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Nova, I still get the neck of cement too. I am still getting some relief with a moist hot pack to as much of the area as possible. I lay out a bath towel flat, run a smaller bath towel under water, wring it out, roll it, nuke it in the micro for 3 minutes, roll it up inside the larger bath towel. You should end up with  long rolled double hot pack. It will be long enough to wrap your neck and have ends long enough to cover the front of your shoulders....Sounds way more complicated than it is. .....Hope it helps a little. I find it more helpful than a heating pad because the heat is moist and the pack is a somewhat weighted.  Carry on friend... thinking of you.....coop
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Siggy ... running on fumes ... well, hopefully you can get some respite this evening and over the weekend ... if you lived up here you could have a three day weekend ... Thanksgiving up here on Monday ...


The three day week-end would be nice!

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Hi Coop ... thanks for the tip ... don't own a microwave ... Nova The Luddite ...


I think I can rig some moist heat up though ... will try that ... this one is a little freaky ... haven't had it this intense in the neck before ... and effects my arms a little when I reach ... oh well ... always something entertainingly new ...

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Nova so sorry!  I of course can't feel your pain but it sounds similar to something I had going on last month! It was dreadful!  I found moist heat like Coop said very helpful! I used some essential peppermint oil on the area as well!  It definitely brought the misery to a manageable level! 


Sorry Again, hope you find some relief!  :smitten:

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Well I think the wheel of misfortune,( love that one Drew) quit spinning so darn much today!  Do I dare say it?  So far so good today  ???


Not great not bad but definitely ok I think I am going to try to stay here for awhile! Hopefully I will not get  any bonus spins! 


Happy Friday to ya all!  Wishing everyone a sun break over the wknd!


:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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nova-that neck shit sucks..I get it too.


sig-what the hell???You sign me up for your no sleep club?  I don't want a membership.  Slept about 3-4 hours and now I am symptomatic with breathing crap.  I alos have some dizziness from the out of breath feeling.  Very aware of my breath and it's not fun. oh well... I've had it before and it passes.  It is way less intense than it used to be and I cling to that hope of everything just lessening in intensity right under my nose without me noticing


This work form home on Fridays is great. I am just as effective as in the office but nobody can see what a zombie I look like.


Jen-glad you got a sunbreak. 


Congtrats aqua


coop-I expect to see you less and less on here.  I like that towel thingy.

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Ugh...  Trying not to complain super grateful that this anxiety and throat stuff has stayed gone! 

Nothing is worse than that!


Had a pretty good day! Ran errands visited with friends for a bit! Stopped at Target on my way home this afternoon and all of a sudden thought I was going to pass out! Not nervouse just dizzy!  Made it home! The left side of my face is beat read and feels as if it were on fire!  I have this tension in my head and eyes! Running down my neck into my shoulders! And my heart pounded for a good half hour which hasn't happened in a long time!  So, I guess I ended up with some bonus spins on the wheel of misfortune!    :tickedoff: :tickedoff: :tickedoff:


But as I said no anxiety and my throat and tummy are pretty good!  So I guess I will take it!  :crazy:

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Well ... this, for me, really weird neck stuff is an adventure ... can't say that it is painful ... more hard pressure ... and jolts and some spasms ...


And if it was anything other than this recovery I think my head may have detached today ... funny how stuff goes away and then comes back in a different guise or configuration ...


Okay, I have been entertained enough ... you can stop anytime that is convenient ...  :crazy:

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Jen ... I see you have been to the "symptom exchange" today ... I think I went while I was sleeping last night ... must have been sleep walking down to the exchange ...
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Lol, I hear you completely Nova!


All my sx are gone now except this heart rate thingy! That I haven't had forever! Today has truly been a wired one!  That's for sure!  :crazy:


But I truly can deal with it!    :thumbsup:


  The only things that really seem to lock me in these days are the throat thingy which I am learning to deal with better. But that crawl out of your skin anxiety.....  You know not the normal stuff the chemical wicked all consuming stuff!  I don't think I will ever deal with that better!  Any day I don't have to deal with that is a good day in my book! At least during this whole healing process! 


Stay strong we are healing!  Hopefully that darn wheel will stop spinning tomorrow!





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Hi Coop ... I see your light on ... almost 3 AM here ... I shut down very early last night ... got some rest ... the neck thingie seems to have slowed down some ... not gone ... maybe it is still sleeping ...


Hope you are doing well ...  :smitten:

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Good Morning ...


Had a curious dream ...


Someone posted the "healing formula" on a BB thread ... I started to read the post ... and the post was huge and endless ... you could scroll down forever and never reach the end of the post ... endless text ... and scattered in the text, randomly, where short snippets of the "formula" ...


I did not read the text of the post, I was anxiously searching for the "formula" ... I ignored the text of the post ... scrolling endlessly ... and I recorded the snippets as they appeared ... strings of letters, the "U-C-A-G" of the genetic code ... each snippet came in a sting of fourteen letters ... and the string of snippets seem to go on and on and on ...


I kept on doing this until I fell asleep in the dream ...


Hmmm ...



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Morning all,


Nova, they say dreams are healing..strange dream you had..hmm.


