I think for most people low and slow stands true...

I tried to jump from 0.5V but it hit me real hard a couple of months out, and im fighting for stability at 0.25V... -more healing time needed...


Are your symptoms physical?  If so, have you found anything that helps?

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Am ever Amazed at the effects of V, below 1mg..!!

-I think time has saved me while pill splitting down..!

My 3-ish month post cut holds were interesting to the end each time..

My best to all..



What has been your experience under 1?

I guess that some SX have gone, the ones that were so out of character and unexpected, But in most ways, low dose has been every bit as strong as prescribed or higher doses...

I think for most people low and slow stands true...

I tried to jump from 0.5V but it hit me real hard a couple of months out, and im fighting for stability at 0.25V... -more healing time needed...


Are your symptoms physical?  If so, have you found anything that helps?


Wanted to add that im sorry you’re getting hit so hard on .25 mg!  Inconceivable.

Will you continue to hold? 

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