I didn't sleep much last night..I kept waking up with a feeling of restlessness. I was walking around from room to room like a ghost last night...looking for something to get into. So here I am at 3 am cleaning my curio cabinet. After I got all of the glass cleaned inside and out I was to tired to put everything back in place. It was just what I needed to go back to bed and sleep.


As far as my healing is going..it's coming along very slowly. The waves are still with me but less intense. Anxiety has mostly left. I still have some low grade depression from time to time.

Of course the nerve and muscle pain are still with me..they will be the last to go.

I still get the cog fog and brain freeze...still a struggle for words..except when I'm having a temper tantrum..I can find many words to describe my thoughts of anger...imagine that. :tickedoff:

I am able to feel love once again and give it back in small portions. Still have some emotional blurting but nothing like early on.

I.just got back in church again..haven't been since last Easter due to my second year worsening of symptoms. I don't even think about  the anniversary months anymore...healing. :thumbsup:

As far as diet I am still sensitive to a lot of foods...very little sugar and no caffeine or chocolate. I did have a small pancake the other day with some maple syrup..it was so good and it did rev me up a little but worth it.

I am able to watch tv again and enjoy it...hard to watch a movie but a few shows I like , Food Network, HGTV, Alaskan Bush People, I love anything reality on tv.


Yep, this healing is very slow, but I and we all are healing and going to be healed.

Don't listen to the benzo beast and keep taking those baby steps till you are ready to run.


Healing happens to us all. :smitten:




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Hi Beulah ... good to hear from you ... this small incremental healing is a long slog for some of us ...


Enjoy your weekend ...  :smitten:

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Hi all,


I have been lurking for a while as I've not felt well enough to post and it's been so tough just going to work and putting on a false face. All your posts are so familiar and it brings me comfort that I'm not fading away, although I hate my buddies suffering. Just feel so exhausted today and after a brief sunbreak yesterday back to feeling toxic and all the rest. Cognition is really bad today too ugh!! Nova, I too have been dreaming about wd and the neck thing is here too. I hardly had it yesterday so that proves it is a symptom and will go away eventually for good. It's 18 months tomorrow since I stopped and I'm having a hard time still feeling like I do today. Yesterday afternoon I felt some progress, today can hardly move, breathe....... so cruel.  :smitten:




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Morning all,


Nova, they say dreams are healing..strange dream you had..hmm.


I didn't sleep much last night..I kept waking up with a feeling of restlessness. I was walking around from room to room like a ghost last night...looking for something to get into. So here I am at 3 am cleaning my curio cabinet. After I got all of the glass cleaned inside and out I was to tired to put everything back in place. It was just what I needed to go back to bed and sleep.


As far as my healing is going..it's coming along very slowly. The waves are still with me but less intense. Anxiety has mostly left. I still have some low grade depression from time to time.

Of course the nerve and muscle pain are still with me..they will be the last to go.

I still get the cog fog and brain freeze...still a struggle for words..except when I'm having a temper tantrum..I can find many words to describe my thoughts of anger...imagine that. :tickedoff:

I am able to feel love once again and give it back in small portions. Still have some emotional blurting but nothing like early on.

I.just got back in church again..haven't been since last Easter due to my second year worsening of symptoms. I don't even think about  the anniversary months anymore...healing. :thumbsup:

As far as diet I am still sensitive to a lot of foods...very little sugar and no caffeine or chocolate. I did have a small pancake the other day with some maple syrup..it was so good and it did rev me up a little but worth it.

I am able to watch tv again and enjoy it...hard to watch a movie but a few shows I like , Food Network, HGTV, Alaskan Bush People, I love anything reality on tv.


Yep, this healing is very slow, but I and we all are healing and going to be healed.

Don't listen to the benzo beast and keep taking those baby steps till you are ready to run.


Healing happens to us all. :smitten:


Lovely positive update Beulah, good to hear from you. I will keep those last 2 sentences with me today  :smitten:



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Great update Beulah.  :smitten:


Marj...18 months!!!!  You know healing can happen at any time and it will.


I have had two decent days in a row.  Periods of symptomatic times but times I actually felt good. First of all my anxiety is way down recently.  Even with my symptoms I've been able to separate them. I get brief jumps in the level or a quick panic but it leaves.  My DR has been here for a few minutes here or there but nothing like the days straight I used to get. I'm also feeling energetic and want to do things.  I'm getting some brain and head stuff but it's at a level where I can be present.  As you all know my brain symptoms w a lack f being able to handle stress are my worst symptoms right now. My morning yucks w anxiety, racing heart, etc...are 1/10th of what they've been. More of an annoyance. Even with the nightmares I get almost every night my sleep seems more restful w fewer wake ups.


I try not to tie any thing I do to my recovery as it can lead you down a rabbit whole but I went to paleo diet from gluten free four days ago. That means in addition to wheat I've cut out most dairy, rice, and corn(if I want it I will have it). Since I made the switch I have been ravenously eating more and more food. Yet I haven't gained a pound. I attribute this maybe falsely to my body screaming out for what it needs. My Dr wanted me to do this way of eating to get the anti inflammatory effects to help w migraines, pain, and withdrawal symptoms.  I started out w the gluten free in March or so and now I've made the jump. I ate very clean but I'm hoping the additional tweaks may help. Interesting to see where this takes me.


After typing all this I will probably get a migraine and be in a wave :smitten:

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Hi Beulah ... good to hear from you ... this small incremental healing is a long slog for some of us ...


Enjoy your weekend ...  :smitten:


Thank you Nova. Hope you have a nice quiet weekend also. :smitten:

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Morning all,


Nova, they say dreams are healing..strange dream you had..hmm.


I didn't sleep much last night..I kept waking up with a feeling of restlessness. I was walking around from room to room like a ghost last night...looking for something to get into. So here I am at 3 am cleaning my curio cabinet. After I got all of the glass cleaned inside and out I was to tired to put everything back in place. It was just what I needed to go back to bed and sleep.


As far as my healing is going..it's coming along very slowly. The waves are still with me but less intense. Anxiety has mostly left. I still have some low grade depression from time to time.

Of course the nerve and muscle pain are still with me..they will be the last to go.

I still get the cog fog and brain freeze...still a struggle for words..except when I'm having a temper tantrum..I can find many words to describe my thoughts of anger...imagine that. :tickedoff:

I am able to feel love once again and give it back in small portions. Still have some emotional blurting but nothing like early on.

I.just got back in church again..haven't been since last Easter due to my second year worsening of symptoms. I don't even think about  the anniversary months anymore...healing. :thumbsup:

As far as diet I am still sensitive to a lot of foods...very little sugar and no caffeine or chocolate. I did have a small pancake the other day with some maple syrup..it was so good and it did rev me up a little but worth it.

I am able to watch tv again and enjoy it...hard to watch a movie but a few shows I like , Food Network, HGTV, Alaskan Bush People, I love anything reality on tv.


Yep, this healing is very slow, but I and we all are healing and going to be healed.

Don't listen to the benzo beast and keep taking those baby steps till you are ready to run.


Healing happens to us all. :smitten:


Lovely positive update Beulah, good to hear from you. I will keep those last 2 sentences with me today  :smitten:


Thanks Mari.! I have lived by the last two sentences and it is very helpful in my healing.

Hope you have a relaxing weekend. :smitten:

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So many positive posts!  Yay!  For all of you "feeling the healing," hooray for you!


I had a long talk with God and myself yesterday.  So much suffering with anxiety, heart palps, revved chest, head whooshing, panting, etc. with no let up for 11 months.  Just wanted to know why my prayers hadn't been answered for two years of begging for relief.  Didn't get any visions or huge revelations, but last night went to a neighbor's and had a couple of glasses of wine and good conversation.  Before bedtime, no head whooshing for the first time in 11 months since jump.  Today the anxiety has gone down by about half.  We will see how the rest of the day goes.


We can't ever give up, Buddies. We must grab onto the ropes of hope that we find inside ourselves when we continue to dig deep during the really rough times.  The ropes are there, we've just got to cling to them.  We will all heal eventually.  Everyone heals eventually.

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Great update Beulah.  :smitten:


Marj...18 months!!!!  You know healing can happen at any time and it will.


I have had two decent days in a row.  Periods of symptomatic times but times I actually felt good. First of all my anxiety is way down recently.  Even with my symptoms I've been able to separate them. I get brief jumps in the level or a quick panic but it leaves.  My DR has been here for a few minutes here or there but nothing like the days straight I used to get. I'm also feeling energetic and want to do things.  I'm getting some brain and head stuff but it's at a level where I can be present.  As you all know my brain symptoms w a lack f being able to handle stress are my worst symptoms right now. My morning yucks w anxiety, racing heart, etc...are 1/10th of what they've been. More of an annoyance. Even with the nightmares I get almost every night my sleep seems more restful w fewer wake ups.


I try not to tie any thing I do to my recovery as it can lead you down a rabbit whole but I went to paleo diet from gluten free four days ago. That means in addition to wheat I've cut out most dairy, rice, and corn(if I want it I will have it). Since I made the switch I have been ravenously eating more and more food. Yet I haven't gained a pound. I attribute this maybe falsely to my body screaming out for what it needs. My Dr wanted me to do this way of eating to get the anti inflammatory effects to help w migraines, pain, and withdrawal symptoms.  I started out w the gluten free in March or so and now I've made the jump. I ate very clean but I'm hoping the additional tweaks may help. Interesting to see where this takes me.


After typing all this I will probably get a migraine and be in a wave :smitten:


Thanks drew! Hope you don't go down a rabbit hole. I'm able to eat without gaining also..we should consider ourselves very lucky. I think it has to do with the adrenaline in my case.


Hope your weekend is quiet. :smitten:







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Hey you guys, does anyone still have the startled reflex? I still have it big time. I was sweeping my patio yesterday and a bird flew by me..I jumped out of my skin. When my husband walks into a room where I am I jump. Never did have this before..hoping it leaves soon.



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Beulah ... startle reflex ... mine disappeared a while ago ... then ... came back yesterday with the neck stuff ... perhaps they are cousins and both wanted to come to the same party ... who knows ...
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